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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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 "L" FORMATION -- [C4]  

An "L" is a 3-dancer formation that can be obtained from a 2 x 2 after removing any one of the dancers. EN: 558

 "X" CONCEPT -- [C4]  

"X" CONCEPT [C4] (Jim Davis):
An "X" occupies the same footprints as a Butterfly but is considered to be two diagonal Columns which cross over each other in the middle. An "X" Circulate is the same as a Butterfly Circulate, except that the #3 dancers (in-facing Centers) do a Concentric Box Crossover Circulate (Jaywalk with each other). EN: 579

 "Z" Axle -- [C3B]zaxle.php  

"Z" Axle [C3B] (Dave Hodson 1980):
From the "Z" obtained from a Line with the Centers in a Mini-Wave after a Step & Slide. Outsides Cross Cast Back; all Trade; Centers Trade. Ends in a Line. This is a 3-part call. EN: 618

 "Z" Concept -- [C3B]z.php  

"Z" Concept [C3B]:
A "Z" is a 2 x 2 that is offset by one position (e.g., the formation obtained from a Mini-Wave Box after 1/2 Press Ahead). Work in the Offset 2 x 2 and maintain the footprints. EN: 826

 #{n} Zing {m} -- [C4]  

#{n} Zing {m} [C4]:
From Columns. The n-th dancer in the Column 1/4 Out & Run past m dancers as the dancers being Run around Circulate & 1/4 In. EN: 548

 1 By 2 Checkover -- [C2V]nbym_c2.php  

1 By 2 Checkover [C2V]:
#1 'Checkmate' as #2 and #3 1/2 Circulate, Cast Off 3/4 & Slither, and 'As Couples' Extend. EN: 387

 1 By 3 Transfer The Column -- [NOL]  

1 By 3 Transfer The Column [NOL]:
From Columns. The First dancer (in each Column) Transfer (1/2 Circulate, Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll) as the Last Three dancers 1/2 Circulate and Cast Off 3/4; Center 4 Extend The Tag as Others Step Thru to end in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines EN: 740

 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1]14thru.php  

1/4 (or 3/4) Thru [A1] (Dick BayerHolman Hudspeth 1969):
From a R-H Mini-Wave Box, a R-H Facing Diamond (Centers with R-H, Ends with L-H), or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); those who meet and can Left Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a Wave. EN: 28

 1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea -- [C3A]14wheeltheocean.php  

1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea [C3A] (Bob Urbasik 1984):
From a L-H (or R-H) Two-Faced Line. Left Cast 1/4 (or 3/4) (to end in Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean: Belles diagonally Right Pull By; Sea: Belles Walk as Beaus Dodge.) Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 193

 1/4 In -- [A1]quarterinout.php  

1/4 In [A1] (Jim FaulkenberryClarence Watson 1959):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Turn 90° in place toward the adjacent dancer. Ends in Facing Dancers. EN: 87

 1/4 In | Out -- [A1]quarterinout.php  

1/4 In | Out [A1] (Jim FaulkenberryClarence Watson 1959):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Individually turn 1/4 toward (1/4 In) or away from (1/4 Out) your Partner (the adjacent dancer). If you do not have a Partner, turn 1/4 toward or away from the center of the smallest applicable sub-formation you can find. EN: 111

 1/4 Right | Left -- [NOL]  

1/4 Right | Left [NOL]:
Turn 90° in place toward the Right | Left. Also known as Face Right | LeftEN: 154

 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top -- [A1]123top.php  

1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top [A1]:
From a Thar, a Squared Set after everyone Face In, or from other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Move forward (Centers in a star, Outsides around the outside) in a Circular path to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top. Ends in a Thar. EN: 140

 3 By 1 Checkmate -- [C2]nbym_c2.php  

3 By 1 Checkmate [C2] (Willard Orlich):
From Columns. First Three dancers Column Circulate 4 positions & 1/4 In as the #4 dancers Circulate 3 positions, 1/4 In, & Circulate. Ends in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines. EN: 456

 3 By 1 Transfer The Column -- [C2]nbym_c2.php  

3 By 1 Transfer The Column [C2]:
From Columns. The First Three dancers Transfer (as a 3-dancer group Trail Off , then individually 1/4 In) as the #4 dancers Circulate 1 & 1/2 and Cast Off 3/4; Center 4 Extend The Tag as Others Step Ahead to end in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines. EN: 59

 3 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [C1]3by2aceydeucey.php  

3 By 2 Acey Deucey [C1]:
From applicable formations. Outside Triangles Circulate (a Triangle is a 3-dancer formation) as the Very Center 2 Trade. EN: 20

 3/4 In | Out -- [NOL]  

3/4 In | Out [NOL]:
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Turn 270° in place towards (In) or away from (Out) the adjacent dancer. 3/4 In ends in Back-to-Back Dancers; 3/4 Out ends in Facing Dancers. In practice, these calls are rarely called, but are sometimes used as part of call definitions. EN: 155

