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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top -- [A1]123top.php  

From a Thar, a Squared Set after everyone Face In, or from other applicable formations. EN: 10
起始队形为 Thar, 从 Squared Set 所有人做 Face In 后的队形, 或其他可适用的队形. CH: 10
Arm Turn 1/2; Move forward (Centers in a star, Outsides around the outside) in a Circular path to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top. EN: 20
Arm Turn 1/2; 沿圆形路线向前移动 (Centers 搭成星, Outsides 沿着外围) 直到与第n个舞者相遇, 1/4 Top 时 n= 1, 1/2 Top 时 n = 2, 3/4 Top 时 n = 3. CH: 20
Ends in a Thar. EN: 30
结束队形为 Thar. CH: 30
1/4 Top, 1/2 Top, and 3/4 Top are known as fractional tops. They are based on the call All Eight Spin The Top [Plus]. EN: 40
1/4 Top, 1/2 Top, 和 3/4 Top 称为分数的 top. 它们是基于口令 All Eight Spin The Top [Plus]. CH: 40
On All Eight Spin The Top, everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2 then moves up to meet the 4-th dancer. EN: 50
对于 All Eight Spin The Top, 每个人都做一个 Arm Turn 1/2, 然后向前移动直到遇到第4个舞者. CH: 50
On 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top, everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2 then moves up to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top. EN: 60
对于 All Eight Spin The Top, 每个人都做一个 Arm Turn 1/2, 然后向前移动直到遇到第n 个舞者, 1/4 Top 时 n = 1, 1/2 Top时n = 2, 3/4 Top 时 n = 3. CH: 60
Do not rush these calls. In particular, these calls are often called in rapid succession (e.g., 3/4 Top, followed by a 1/4 Top, followed by a 1/2 Top, etc.). Do not get over-anxious and start another Arm Turn 1/2 until you actually hear the next call. EN: 70
做这些口令时不要仓促. 特别是, 这些口令经常快速连续的喊出来(例如, 3/4 Top, 紧接着 1/4 Top, 再紧接着 1/2 Top, 等等). 不要很着急地开始做又一个 Arm Turn 1/2, 而是要确实听到了下一个口令时再做. CH: 70
Verbally or mentally count the dancers as they go by. Count to 3 for 3/4 Top; 2 for 1/2 Top, and 1 for 1/4 Top. EN: 80
在经过舞者时口里或心里数着数目. 3/4 Top 时数到 3; 1/2 Top 时数到 2, 1/4 Top 时数到 1. CH: 80
The first part of these calls is to Arm Turn 1/2. Therefore, if the call is 1/4 Top, don't try to start by doing a 1/4 turn. EN: 90
这些口令的第一部分是一个 Arm Turn 1/2. 因此, 若口令是 1/4 Top, 不要在开始时做成一个 1/4 的转动. CH: 90
Additional starting formations for EN: 100

 6 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [A1]6by2aceydeucey.php  

From Twin Diamonds, an Hourglass, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
起始队形为 Twin Diamonds, Hourglass, 或其他可适用的队形. CH: 10
Outside 6 Circulate as Very Center 2 Trade. EN: 20
Outside 6 做 Circulate 同时 Very Center 2 做 Trade. CH: 20
Ends in the same formation as the starting formation, unless two dancers meet on the same spot. EN: 25
结束队形与起始队形相同, 除非出现两位舞者在同一位置相遇的情况. CH: 25
The Outside 6 Circulate within their distorted 6-dancer formation. To Circulate, move forward to the next position within the Outside 6, turning if necessary (not at all, 1/4, or 1/2) to take the original facing direction of the dancer that occupied the spot to which you are moving. If you are facing a dancer on the Circulate path, pass right shoulders and take that dancer's original opposite facing direction. EN: 30
Outside 6 在其组成的变形的6人队形内做 Circulate. 做 Circulate 时, 在这 Outside 6 组成的6人队形内向前走到下一位, 并转过必要的角度(完全不转, 转 1/4, 或转 1/2) 在所走到的位置上朝向原先此位置上的舞者移动之前的朝向. 如果在 Circulate 的路径上和前面的舞者互相面对移动, 则过右肩, 并朝向与前面舞者原先的朝向相反的方向. CH: 30
Acey Deucey means "Ends Circulate as Centers Trade". 6 By 2 Acey Deucey means that 6 (outside) dancers Circulate as 2 (center) dancers Trade. The first number (6) indicates the number of dancers in the Circulate path; the second number (2) indicates the number of dancers doing a Trade. Hence, a normal Acey Deucey is a 4 By 4 Acey DeuceyEN: 40
Acey Deucey 的动作是 "Ends Circulate 同时 Centers Trade". 6 By 2 Acey Deucey 的动作是 6 位 (outside) 舞者做 Circulate 同时2位 (center) 舞者做 Trade. 第一个数字 (6) 表示 Circulate 路径上的舞者人数; 第二个数字 (2) 表示做 Trade 的舞者人数. 因此, 一个通常的 Acey Deucey 就是一个4 By 4 Acey DeuceyCH: 40
Common variations: EN: 50
常见的变化形式: CH: 50
On Acey Deucey, the Outside 4 Circulate as the Center 4 Trade. EN: 60
关于 Acey Deucey, 是 Outside 4 做 Circulate 同时 Center 4 做 Trade. CH: 60
From Twin Diamonds, a caller could say either Acey Deucey or 6 By 2 Acey Deucey. Both are legal, but different, calls. EN: 70
起始队形为 Twin Diamonds 时, 口令员可以喊 Acey Deucey6 By 2 Acey Deucey. 二者都是正确的口令, 然而是不同的口令. CH: 70
On 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, the Outside 6 Circulate as the Very Center 2 Trade. EN: 80
关于 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, 是 Outside 6 做 Circulate 同时 Very Center 2 做 Trade. CH: 80