 6 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [A1]6by2aceydeucey.php  

6 By 2 Acey Deucey [A1]:
Outside 6 dancers Circulate (within their distorted 6-dancer setup) as Very Centers Trade. EN: 18

 any Tagging call & Scatter -- [C3B]atcandscatter.php  

any Tagging call & Scatter [C3B]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scatter Scoot. E.g., (1) Tag & Scatter is 1/2 Tag, Scatter Scoot; (2) Flip & Scatter is 1/2 Flip The Line, Scatter Scoot. EN: 581

 any Tagging call Back & Dodge -- [C4]  

any Tagging call Back & Dodge [C4]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot & Dodge. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. For example, a Tag Back & Dodge is a 1/2 Tag; Scoot & Dodge. EN: 12

 any Tagging call Chain Thru -- [C3A]atcchainthru.php  

any Tagging call Chain Thru [C3A]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Chain Thru. Ends in Parallel Waves. For example, a Tag Chain Thru is a 1/2 Tag; Scoot Chain Thru. EN: 25

 any Tagging call Your Criss Cross Neighbor -- [C2V]  

any Tagging call Your Criss Cross Neighbor [C2V]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Criss Cross Your Neighbor. Ends in a Wave. EN: 734

 any Tagging call Your Cross Neighbor -- [C2V]  

any Tagging call Your Cross Neighbor [C2V]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Cross Your Neighbor. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 492

 any Tagging Call Your Neighbor -- [C2]atcyourneighbor.php  

any Tagging Call Your Neighbor [C2]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Follow Your Neighbor. Ends in a Wave. For example, a Tag Your Neighbor is a 1/2 Tag; Follow Your Neighbor. EN: 436

 anyone 1 By n Shove Off -- [C4]  

anyone 1 By n Shove Off [C4]:
Designated dancer Phantom Run (one position away from their partner's position) as the n adjacent dancers move 1 position towards the designated dancer. EN: 565

 anyone 1 By n Tow Truck -- [C4]  

anyone 1 By n Tow Truck [C4]:
From a Line of 3 (or more). Designated End dancer Truck as other dancers move one position toward the designated dancer's vacated position without changing their facing direction. Previously known as anyone Tow Train [obsolete C4]. EN: 497

 anyone Cross Kick By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Cross Kick By {n} [C4]:
From a Tidal Line in which the anyone dancers are the Very Centers. The Very Centers work toward the far End to Kick By n, not counting the other Very Center position. EN: 886

 anyone Finish The Stack -- [C4]  

anyone Finish The Stack [C4]:
From Facing Couples. Those designated walk forward to the other half of the Box to join R-H with the opposite non-designated dancer. Non-designated dancers adjust as necessary to form a R-H Mini-Wave Box. Finish The Stack is the last 1/2 of Stack The Line with the designated dancers acting as the original Leads. EN: 569

 anyone Kick By {n} -- [C4]kickby.php  

anyone Kick By {n} [C4] (Jim Davis):
From a Line of 3 or more. The designated dancer Run past n dancers and Roll as the dancers being Run around do a Partner Tag one position toward the designated dancer's original starting position. EN: 689

 anyone Run By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Run By {n} [C4]:
From a Line of 3 or more. Designated dancers Run past n dancers, who individually move one position toward the designated dancer's original starting position. EN: 885

 anyone Scoot others Dodge -- [A1V]  

anyone Scoot others Dodge [A1V]:
From Facing Couples or other applicable 2x2. Those designated Scoot Back as Others Dodge. Ends in a 2x2. For example, from normal Facing Couples: Boys Scoot, Girls DodgeEN: 544

 anyone Tow Train Leave The Caboose -- [obsolete]  

anyone Tow Train Leave The Caboose [obsolete]:
Tow Train but the non-designated End dancer does not move. This is the same as anyone 1 By n-1 Tow Truck. EN: 498

 anyone Tow Truck -- [C4]towtruck.php  

anyone Tow Truck [C4] (Lee Kopman):
From an applicable 2-dancer formation. Designated dancer Truck as the adjacent dancer moves into designated dancer's vacated position without changing their facing direction. The result is as if the designated dancer did a Truck while dragging the adjacent dancer. EN: 496

 anything Chain Thru -- [C1]anythingchainthru.php  

anything Chain Thru [C1]:
Do the anything call; Very Centers Trade; Center 4 Cast Off 3/4. EN: 393

 anything Coordinate -- [C2]anythinganything.php  

anything Coordinate [C2]:
Do the anything call; then Finish Coordinate (1/2 Circulate; Center 6 Trade; Very Ends do your part Fan The Top as Very Centers Veer Out). Usually ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 718

 anything Like A Shazam -- [C2V]  

anything Like A Shazam [C2V]:
Do the anything call; U-Turn Back. The last part of the anything call is usually an Arm Turn. EN: 848

 anything Like A Squeeze -- [C4]  

anything Like A Squeeze [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
Do the anything call (usually a 2-dancer call) but end such that those who started close together end far apart (allowing for two dancer-sized positions of space). EN: 654

 anything Motivate -- [C2]anythinganything.php  

anything Motivate [C2]:
Do the anything call; then Finish Motivate (Ends 1/2 Circulate as Centers Cast Off 3/4; Center Star|Diamond Circulate twice as Others Trade; those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up as in Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Usually ends in Parallel Waves. The anything call replaces the first Circulate. If the anything call ends with the words 'Circulate' or 'Rotate 1/4', those words are omitted. For example, In Roll Motivate is an In Roll Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as the Ends 1/2 Circulate; Center 4 Star 1/2 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up. EN: 413

 anything Percolate -- [C2]  

anything Percolate [C2]:
Do the anything call; then Finish Percolate (1/2 Circulate; Center Line Hinge & Cross as the Others Any Hand Turn Thru). Usually ends in Back-to-Back Lines or T-Bones. EN: 737

 anything Perk Up -- [C2]anythinganything.php  

anything Perk Up [C2]:
Do the anything call; then Finish Perk Up (1/2 Split Circulate; Center Line Hinge, Circulate & Trade as Others (Concentric) Circulate twice). Usually ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 713

 anything Single The Wave -- [C4]  

anything Single The Wave [C4]:
From a Wave. Step Thru; do the anything call. The anything call should be a 4 (or fewer) dancer call, working with the dancers who were in your wave. EN: 676