 any Tagging call & Scatter -- [C3B]atcandscatter.php  

Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; EN: 10
做 Tagging 口令至 1/2 Tag 的位置; CH: 10
Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 20
结束队形为 Parallel Waves. CH: 20

 any Tagging call The Top -- [C3B]atcthetop.php  

Do the any Tagging call to the 3/4 Tag position; Centers Spin The Top as Outsides Face and Touch 1/2 (or Left Touch 1/2 if the Tagging Shoulder was Left). Ends in a Tidal Wave. EN: 10
做 Tagging 口令 至 3/4 Tag 的位置; Centers Spin The Top, 同时 Outsides Face, 并做 Touch 1/2 (如果做 Tagging 口令时是过左肩, 则此时做 Left Touch 1/2). 结束队形为 Tidal Wave. CH: 10
The any Tagging call is a call such as EN: 20
Tagging 口令 是指这样一类口令, 它们其中的一个部分(通常是最后一个部分)看上去像是一个 CH: 20
etc... EN: 25
等.... 有些Tagging 口令的名称带有Tag 这个词(如Tag the line), 有些则没有. CH: 25
The handedness of the Touch 1/2 depends upon which shoulder is passed during the Tagging portion of the call. EN: 30
Touch 1/2 是左手的还是右手的, 取决于口令的Tagging 部分是过的左肩还是过的右肩. CH: 30
Alternative definition: Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; 1/2 Circulate; Centers Spin The Top as the Outsides Trade. EN: 40
另一种定义: 做Tagging口令至 1/2 Tag 的位置; 1/2 Circulate; Centers Spin The Top, 同时 Outsides Trade. CH: 40

 Change Lanes -- [C3B]changelanes.php  

From Parallel Lines with the Centers in a Mini-Wave Box or from other applicable formations. EN: 10
起始队形为 Centers 成 Mini-Wave Box 的 Parallel Lines 或其他可适用的队形. CH: 10
Centers Any Hand Remake & Spread as Ends Circulate & Crossover Circulate. EN: 20
Centers 做 Any Hand Remake & Spread, 同时 Ends 做 Circulate & Crossover Circulate. CH: 20
Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines. EN: 30
起始队形为 Parallel Lines 时结束队形为 Parallel Lines. CH: 30
Change Lanes is equivalent to 1/4 Chain & Circulate InEN: 40
Change Lanes 相当于 1/4 Chain & Circulate InCH: 40

 Change The Centers | Wave -- [C3B]changethewave.php  

From a Wave or Facing Couples. EN: 10
起始队形为 Wave 或 Facing Couples. CH: 10
Both calls end in a Wave and are 4-part calls. EN: 20
上面两个口令的结束队形都是 Wave, 也都是 4 部分的口令. CH: 20
Variation: EN: 30
变化的形式: CH: 30

 Change Your Image -- [C3B]changeyourimage.php  

From a 2 x 4. EN: 10
起始队形为 2 x 4. CH: 10
Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as the Ends Split Circulate twice. EN: 20
Centers 做 Phantom Columns Circulate 2 次, 同时 Ends 做 Split Circulate 2 次. CH: 20
Parallel Lines or Columns end in Columns; T-Bones end in various formations. EN: 30
Parallel Lines 或 Columns 结束队形为 Columns; T-Bones 结束队形为各样的队形. CH: 30
Change Your Image is a 2-part call and can be fractionalized into quarters. EN: 40
Change Your Image 是一个 2 部分口令, 并且可以按 1/4 进行分解. CH: 40
To avoid traffic problems, the Ends should sometimes wait before moving until the Centers have cleared the Center. EN: 50
为了避免行走路线的冲突, Ends 有时应稍为等待, 直到 Centers 把位置腾出来. CH: 50
Be careful if the caller says Change Your Image 1 & 1/2 or twice. Re-evaluate Ends and Centers after the first Change Your Image. EN: 60
当口令员喊 Change Your Image 1 & 1/2 或2 次时, 要特别留意. 在做完第一个 Change Your Image 之后, 重新评估自己是 Ends 还是 Centers. CH: 60
From Parallel Lines, Change Your Image is a shape-changer (i.e., The call ends in Columns rotated 90° from the starting spots); From Columns, Change Your Image is not a shape-changer. EN: 70
起始队形为 Parallel Lines 时, Change Your Image 是一个改变形状口令(即这个 口令的结束队形为从原来的位置旋转了 90° 的 Columns); 起始队形为 Columns 时, Change Your Image 不是一个改变形状口令. CH: 70