 anything The Action -- [C4]  

anything The Action [C4]:
Do the anything call (which usually ends in a Trade By formation); Centers make a R-H Star (usually 1/2 Reverse Swap Around) and Star 1/4 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up. Usually ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 147

 anything The Axle But Cast fraction -- [C1V]  

anything The Axle But Cast fraction [C1V]:
Replace all Trade with a Cast Off fraction. You must then remember to do the final Centers Trade. If the fraction is 1/4 or 3/4, you will end in Back-to-Back Lines. EN: 617

 anything The Boat -- [C4]  

anything The Boat [C4]:
Do the anything call; Finish Load The Boat (i.e., do the last 3/4 of Load The Boat: Centers Face Out, Partner Trade, and Pass Thru as the Ends Pass 2 dancers right-shoulders and Face In). EN: 358

 anything The Wave -- [C4]thewave.php  

anything The Wave [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. In Tandem Step Thru; do the anything call. The anything call is usually a Peel Off movement (Peel Off, Trail Off, Peel & Trail, etc.) or Cloverleaf movement (Cloverleaf, Cross Cloverleaf). When the anything call is a Peel Off movement, the word 'Off' is conventionally omitted; similarly, when the anything call is a Cloverleaf movement, the word 'leaf' is conventionally omitted. This usage of The Wave is not related to Swap The WaveEN: 675
anything The Wave [C4]:
From a Wave. Do the anything call as if you started from Facing Couples. Some dancers 'rear-back' and then do the call. For example: Cross & Turn The Wave, Split Swap The Wave. This usage of The Wave is rarely used since it is usually awkward to dance. EN: 708

 anything The Windmill -- [C1]thewindmill.php  

anything The Windmill [C1]:
From various formations. All or Center 4 do the anything call; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides turn 1/4 toward the given direction & Circulate twice. Ends in various formations. EN: 460

 anything(ers) Cover Up -- [C4]  

anything(ers) Cover Up [C4]:
Do the anything call; 1/2 Circulate; Centers Recycle as Outsides Any-Shoulder Pass In. The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 509

 direction Anchor fraction -- [C4]anchor.php  

direction Anchor fraction [C4]:
From a Couple. Using the dancer nearest the given direction as the pivot point, Cast Off the given fraction toward the given direction. The pivot dancer starts and ends on the same floor spot. There is neither a default direction nor a default fraction for this call. EN: 258

 fraction Cast & Relay -- [C3B]castandrelay.php  

fraction Cast & Relay [C3B]:
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru. Arm Turn the given fraction; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends 1/2 Circulate; Centers turn the Star the given fraction as the others Trade; those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as the others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Ends in Parallel Waves. There is no default fraction for this call. Cast & Relay is a Relay The Top with both the initial Arm Turn and the Star turning the given fractionEN: 528

 n Step(s) At A Time -- [C3B]stepsatatime.php  

n Step(s) At A Time [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1978):
From Columns. The First n dancers Peel Off to end in a Line of n, Step Ahead as necessary to form a Concentric Line of 2n and Bend The Line of 2n as the other dancers Extend (using Circulates) to form a compact formation, Trade, and Roll. n Step(s) At A Time can be fractionalized into thirds. EN: 817

 Acey Deucey -- [Plus]aceydeucey.php  

Acey Deucey [Plus] (Larry Dee 1963):
From applicable formations. Outside 4 Circulate as Center 4 Trade. EN: 19

 All 8 Cycle & Wheel -- [C1V]  

All 8 Cycle & Wheel [C1V]:
From a 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. Center dancers do a Wheel & Deal to end as Couples on the Outside as the Outside dancers move into the Center and do a Box Recycle [C1]. A 1/4 Line setup ends in a 1/4 Tag. All 8 Cycle & Wheel is identical to Cross Concentric Cycle & Wheel [C2]. EN: 493

 All 8 Recycle -- [C1]all8recycle.php  

All 8 Recycle [C1] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a 1/4 Tag (or Squared Set or Thar). Wave dancers Recycle, taking a wider arc than normal, to end as Couples on the outside as the Outside dancers move into the Center & do a Box Recycle with one another to end in the Center Wave. A 1/4 Tag setup ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 439

 All 8 Swing & Mix -- [A2]  

All 8 Swing & Mix [A2]:
From a Thar or other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cross Run (Star 1/2 & Slide); New Centers Trade (Star 1/2). Ends in a Thar. This is a 3-part call. EN: 468

 All 8 Swing Thru -- [A2]  

All 8 Swing Thru [A2] (Leland Cooper):
From a Thar (or Squared Set after everyone 1/4 In). Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/2; those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a Thar. Some of the Arm Turns require a Star across the Center. EN: 467

 All Eight Spin The Top -- [Plus]all8spinthetop.php  

All Eight Spin The Top [Plus]:
From a Thar, a Squared Set after everyone Face In, or from other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Star 3/4 as Outsides move up 1/4 of a Circle around the outside. Ends in a Thar. EN: 148

 Along -- [C2]  

Along [C2] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Tidal Line. Center pairs of dancers Hinge and (Columns of 3) Circulate as the Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; Center pairs of dancers Grand Peel & Trail (#1 Peel Off, others Extend and Trade) as the others Extend. Usually ends in Parallel Waves, but can also end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines or a Parallelo EN: 901

 An Anchor But anything -- [C4]  

An Anchor But anything [C4]:
Center 6 Trade; Outsides Step Thru, Ends Bend & Pass In as Centers do the anything call. This is the same as An Anchor except that the resulting Centers Replace the Center 4 Trade followed by Center 2 Trade with the anything call. EN: 505