 Cross Cycle -- [C3B]crosscycle.php  

From a Two-Faced Line: EN: 10
起始队形为 Two-Faced Line 时: CH: 10
Centers Cross Fold and all adjust to a Box (Bounce The Centers); EN: 20
Centers Cross Fold, 然后调整成一个 Box (Bounce The Centers); CH: 20
Ends in Facing Couples. EN: 30
结束队形为 Facing Couples. CH: 30
This is a 3-part call, and Callers often call 2/3 Cross CycleEN: 40
这是一个 3 部分口令,口令员常喊 2/3 Cross CycleCH: 40
From an applicable 2 x 2 (e.g., Facing Couples or Mini-Wave Box): EN: 50
起始队形为可适用的 2 x 2 时 (例如, Facing Couples 或 Mini-Wave Box): update CH: 50
As one movement, (Facing or Box) Recycle & Slither. EN: 60
做为一个单一的、平滑的动作, (Facing 或 Box) Recycle, Slither. CH: 60
Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 70
结束队形为 Two-Faced Line. CH: 70
Centers Cross Fold
and adjust to a Box EN: 80
Centers Cross Fold
并调整成 Box CH: 80
Dancing hints: EN: 90
提示: CH: 90
In practice, since 1/3 Cross Cycle is rarely called, dancers do not adjust to make a box before doing the counter rotate 1/4. The first two parts of Cross Cycle are danced as one smooth movement (similar to a Centers Cross Kick Off then Tandem (Right or Left) Touch). EN: 100
在实际中, 因为 1/3 Cross Cycle 很少使用, 舞者不用 先调整成一个 box 再做 counter rotate 1/4. Cross Cycle 的头两个部分是跳成一个单一平滑的动作(与 Centers Cross Kick Off 然后 Tandem (右手或左手的) Touch 相似). CH: 100
Cross Cycle can be disorienting for the Centers. Think of Cross Cycle as Centers Cross Run; all Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag; 1/4 In. This helps you get to the correct spot, facing the correct direction. EN: 110
Cross Cycle 对于 Centers 来讲容易辨不清方向. 可以把 Cross Cycle 的动作想像成 Centers Cross Run; 所有人 Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag; 1/4 In. 这样能帮助找到正确的位置和正确的面向. CH: 110
Beaus 1/2 Press Ahead and Trade (with each other) as Belles do a normal Recycle (Dodge Left and Veer Left). EN: 130
Beaus 先 1/2 Press Ahead 再两人做 Trade, 同时 Belles 做个通常的 Recycle (Dodge Left, Veer Left). CH: 130
Beaus pick up the opposite Belles as in Flutter Wheel. EN: 140
Beaus 像做 Flutter Wheel 时那样去带走对面的 Belles. CH: 140
From a Two-Faced Line, Cross Cycle is equivalent to Centers Back-to-Back Slither and all Recycle. EN: 150
起始队形为 Two-Faced Line 时, Cross Cycle 等同于 Centers 背对背地 Slither, 然后所有人 Recycle. CH: 150
From a 2 x 2, Cross Cycle is equivalent to (facing) Recycle & Slither. EN: 155
起始队形为 2 x 2 时, Cross Cycle 等同于 (facing) Recycle & Slither. CH: 155
From a Mini-Wave Box, Cross Cycle is equivalent to Trail Off. EN: 160
起始队形为 Mini-Wave Box 时, Cross Cycle 等同于 Trail Off. CH: 160
From a Box consisting of one Couple and one L-H Mini-Wave, it is illegal to call Cross Cycle and expect the Couple to work Mirror. The caller must explicitly say Mirror Cross CycleEN: 170
起始队形为一个 Couple 和一个左手 Mini-Wave 组成的 Box 时, 喊 Cross Cycle 并期望做为 Couple 的舞者做一个 Mirror Cross Cycle, 这样是不合定义的. 口令员必须明示地喊 Mirror Cross CycleCH: 170
From a 2 x 4, the term Split Cross Cycle should be used for the 2 x 2 version of the call. EN: 180
起始队形为 2 x 4 时, 若要做 2 x 2 队形的 Cross Cycle, 应使用 Split Cross Cycle. CH: 180

 Cross Lockit -- [C3B]crosslockit.php  

From a Wave or a Two-Faced Line. EN: 10
起始队形为 Wave 或 Two-Faced Line. CH: 10
As one movement, Lockit and Spread. EN: 20
做为一个单一的动作, Lockit 并且 Spread. CH: 20
Ends in a Wave or Two-Faced Line. EN: 30
结束队形为 Wave 或 Two-Faced Line. CH: 30
Dancing hint: Centers Arm Turn 1/4 and Spread as Ends slide in and Arm Turn 1/4. The Ends should pause before moving in order to allow the Centers vacate their spots. EN: 40
提示: Centers 做 Arm Turn 1/4 并且 Spread, Ends 向内侧滑并且做 Arm Turn 1/4. Ends 应该稍作停顿再移动, 以等待 Centers 腾出其位置. CH: 40
Cross Lockit is not a 2-part call, and should not be fractionalized as such. The call is danced as one smooth movement. Everyone can Roll upon completion of the call. EN: 50
Cross Lockit 不是一个 2 部分口令, 不应分解成这样的部分. 这个口令是跳成一个单一平滑的动作. 每位舞者在口令完成时都可以 Roll. CH: 50

 Disband -- [C3B]disband.php  

From Parallel Lines, Columns, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
起始队形为 Parallel Lines, Columns, 或其他可适用的队形. CH: 10
Centers Counter Rotate 1/4 as Ends Concentric 1/2 Zoom and (normal) Hinge; EN: 20
Centers 做 Counter Rotate 1/4 , 同时 Ends 做 Concentric 1/2 Zoom 和(正常的) Hinge; CH: 20
Centers Reverse Flip (Phantom Run away from the Center) as Ends Phantom Columns Circulate twice. EN: 30
Centers 做 Reverse Flip (背向队形中心做 Phantom Run), 同时 Ends 做 Phantom Columns Circulate 两次. CH: 30
A non-T-Bone 2 x 4 ends in Parallel Lines. Disband is a 2-part call. EN: 40
起始队形为非 T-Bone 2 x 4 时结束队形为 Parallel Lines. Disband 是 2 部分的口令. CH: 40
Note: From Parallel Lines, Disband is equivalent to Detour followed by Expand The ColumnEN: 50
注意: 起始队形为 Parallel Lines 时, Disband 相当于一个 Detour 后接一个 Expand The ColumnCH: 50

 Fan Concept -- [C3B]fan.php  

The Fan CONCEPT is used on calls which begin with an Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing) followed by a Centers Cast Off 3/4. Omit the initial Arm Turn 1/2 and do the given call. When starting from Facing Couples formations (e.g., Facing Liness, Eight Chain Thru), first Step To A Wave. EN: 10
Fan 概念 应用于以一个 Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing) 开始的、之后紧接一个 Centers Cast Off 3/4 的口令. 省略这个起始的 Arm Turn 1/2, 然后做这个口令的其余部分. 当起始队形为 Facing Couples 时, (例如, Facing Lines, Eight Chain Thru), 则首先做一个 Step To A Wave. CH: 10
Typical calls used with the Fan CONCEPT include: EN: 20
可以应用 Fan 概念 的典型口令包括: CH: 20
The Fan CONCEPT was derived by generalizing the difference between 'Spin The Top' and 'Fan The Top'. EN: 30
Fan 概念 源自于归纳了 'Spin The Top' 和 'Fan The Top' 之间的区别. CH: 30
For calls whose name begins with the word 'Spin' the word 'Spin' is replaced with the word 'Fan' (e.g., Spin Chain the Gears becomes Fan Chain the Gears). For all other calls the word 'Fan' is inserted before the name of the call (e.g., Alter the Wave becomes Fan Alter the Wave). EN: 40
对于口令名称以 'Spin' 开始的那些口令,以 'Fan' 替换' Spin' (例如, Spin Chain the Gears 变为 Fan Chain the Gears). 对于其他的口令, 在其口令名称之前加上 'Fan' (例如, Alter the Wave 变为 Fan Alter the Wave). CH: 40
The calls listed above can also be done from a Facing Setup (Eight Chain Thru or Facing Lines). If so, Step To A Wave and then do the call. EN: 50
上面表中列出的口令也可以在面对面的队形下做 (Eight Chain Thru 或 Facing Lines). 在这样的情形时, 先做 Step To A Wave, 然后再做该口令. CH: 50
From non-Facing Couples formations, the caller could alternatively say Finish any call instead of Fan any callEN: 60
当起始队形不是 Facing Couples 时, 口令员可以喊 Finish any call 任何口令代替 Fan 任何口令. CH: 60
Although at first glance, you may think that Fan can always be replaced by Finish, this is not so. The "facing couples / ocean wave" rule applies to the Fan concept but not the Finish concept. For example, from an Eight Chain Thru formation, Fan Relay The Top is legal, whereas Finish Relay The Top is not. EN: 65
初看时,会以为Fan 总是可以用 Finish 代替, 但其实不是这样. "Facing couples / ocean wave" 规则适用于 Fan 概念, 但不适用于 Finish 概念. 例如, 起始队形为 Eight Chain Thru 时, Fan Relay The Top 是合乎定义的, 然而 Finish Relay The Top 是不合定义的. CH: 65
(Sometimes it seems that
the Ends have the hardest part!) EN: 70
(有时看上去 Ends 做的是最难的部分!) CH: 70