 Anchor The anyone For anything -- [C4]  

Anchor The anyone For anything [C4]:
From applicable formations. Do the anything call with the designated dancer remaining on the same floor spot throughout the entire call. This frequently results in the ending formation being offset from the starting formation. EN: 480

 Any Hand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1]anyhand.php  

Any Hand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru [A1]:
From applicable 4-dancer formations. Those who can Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); Those who meet Arm Turn 1/2 (or Partner Trade). The Any Hand concept allows calls that always start with the right hand to be done from formations in which some dancers have right hands joined and some dancers have left hands joined. Everyone who can starts the call by doing an Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4). EN: 92

 Any Hand Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1]  

Any Hand Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru [A1]:
From applicable formations (e.g., Magic Columns). Those who can Arm Turn 1/4 (by either hand); those who meet Trade. The Trade can be either an Arm Turn 1/2 (from a Mini-Wave) or a Partner Trade (from a Couple). EN: 125

 Any Hand Remake -- [A2]anyhand.php  

Any Hand Remake [A2]:
From applicable 4-dancer formations. Those who can Arm Turn 1/4; those who meet Arm Turn 1/2 or Partner Trade; those who meet Arm Turn 3/4 or 'push' Cast Off 3/4. The Any Hand concept allows calls that always start with the Right-Hand to be done from formations in which some dancers have Right-Hands and some dancers have Left-Hands. EN: 402

 Any Shoulder anything -- [NOL]  

Any Shoulder anything [NOL]:
Passing the most convenient (smoothest to dance) shoulder, do the anything call. I.e., from a R-H Two-Faced Line, pass Right-shoulders; from a L-H Two-Faced Line, pass Left-shoulders. EN: 372

 Any Shoulder Turn & Deal -- [NOL]  

Any Shoulder Turn & Deal [NOL]:
From a Two-Faced Line. Passing the most convenient shoulder (right-shoulders from a R-H Two-Faced Line; left-shoulders from a L-H Two-Faced Line), do a Turn & Deal. Ends in Facing Couples. EN: 42

 As Couples CONCEPT -- [A1]ascouples.php  

As Couples CONCEPT [A1]:
Dancers side-by-side and facing the same direction (i.e., a Couple) work as a single dancer to do the given call. EN: 31

 Bail Out But anything -- [C4]  

Bail Out But anything [C4]:
Centers replace the Counter Rotate 1/4 with the anything call. EN: 365

 Big Block CONCEPT -- [C3A]bigblock.php  

Big Block CONCEPT [C3A]:
From applicable 4 x 4 Matrix formations such as Interlocked Blocks, a Butterfly, or an "O". Do the call working in distorted Parallel Lines. EN: 337

 Box Counter Rotate fraction -- [A2]splitcounterrotate.php  

Box Counter Rotate fraction [A2]:
From a 2x2. Walk forward in an arc for a total of fraction of a circle, around the flagpole center of the 2x2, keeping the same distance from the center of the 2x2. Ends in a 2x2. EN: 446

 Box Transfer -- [A2]boxtransfer.php  

Box Transfer [A2] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders Box Circulate Twice and 1/4 In as Trailers Extend, Cast Off 3/4, and Extend. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Split Transfer is a Box Transfer done within each 2 x 2 of a 2 x 4. Box | Split Transfer is the Single version of Transfer The Column. EN: 58

 Brace Yourself -- [C4]  

Brace Yourself [C4]:
From a Couple consisting of one Boy and one Girl. Normal Couples Courtesy Turn as Half-Sashayed Couples U-Turn Back. Ends in a Normal Couple. This is the last half of Brace ThruEN: 122

 By Golly -- [C4]bygolly.php  

By Golly [C4] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From Facing Couples. This call must be preceded by a call which can be followed by a Sweep 1/4. Those closest to the flow direction Sweep 1/4 as the others Dodge and Any Shoulder Wheel Thru. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 747

 Cast A Shadow -- [A1]castashadow.php  

Cast A Shadow [A1] (Lee Kopman 1973):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem or from Promenade (in which case, the designated dancers act as Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines). Ends 1/2 Zoom, Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Out-Facing Centers Cloverleaf as In-Facing Centers Extend, Hinge, & Extend. Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines. EN: 143

 Catch anything {n} -- [C3A]catchanything.php  

Catch anything {n} [C3A] (Johnny Preston 1981):
From applicable formations. Square Thru on the n-th hand (Step To A Wave); do the anything call; all Step & Fold. Ends in various formations. The anything call replaces the Centers Trade and can be an 8-dancer call. EN: 338

 Central Concept -- [C3A]central.php  

Central Concept [C3A] (Bill Heimann):
Do the Centers part of the anything call. If the starting formation is a 2 x 4 and if the Centers part of the anything call can be done from either a 1 x 4 or a 2 x 2 (e.g., Counter or Detour), then work in the 2 x 2. For this case, the caller should specify in which setup the dancers are to do the call (e.g., Each Wave do a Central Counter). EN: 795

 Chain Reaction -- [A1]chain_reaction_a1.php  

Chain Reaction [A1] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Very Centers and the directly facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (on the Outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Ends in Parallel Lines | Waves. EN: 145

 Chain Reaction But anything -- [NOL]  

Chain Reaction But anything [NOL]:
Do a Chain Reaction, except the final Centers replace Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. For example (from a R-H 1/4 Tag): Chain Reaction But Left Swing ThruEN: 540

 Change Lanes -- [C3B]changelanes.php  

Change Lanes [C3B] (Kip Garvey):
From Parallel Lines with the Centers in a Mini-Wave Box or from other applicable formations. Centers Any Hand Remake & Spread as Ends Circulate & Crossover Circulate. Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines. EN: 744

 Change The Centers | Wave -- [C3B]changethewave.php  

Change The Centers | Wave [C3B] (Dot ButlerJerry Salisbury 1968):
From a Wave or Facing Couples.
Change The Centers: Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; Slip.
Change The Wave: Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; Swing.
Both calls end in a Wave and are 4-part calls.
 EN: 770

 Change Your Image -- [C3B]changeyourimage.php  

Change Your Image [C3B] (Dave HodsonLee Kopman 1979):
From a 2 x 4. Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as the Ends Split Circulate twice. Parallel Lines or Columns end in Columns; T-Bones end in various formations. Change Your Image is a 2-part call and can be fractionalized into quarters. EN: 785

 Chase Your Neighbor -- [C1]chaseyourneighbor.php  

Chase Your Neighbor [C1] (Burt Rubenstein):
From Back-to-Back Couples. Chase The 1/2 Tag (Belles Right-face U-Turn Back & all Box Circulate); Follow Your Neighbor. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 392

 Checkover -- [C1]checkover.php  

Checkover [C1] (Al Appleton 1978):
From Columns. First Two Checkmate The Column as Last Two step foward to form a Box (Circulate), Cast Off 3/4, Slither, and As Couples Extend. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 385

 Checkover But Hold The Two-Faced Line -- [C1V]toawave.php  

Checkover But Hold The Two-Faced Line [C1V]:
Do a Checkover but omit the As Couples Extend. EN: 386

 Chisel Thru -- [C2]chiselthru.php  

Chisel Thru [C2] (Holman Hudspeth 1970):
From Facing Lines (or a R-H Tidal Wave). Concentric Pass In; Ends Pass In as Centers Pass Out; all Pass In. Ends in Facing Lines. Chisel Thru is a 3-part call. EN: 827

 Circle (fraction) To A Two-Faced Line -- [C4]circletoa2fl.php  

Circle (fraction) To A Two-Faced Line [C4]:
From Facing Couples. Circle Left 1/2 (or the given fraction); Veer Left. Ends in a R-H Two-Faced Line. Same as As Couples Single Circle To A Wave. EN: 593

 Circle (fraction) To A Wave -- [C2]circletoawave.php  

Circle (fraction) To A Wave [C2] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From Facing Couples. Circle Left 1/4 (or the given fraction); Beaus Walk as Belles Dodge. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 592

 Circle The (fraction) Tag -- [C4]  

Circle The (fraction) Tag [C4] (Vic Ceder):
From Facing Couples. Circle 1/4 Left; Beaus 1/2 Walk as Belles 1/2 Dodge (this is Circle The 1/4 Tag); Extend to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. Circle The 1/2 Tag is equivalent to Circle To A WaveEN: 594

 Continue To Invert Another fraction -- [C4]  

Continue To Invert Another fraction [C4]:
From one of the intermediate stages of Invert The Column. Do the next fraction parts of Invert The ColumnEN: 858

 Coordinate To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Coordinate To A Diamond [C4]:
Coordinate; Centers Hinge. Columns end in Twin Diamonds. EN: 719

 Counter Point -- [C4]  

Counter Point [C4]:
From applicable formations. Centers Recycle as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4EN: 441

 Counter Rotate fraction -- [C1]counterrotate.php  

Counter Rotate fraction [C1] (Lee Kopman 1973):
From applicable formations. Walk forward in an arc, for a total of fraction of a circle, around the flagpole center of the set, keeping the same distance from the center of the set. EN: 443

 Counter Shake -- [C4]  

Counter Shake [C4] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From Completed Double Pass Thru. Centers Shakedown, Veer Left & As Couples Extend as Outsides 1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4 & Curve In [C4] (as one movement, Press In & Face In). Ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. Counter Shake is a 3-part call. EN: 516

 Couple Of 3 -- [NOL]  

Couple Of 3 [NOL]:
A one-faced Line of 3 dancers work as a unit. EN: 35

 Couples Hinge -- [Mainstream]coupleshinge.php  

Couples Hinge [Mainstream] (Ron Schneider 1970):
From a One- or Two-Faced Line. Do 1/2 of a Couples Trade. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 463

 Couples Hinge & Trade -- [C4]  

Couples Hinge & Trade [C4] (Ron Schneider 1969):
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines or Back-to-Back Lines. Couples Hinge; Center Couples Trade; all As Couples Face In. Ends in a Double Pass Thru Formation. EN: 464

 Cover Up But anything -- [C4]  

Cover Up But anything [C4]:
Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Outsides Any-Shoulder Pass In as Centers do the anything call. This is the same as Cover Up except the resulting Centers Replace the Recycle with the anything call. EN: 510

 Crazy Concept -- [C2]crazy.php  

Crazy Concept [C2] (Bern Aubuchon 1971):
Each side do the given call; Centers do the given call; Each side do the given call; Centers do the given call. EN: 829

 Criss Cross Clover And anything -- [NOL]  

Criss Cross Clover And anything [NOL]:
Out-Facing Couples Cross Cloverleaf and Half Sashay as Others (move in and) do the anything call. EN: 139

 Criss Cross Shadow The Column -- [C4]  

Criss Cross Shadow The Column [C4]:
From Columns. #1 and #3 dancers act as Ends while #2 and #4 dancers act as Centers of Parallel Two-Faced Lines, and all Criss Cross The ShadowEN: 881