 Flip Your Lid -- [C3B]flipyourlid.php  

From a 1/4 Tag. EN: 10
起始队形为 1/4 Tag. CH: 10
There are four different actions within Flip Your LidEN: 20
Flip Your Lid 这个口令中有 4 个不同的动作: CH: 20
End of the Center Wave: EN: 30
Center Wave 当中的 End: CH: 30
Scoot Back with appropriate outside dancer; EN: 40
与相应的 Outside 做 Scoot Back; CH: 40
Do your part Centers Run & Circle 1/4 (be careful not to do a Scoot Back); EN: 50
Do Your Part, Centers Run & Circle 1/4 (注意不要做成 Scoot Back); CH: 50
Outside Belle (if R-H 1/4 Tag) or Outside Beau (if L-H 1/4 Tag): EN: 60
Outside Belle (当右手 1/4 Tag 时)或 Outside Beau (当左手 1/4 Tag 时): CH: 60
Do your part of Scoot Back & Circle 1/4 (to end facing in). EN: 70
Do Your Part, Scoot Back & Circle 1/4 (完成之后是面里的). CH: 70
Other Outside Dancers: EN: 80
另一位 Outside: CH: 80
Press Ahead, Trade (with opposite dancer), & Spread. EN: 90
Press Ahead, 与其对面的舞者 Trade, & Spread. CH: 90
Ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 100
结束队形为 1/4 Tag. CH: 100
Dancing hints: EN: 110
提示: CH: 110
The End of the Center Wave can give the adjacent Center a slight tug (as you might in a Recycle or Flip Back) to start them moving in the correct direction. EN: 120
Center Wave 中的 End 可以给相邻的 Center 一个轻拉 (就像在 Recycle 或 Flip Back 时那样), 以帮助他们移向正确的方向. CH: 120
The Outside dancers doing the Press Ahead, Trade & Spread should point at each other at the beginning of the call. EN: 130
做 Press Ahead, Trade & Spread 的 Outside, 应在动作开始时用手相互手指一下对方. CH: 130