 Criss Cross The Deucey -- [C3B]crisscrossthedeucey.php  

Criss Cross The Deucey [C3B]:
From Parallel Waves, applicable 2 x 4 T-Bones, or the formation obtained after All 4 Couples Touch 1/4. Trailers Cross Extend, Arm Turn 3/4 and Spread as Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate and then Phantom Crossover Circulate. Ends in Parallel Waves, Point-to-Point Diamonds, or a Thar. EN: 763

 Criss Cross The Shadow -- [C2]crisscrosstheshadow.php  

Criss Cross The Shadow [C2] (Ross Howell 1974):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem or from Promenade (in which case designated dancers act as Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines). Ends 1/2 Zoom & Slide, Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Out-Facing Centers Cloverleaf and Slither as In-Facing Centers Cross Extend, Arm Turn 1/4, & Extend. Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines. EN: 149

 Cross Back -- [C2]crossback.php  

Cross Back [C2]:
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders U-Turn Back as Trailers Diagonal Pull By using outside hands. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Mini-Wave Box. EN: 118

 Cross Breed Thru -- [C4]  

Cross Breed Thru [C4]:
From applicable Facing Couples (or an applicable R-H Wave). Pass Thru; Normal Couples Left-Shoulder Partner Tag as Half-Sashayed Couples 1/4 Out. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 123

 Cross By -- [C1]crossby.php  

Cross By [C1] (Lee Kopman 1969):
From Parallel Waves or a Thar. As one movement, 1/2 Circulate and Slide (nose-to-nose). A Thar ends in an opposite-handed Thar; Parallel Waves end in a Thar. EN: 82

 Cross Chuck-A-Luck -- [C3B]chuckaluck.php  

Cross Chuck-A-Luck [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971):
From Parallel Lines with the Centers facing out. Centers Cross Run and Pass In as Ends Face In, Step Forward, and Cross Trail Thru. Ends in an Eight Chain Thru formation. EN: 138

 Cross Counter -- [C3A]crosscounter.php  

Cross Counter [C3A] (Ross Howell 1974):
From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Centers Trade The Wave, Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as the Outsides Cross Cast Back, Touch 1/2 and Step & Fold. A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines; a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Waves. Cross Counter is a 3-part call. EN: 239

 Cross Cycle -- [C3B]crosscycle.php  

Cross Cycle [C3B] (Joe Chiles 1975):
From a Two-Faced Line. Centers Cross Fold and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box; Box Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. Ends in Facing Couples. EN: 576

 Cross Drop direction -- [C4]  

Cross Drop direction [C4]:
Centers Cross Extend instead of Extend. EN: 897

 Cross Extend -- [C1]crossextend.php  

Cross Extend [C1] (Lee Kopman):
As one movement Extend and those ending in a Mini-Wave slide nose-to-nose with each other to end in an opposite-handed Mini-Wave. EN: 491

 Cross Flip The Line (fraction) -- [C3B]crossfliptheline.php  

Cross Flip The Line (fraction) [C3B] (Ron Schneider 1973):
From a Two-Faced Line. As one movement, Centers Cross Run and all Any Shoulder Tag The Line to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 652

 Cross Follow Thru -- [C4]  

Cross Follow Thru [C4] (Art Fricker 1972):
Do a Cross Extend instead of Extend. From a Mini-Wave Box, Cross Follow Thru is identical to Weave. From a Single 1/4 Tag, Cross Follow Thru is a Cross Extend and Arm Turn 1/4. From either of the above-mentioned starting formations, Cross Follow Thru ends in a Wave. EN: 519

 Cross Horseshoe Turn -- [C4]crosshorseshoeturn.php  

Cross Horseshoe Turn [C4]:
From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Columns facing Out. Ends Cross Cloverleaf (as one movement, Half Sashay and Cloverleaf) as the Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru. Generalized Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru. This is a 2-part call for the Centers. EN: 95

 Cross Lockit -- [C3B]crosslockit.php  

Cross Lockit [C3B] (Lee Kopman):
From a Wave or a Two-Faced Line. As one movement, Lockit and Spread. Ends in a Wave or Two-Faced Line. EN: 106

 Cross Roll To A Wave | Line -- [C1]crossroll.php  

Cross Roll To A Wave | Line [C1] (Chuck Peel 1971):
From any Line of 4. Centers Cross Run as Ends Run. A Two-Faced Line ends in a Wave and vice-versa. This is the opposite of Switch The WaveEN: 400

 Cross Roll To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond -- [C4]  

Cross Roll To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond [C4]:
From Parallel Waves (or applicable Parallel Lines). Centers Cross Run as Ends do your part Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond Circulate. A better name for this call might be Cross Switch To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked DiamondEN: 406

 Cross Scoot & Weave -- [C4]  

Cross Scoot & Weave [C4]:
From a Single 1/4 Tag. Cross Extend, Arm Turn 1/2, and Weave. Ends in an opposite-handed Wave. EN: 545

 Cross Scoot Back -- [C4]  

Cross Scoot Back [C4]:
From a Single 1/4 Tag. Cross Extend; Arm Turn 1/2; Extend. Ends in an opposite-handed Single 3/4 Tag. EN: 494

 Cross Scoot Chain Thru -- [C4]  

Cross Scoot Chain Thru [C4]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Cross Extend ('Extend to the wrong hand'), Swing, Slip, Swing, and Extend. Ends in an opposite-handed 3/4 Tag. EN: 420

 Cross The "K" -- [C2]crossthek.php  

Cross The "K" [C2] (Bill White 1970):
From Facing Lines, Eight Chain Thru, or other applicable formations. Cross Trail Thru; Centers Trade as Ends U-Turn Back by turning away from the Center (i.e., 1/4 Out & Roll). EN: 136

 Cross To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond -- [C4]  