 Generous / Stingy CONCEPT -- [C3B]generous.php  

Do the {anything} call, but subtract a 1/4 turn from the first Arm Turn of the call. EN: 10
做 {任何口令} , 但做第一个 Arm Turn 时减少一个 1/4. CH: 10
Do the {anything} call, but add a 1/4 turn to the first Arm Turn of the call. EN: 20
做 {任何口令} , 但做第一个 Arm Turn 时增加一个 1/4. CH: 20
For the purposes of Stingy and Generous, an Arm Turn is limited to the following movements as defined in the {anything} call: EN: 30
针对于 Stingy 和 Generous, Arm Turn 指的是{任何口令} 定义中的下列动作: CH: 30
Hinge from a Mini-Wave. EN: 40
在 Mini-Wave 时做 Hinge. CH: 40
Trade from a Mini-Wave. EN: 50
在 Mini-Wave 时做 Trade. CH: 50
Cast Off from a Mini-Wave. EN: 60
在 Mini-Wave 时做 Cast Off. CH: 60
Star turn, when opposite dancers are in a Mini-Wave. EN: 65
Star turn, 此时搭星的舞者分别形成两个 Mini-Wave. CH: 65
The {anything} call does not have to start with an Arm Turn; E.g., on a Generous Square Chain Thru (from Facing Lines): do a Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Arm Turn 3/4 (instead of 1/2); Centers Right Arm Turn 1/2; Left Arm Turn 1/2; Step Thru. Ends in a Trade By formation. EN: 70
这个 {任何口令} 不一定是以 Arm Turn 开始的; 例如 Generous Square Chain Thru (起始队形为 Facing Lines): Right Pull By 并且 1/4 In; Left Arm Turn 3/4 (而不是1/2); Centers 做 Right Arm Turn 1/2; Left Arm Turn 1/2; Step Thru. 结束队形为 Trade By. CH: 70
Stingy and Generous apply to the first Arm Turn in the call, which is not necessarily the first arm turn that a dancer executes. Some dancers may never execute an Arm Turn; others may execute an Arm Turn after other dancers previously executed a different Arm Turn. After the first Arm Turn is completed, any subsequent Arm Turns are not affected by Stingy or Generous. EN: 80
Stingy 和 Generous 是应用于口令中的第一个 Arm Turn, 并不一定是每位舞者执行的第一个 arm turn. 有的舞者可能根本没有做 Arm Turn; 也有的舞者可能在其他舞者做了 Arm Turn 之后才做又一个不同的 Arm Turn. 在第一个 Arm Turn 完成之后, 任何后续的 Arm Turn 都不受 Stingy 或 Generous 影响. CH: 80
Stingy and Generous do not apply to a Hinge, Trade, or Cast Off from a Couple. For example, EN: 90
Stingy 和 Generous 不用于起始于 Couple 的Hinge, Trade, 或 Cast Off. 例如, CH: 90
The C3A call Hinge The Lock is a Hinge followed by a Lockit. A Generous Hinge The Lock can be done from (at least) two formations: a Wave or Tandem Couples. EN: 92
C3A 的口令 Hinge The Lock 是一个 Hinge 后接一个 Lockit. Generous Hinge The Lock 可以起始于(至少)两个队形: Wave 或 Tandem Couples. CH: 92
From a Wave, a Hinge is an Arm Turn 1/4. Hence from a Wave, a Generous Hinge The Lock is an Arm Turn 1/2 followed by a Lockit. EN: 94
起始于 Wave 时, Hinge 是一个 Arm Turn 1/4. 因此起始于 Wave 时, Generous Hinge The Lock 是 Arm Turn 1/2 后接 Lockit. CH: 94
From Tandem Couples, a Hinge is a Partner Hinge (from a Couple), and Generous does not apply. However, the Centers part of Lockit is an Arm Turn 1/4. Hence, from Tandem Couples, a Generous Lock The Hinge is a Partner Hinge followed by a Centers Arm Turn 1/2 as the Ends move up 1/4, to end in a Facing Diamond. EN: 96
起始于 Tandem Couples 时, Hinge 是一个 Partner Hinge (起始于 Couple), Generous 不适用. 然而, Centers 所做的 Lockit 是一个 Arm Turn 1/4. 因此, 起始于 Tandem Couples 时, Generous Lock The Hinge 是 Partner Hinge 后接 Centers Arm Turn 1/2 以及 Ends 补位 1/4, 结束队形为 Facing Diamond. CH: 96
If the first Arm Turn of the call might be ambiguous, the caller should use extra words to disambiguate the call: i.e., Points work Stingy: all Strip the Diamond. The caller may use concepts such as Secondly, Thirdly, etc. to explicitly state to which part of the call Stingy or Generous applies. EN: 100
如果口令中的第一个 Arm Turn 可能不够明确, 口令员应该使用辅助的词语来使其变得明确: 例如, Points work Stingy: all Strip the Diamond. (即: 所有人做 Strip the Diamond, 但 Points 应用 Stingy). 口令员可以使用 Secondly, Thirdly, 等这类概念,来明示 Stingy 或 Generous 是应用于口令的哪一个部分. CH: 100
Stingy and Generous allows calls to be done from unexpected formations. For example, from Twin Diamonds: a Generous Sets In Motion. EN: 110
Stingy 和 Generous 可以使口令起始于不同于平常的队形. 例如, 起始于 Twin Diamonds: Generous Sets In Motion. CH: 110
What's not allowed EN: 130
不适用的情况 CH: 130
(from a Tidal Wave): Although the center two are turning 1/4 with each other, the call is not defined in terms of an Arm Turn or Hinge. EN: 200
(起始于 Tidal Wave): 尽管两位 Very Centers 是相互旋转了 1/4, 但口令的定义并不是一个 Arm Turn 或 Hinge. CH: 200
(from a L-H Wave): Although one might argue that the Centers part of the call is a Turn Thru (and hence an Arm Turn), the use of Stingy and Generous should be avoided, because the call is a variation of Swap Around (a no-hands call). We believe that Swap The Wave from either a R-H or a L-H Wave has the tagging dancers doing the same action. The Turn Thru used by dancers is just a convenience. EN: 210
(起始于左手 Wave): 虽然有人会说 Centers 所做的动作是一个 Turn Thru (因此也就是一个 Arm Turn), 但 Stingy 和 Generous 的使用是应该避免的, 因为这个口令是 Swap Around 的一个变化形式(是不接手的口令). 我们认为 Swap The Wave 不论起始于右手还是左手的 Wave, 向右转身并做 Wheel Thru 的舞者的动作都是一样的. 舞者所做的 Turn Thru 只是一个为了方便的动作. CH: 210
(from Facing Couples:) Even though the Belles' part strongly feels like a Left Arm Turn 1/4, and is frequently danced that way, the definition of Pass The Ocean does not contain an Arm Turn. EN: 220
(起始于 Facing Couples:) 虽然 Belles 的动作感觉上很像一个 Left Arm Turn 1/4, 人们也常常是按这样做的,但 Pass The Ocean 的定义并没有 Arm Turn 的动作. CH: 220
As for combining Generous and Stingy (e.g., Generous Stingy 1/4 Thru)... There are two cases to consider. For example, a Generous Stingy 1/4 Thru: EN: 230
至于结合起来的 Generous 和 Stingy (例如, Generous Stingy 1/4 Thru)..., 有两种理解. 例如, Generous Stingy 1/4 Thru: CH: 230
Case 1. EN: 240
理解 1. CH: 240
Generous and Stingy cancel each other out. A 1/4 is subtracted from the first Hinge (to make it Stingy), then added back (to make it Generous). A Stingy Arm Turn 1/4 is still an Arm Turn, even though the fraction is 0/4. EN: 250
Generous 和 Stingy 相互抵消了. 从第一个 Hinge 里减去 1/4 (Stingy), 再增加回来 (Generous). Stingy Arm Turn 1/4 仍然是 Arm Turn, 尽管旋转的角度是 0/4. CH: 250
Case 2. EN: 260
理解 2. CH: 260
A Stingy 1/4 Thru is a Left Arm Turn 3/4 (you leave off the first Arm Turn, then apply Generous to the Left Arm Turn 1/2 giving a Left Arm Turn 3/4). EN: 270
一个 Generous Stingy 1/4 Thru 是一个 Left Arm Turn 3/4 (第一个 Arm Turn 不做, 然后将 Generous 应用于 Left Arm Turn 1/2, 变为一个 Left Arm Turn 3/4). CH: 270
Case 2 was tried several years ago, and was not well received by the dancers. Hence, the current consensus is Case 1: Stingy and Generous both apply to the first part, and they cancel each other out. Moral of the story: don't combine Stingy and Generous. EN: 280
理解 2 在一些年前尝试使用过,并不易被舞者接受. 因此目前的一致看法是理解 1: Stingy 和 Generous 都是应用于第一个部分, 并且彼此抵消. 结论是: 不要结合使用 Stingy 和 Generous. CH: 280

 Lift Off -- [C3B]liftoff.php  

From a Static Set with two opposite couples Facing Out or from the 2 x 4 formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru. EN: 10
起始队形为相对的两对 couples 面外的 Static Set, 或从 Static Set 开始做 Heads Pass Thru 之后得到的 2 x 4 队形. CH: 10
Leaders As Couples 1/4 Right as others Left Dodge; Belles Distorted Box Circulate; As Couples Extend; Couples Circulate. EN: 20
Leaders As Couples 1/4 Right, 同时其他人 Left Dodge; Belles "变形 Box" Circulate; As Couples Extend; Couples Circulate. CH: 20
Ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 30
结束队形为 Parallel 右手 Two-Faced Lines. CH: 30

 Lock 'Em Up -- [C3B]lockemup.php  

From applicable Tidal Lines or applicable Parallel Lines. EN: 10
起始队形为可适用的 Tidal Lines 或可适用的 Parallel Lines. CH: 10
Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4EN: 12
Centers Hinge, 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4CH: 12
Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. EN: 14
Centers Lockit, 同时 Outsides Roll. update CH: 14
This is a 4-part call. EN: 20
这是一个 4 部分口令. CH: 20
Easy way to memorize Lock 'Em UpEN: 25
Lock 'Em Up 较容易的记法: CH: 25
Lock The Hinge; Centers Hinge the Lock as Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll. EN: 27
Lock The Hinge; Centers Hinge the Lock 同时 Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll. CH: 27

 Loop & (fraction) Tag -- [C3B]loopandtag.php  

From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". EN: 10
起始队形为 Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, 或可适用的 "Z". CH: 10
Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Peel The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 20
Leaders 做 Peel Off and Roll 并 Step Ahead, 同时 Trailers 成 Tandem 紧跟 Leaders (Peel The Deal); Extend 至给定的分数 l Tag 位置. CH: 20
Leaders Trail Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Trail The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 30
Leaders 做 Trail Off and Roll 并 Step Ahead, 同时 Trailers 成 Tandem 紧跟 Leaders (Trail The Deal); Extend 至给定的分数 l Tag 位置. CH: 30
Note: From Tandem Couples, left-shoulders since you are doing a Trail Off movement. EN: 35
注意: 起始队形为 Tandem Couples 时, 要过左肩, 因为做的是 Trail Off 的动作. CH: 35
If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 40
如果没有给出分数 , 就做完整的 Tag The Line. CH: 40
Loop And Tag and Cross Loop And Tag are Tagging calls, and hence there are many variations such as EN: 50
Loop And TagCross Loop And TagTagging 口令, 因此有许多变化形式, 例如 CH: 50