Cross To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond [C4]:
From Parallel Waves (or applicable Parallel Lines). Centers Crossover Circulate as Ends do your part Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond Circulate. EN: 407

 Cross Trail -- [obsolete]  

Cross Trail [obsolete]:
From a Couple. Left-shoulder Partner Tag. Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers. EN: 141

 Cross Trail Thru -- [A1]crosstrailthru.php  

Cross Trail Thru [A1] (Pat Patterson 1949):
From Facing Couples (or R-H Wave). Pass Thru; Half Sashay. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 134

 Cross Trail Thru To The Corner -- [A1V]  

Cross Trail Thru To The Corner [A1V]:
Cross Trail Thru and 1/4 Out (turn 1/4 in place away from your partner). Cross Trail Thru To The Corner is sometimes called from normal (1P2P) Facing Lines prior to an Allemande Left. Alternative definition: Pass Thru and Left-shoulder Partner Tag. EN: 135

 Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1]crossyourneighbor.php  

Cross Your Neighbor [C1] (Gus Greene 1969):
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back as Trailers Cross Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Two-Faced Line. EN: 434

 Curli-Cross -- [C4]  

Curli-Cross [C4] (Lee Kopman 1968):
From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave. Curlique (Touch; Boy does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as Girl Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the Boy's original starting position); Trailers diagonal L-H (outside hand) pull by. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. This is a 2-part call. Curli-Cross, which was once on the A1 list, was the inspiration for anything & CrossEN: 120

 Curli-Pass -- [C4]  

Curli-Pass [C4] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From applicable formations. Those designated (or those facing) Curlique; those facing Pass Thru. This is a 2-part call. The Pass Thru usually involves an inactive dancer(s). EN: 878

 Curlique -- [C4]curlique.php  

Curlique [C4] (Clarence Watson 1961):
From Facing dancers of opposite sex (or a R-H Mini-Wave). Using Right hands, the lady places the back of her hand into the man's raised palm: Touch; man does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as lady Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the man's original starting position. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. EN: 877

 Curve direction -- [C4]  

Curve direction [C4] (Dave Hodson 1985):
As one movement, Press direction while individually turning toward that direction. Direction can be In, Out, Left, or Right and is relative to the Center of the Set. EN: 646

 Cut The Diamond -- [Plus]cutthediamond.php  

Cut The Diamond [Plus] (Lee Kopman 1973):
From a Diamond. Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points slide together and Trade to end in the furthest Center position. A normal Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 422

 Cut The Hourglass -- [A2]cutthehourglass.php  

Cut The Hourglass [A2] (Tim Ploch):
From an Hourglass. Points slide together and Trade as Centers Hourglass Circulate. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 378

 Cy-Kick -- [C4]  

Cy-Kick [C4]:
From applicable formations. Center 4 2/3 Recycle as Outsides do your part Beaus Kick Off. EN: 691

 Cycle And anything -- [C4]  

Cycle And anything [C4]:
From applicable formations. Mini-Wave dancers Recycle as Others do the anything call. For example, (from a 3 & 1 Line) Cycle And Turn & Deal; (from Parallel 3 & 1 Lines) Cycle And Ferris Wheel. EN: 133

 Delete (or Skip) CONCEPT -- [C1V]  

Delete (or Skip) CONCEPT [C1V]:
Execute the given call X, omitting a given part Y. EN: 669

 Diamond Chain And Anything -- [C4]  

Diamond Chain And Anything [C4]:
From Twin Diamonds. Diamond Circulate; Very Centers Trade; Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 as Ends U-Turn Back. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. The words 'And Anything' are actually said. EN: 394

 Diamond Chain Thru -- [A2]diamondchainthru.php  

Diamond Chain Thru [A2] (Deuce Williams 1972):
From Twin Diamonds. Diamond Circulate; Very Centers Trade; Center 4 Cast Off 3/4. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 390

 Diamond Circulate -- [Plus]diamondcirc.php  

Diamond Circulate [Plus] (Dewey Berry 1972):
From a Diamond. Walk forward to the next position in the Diamond while turning 90° toward the center of the Diamond. Centers become Points and vice-versa. Dancers facing along the Circulate path pass Right-Shoulders with each other. EN: 482

 Diamond Inlet -- [C4]  

Diamond Inlet [C4]:
From Parallel Waves, 3 By 1 Lines, or other applicable formations. In-Facing Ends and adjacent do an Inlet, as Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers do a 2/3 Recycle. Ends in Twin Diamonds. Same as Outeractives (Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers) go 2/3, all Inlet. EN: 853

 Divide & Pair -- [C4]  

Divide & Pair [C4]:
From a Starting Double Pass Thru, Trade By, or other applicable formations. Centers Pair Off as Ends 1/4 Out and Cross Fold. Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru formation. EN: 115

 Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything -- [C3B]dividetheocean.php  

Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From a Generalized Tidal Line. Outside 4 Cast Off 3/4 and Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag (if Ocean) or Cross Concentric Vertical Left 1/2 Tag (if Sea) as the others Hinge, Partner Tag, Press Ahead, and individually turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the anything call. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 760

 Dixie Hourglass -- [C1V]  

Dixie Hourglass [C1V] (Vic Ceder 1983):
Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers 1/2 Circulate as Ends U-Turn Back. Ends in a R-H Hourglass. EN: 488

 Dixie Interlocked Diamond -- [C1V]  

Dixie Interlocked Diamond [C1V] (Vic Ceder 1983):
Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Follow Thru (or Hinge & Slither) as Ends U-Turn Back, Ends in R-H Interlocked Diamonds. EN: 489

 Double Cross -- [A2V]  