 Mirror Concept -- [C3B]mirror.php  

The Mirror CONCEPT is accomplished by executing the definition of the given call and replacing: EN: 10
Mirror 概念 是按照定义完成口令但需要: CH: 10
Right with Left and vice-versa; and EN: 20
以 Right 替换 Left, 以 Left 替换 Right; 并且 CH: 20
Beau with Belle and vice-versa. EN: 30
以 Beau 替换 Belle, 以 Belle 替换 Beau. CH: 30
At any point where you would normally pass Right-shoulders, pass Left-shoulders and vice-versa. At any point where you would normally use the Right-hand, use the Left-hand and vice-versa. At any point where the Beaus do something, the Belles do it and vice-versa. EN: 40
在口令中的任何时候, 当原本需要过右肩时, 则过左肩, 反过来也一样.在口令中的任何时候, 当原本需要用右手时, 则用左手, 反过来也一样. 在口令中的任何时候, 当原本需要 Beaus 做一个动作时, 则 Belles 做此动作, 反过来也一样. CH: 40
Pass Left-shoulders instead of Right-shoulders EN: 50
以左肩通过取代右肩通过 CH: 50
Left Pass Thru; Boys 1/4 Left as Girls 1/4 Right EN: 60
Left Pass Thru; Boys 1/4 Left 同时 Girls 1/4 Right CH: 60
(from a One-Faced Line): The left-side Couple goes in front EN: 70
(起始队形为 One-Faced Line): 左边的 Couple 在前(“右包左”) CH: 70
When doing the Mirror version of a call in which two dancers end on the same spot (such as an odd Tally-Ho) step to Left hands instead of Right hands! The Mirror CONCEPT is more binding than the Right-hand same-spot rule. EN: 80
当做一个口令的 Mirror 形式时, 若结束时两个舞者处在同一个点(抢位, 比如在一个不常见的 Tally-Ho 时), 两人要接左手, 而不是接右手! Mirror 概念 的约束力大于右手抢位规则. update CH: 80
Note: The words Left and Reverse have traditionally been used to indicate Mirror (e.g., Left Swing Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel) but their usage is inconsistent. Dancers may not know what is intended when something like 'Left Circle By' is called. Should one Circle Left the first given fraction then Left Touch the next given fraction? Or, since you are normally moving to the Left on a Circle By, should one Circle Right the first fraction? Reverse can also mean 'In Reverse Order', 'Rewind', or have other meanings ('Reverse Stack The Line': original Trailers instead of Leaders go across to right hands!). If we only had the choice of using Left or Reverse, what would the Mirror version of Shake & Rattle be called? The Mirror version of Shakedown is called Left Shakedown and the Mirror version of Reverse Split Swap is called Split Swap! The Mirror CONCEPT resolves these ambiguities. EN: 90
注意: 传统上都是用 Left 或 Reverse 来表示 Mirror (例如, Left Swing Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel), 但这些词的用法不够一致. 舞者可能会不知道像 'Left Circle By' 这样的喊法究竟是要让做什么动作. 是应该按照第一个分数做 Circle Left, 然后 Left Touch 旋转由第二个分数给定的角度? 或是,由于正常情况下的 Circle By 是要先做 Circle Left 的, 现在是 Mirror 形式应该做 Circle Right? Reverse 还可以代表'In Reverse Order', 'Rewind', 或其他的意思('Reverse Stack The Line': 要走到对面接右手的是原来的 Trailers ,而不是Leaders!). 如果只能选择使用 Left 或 Reverse, Mirror 形式的 Shake & Rattle 该怎样喊? 因为 Mirror 形式的 Shakedown 是Left Shakedown, 而 Mirror 形式的 Reverse Split Swap 是 Split Swap! 用 Mirror 概念 就解决了这些含义模糊的问题. update CH: 90
Hint: If you can imagine dancing in a mirrored room and executing a call normally, your reflection would be dancing the Mirror version of that call. EN: 100
提示: 想像在一个墙上装有镜子的房间里跳舞, 当正常做一个口令时,你在镜子里看到的就是这个口令的 Mirror 形式. CH: 100
Common misconceptions: A Mirror Pass The Ocean is not a Pass The Sea. A Mirror Pass The Ocean involves a Left-shoulder Pass Thru, whereas a Pass The Sea involves a Right-shoulder Pass Thru. EN: 110
易犯的错误: Mirror Pass The Ocean 不是P ass The Sea. Mirror Pass The Ocean 包含一个过左肩的 Pass Thru, 而 Pass The Sea 则包含一个过右肩的 Pass Thru. CH: 110
Note: For many calls, the Mirror version of the call is the same as the call itself. For example, a Mirror Scoot Back is a Scoot Back (since the definition of Scoot Back does not involve Beaus|Belles or Left|Right); Similarly, when starting from a Wave, a Mirror Spin The Top is the same as Spin The Top. EN: 120
注意: 对于许多口令, Mirror 形式的口令与其本身是一样的. 例如, Mirror Scoot Back 就是 Scoot Back (因为 Scoot Back 的定义并不包含 Beaus|Belles 或 Left|Right); 类似地, 当起始队形为 Wave 时, Mirror Spin The Top 和 Spin The Top 是一样的. CH: 120

 Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]nuclearreaction.php  

From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are directly facing an outside dancer. EN: 10
起始队形为广义 1/4 Tag, 其中 Very Centers 直接面对一位 Outside 舞者. CH: 10
Very Centers and directly-facing outside dancers Pass Thru; EN: 20
Very Centers 和与其直接面对的 Outside 舞者做 Pass Thru; CH: 20
Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread to become Ends of Lines as the Others Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; EN: 30
Center 4 做 Cast Off 1/4, Roll 并且 Spread, 成为新的 Lines 的 Ends, 同时其他人做 Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; CH: 30
all Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 40
所有人 Counter Rotate 1/4. CH: 40
Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 50
结束队形为 Parallel Lines. CH: 50
This is a 3-part call. EN: 55
这是一个 3 部分口令. CH: 55
The Cast Off 1/4 can be from either a Mini-Wave or a Couple. EN: 60
Cast Off 1/4 可以起始于 Mini-Wave 或者 Couple. CH: 60
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