Double Cross [A2V]:
From applicable Columns of 3. The four who can diagonally Pull By using outside hands. Some callers believe this call is poorly named, and prefer to call it as 'Center 6 (or Columns of 3) Triple Cross'. EN: 612

 Double Pass Back -- [C1V]  

Double Pass Back [C1V]:
From (starting) Double Pass Thru. 1/2 Double Pass Thru (Tandem Touch); Scoot Back. This is rarely used. EN: 627

 Double Pass Your Neighbor -- [C2]  

Double Pass Your Neighbor [C2]:
From (starting) Double Pass Thru. 1/2 Double Pass Thru (Tandem Touch); Follow Your Neighbor. EN: 731

 Double Star Thru -- [A1]doublestarthru.php  

Double Star Thru [A1]:
From normal Facing Couples (Boy on Left, Girl on Right). Star Thru; Mirror Star Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 52

 Drop direction -- [C2]drop.php  

Drop direction [C2] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Diamond or Generalized Single 1/4 Tag with the Centers in a Mini-Wave. Centers do your part of Extend the Tag as the Others 1/4 toward the given direction (relative to the 4-dancer formation). Adjust to end in a 2 x 2. EN: 449

 Eight By anything -- [C3A]eightby.php  

Eight By anything [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1981):
From applicable formations (such as a 2 x 4 with the outsides facing each other). Outside 4 do your part Grand Chain Eight & Roll as Centers do the anything call (working in the Center). Ends in various formations. EN: 335

 Exchange The Box -- [C3A]exchangethebox.php  

Exchange The Box [C3A]:
From a 2 x 4. Do a total of four Split Circulates, except that when you become the In-facing Center do your next Circulate to your diagonal opposite position (crossing over into the other Box). Exchange The Box can be fractionalized into fourths. EN: 326

 Exchange The Triangle -- [C3A]exchtriangle.php  

Exchange The Triangle [C3A] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Twin Triangles. Do a total of three Triangle Circulates except that when 1) you become the Apex dancer (for Apex-to-Apex Triangles), or 2) you become the In-facing Base dancer (for Base-to-Base Triangles); do your next Circulate to the other Triangle. (From Apex-to-Apex Triangles, the Circulate is an Interlocked Triangle Circulate; from Base-to-Base Triangles, the Circulate is to the diagonal opposite position.) Exchange The Triangle can be fractionalized into thirds. EN: 325

 Explode And anything -- [Plus,A1]explode.php  

Explode And anything [Plus,A1]:
  • From a Wave or Inverted Line [Plus]. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 In. Ends in Facing Couples.
  • From a Generalized Line [A1]. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead. Adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.
 EN: 127

 Explode The Diamond -- [C3B]explodethediamond.php  

Explode The Diamond [C3B] (Dave Hodson 1974):
From Twin Diamonds, a 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. Centers Explode The Wave as Ends Circulate and the Lead End U-Turn Back. Twin Diamonds end in Parallel Inverted Lines. EN: 128

 Explode The Line -- [A1]explodetheline.php  

Explode The Line [A1] (Bill Shymkus 1964):
As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead and all adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples; Right Pull By. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 126

 Explode The Top -- [C3A]explodethetop.php  

Explode The Top [C3A] (Holman Hudspeth 1969):
From Parallel Lines. Explode; End Beau Circulate 1 & 1/2 as End Belle Circulate, Veer inward, and U-Turn Back as Centers Touch 1/2 and the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4 while the other Center Step Ahead to form a R-H Star (Hint: the Center who Stepped Ahead should raise their Left hand to indicate that they are leading the Unwrap The Star); turn the Star 1/4 and the leader of the Unwrap walks forward as everyone else follows to Unwrap The Star, and everyone Face In to end in Facing Lines. EN: 129

 Explode The Wave -- [Plus]explodethewave.php  

Explode The Wave [Plus] (Jack Lasry 1965):
From a Wave (or Inverted Line). Step Thru & turn 1/4 toward the center of the Line; Right Pull By. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 130

 Face In | Out -- [MSV]  

Face In | Out [MSV]:
Individually turn 1/4 in place toward (Face In) or away from (Face Out) the center of the set. EN: 110

 Fan Concept -- [C3B]fan.php  

Fan Concept [C3B]:
The Fan CONCEPT is used on calls which begin with an Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing) followed by a Centers Cast Off 3/4. Omit the initial Arm Turn 1/2 and do the given call. EN: 784

 Fan The Top -- [Plus]fanthetop.php  

Fan The Top [Plus] (Deuce Williams 1967):
From a Line or Diamond with the Centers in a Mini-Wave; or from Facing Couples, in which case dancers first Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends walk forward in an arc, turning 90°, to move up 1/4 of a circle around the center of the 4-dancer formation. A Wave or Facing Couples ends in a Wave. EN: 355

 Fan Thru -- [C4]  

Fan Thru [C4] (Tom Tarleton 1967):
From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave. Step to a Wave if necessary; Centers Trade; all Step Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. Fan Thru is choreographically equivalent to Reverse Swap Around and, in our opinion, a smoother call. EN: 66

 Fascinating anything -- [C2]  

Fascinating anything [C2] (Johnny Preston 1979):
From Parallel Waves, Parallel Two-Faced Lines, or other applicable formations. Centers Any Hand 3/4 Thru as Ends Circulate once and a half; Outside 4 of the Line of 6 Concentric anything as lonesome outside dancer Counter Rotate 1/4. Usually ends in a generalized 1/4 Tag or Twin Diamonds. EN: 850

 Flip Back -- [C1]  

Flip Back [C1] (Lee Kopman 1973):
From a Wave. 1/2 Flip The Line; Scoot Back. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 628

 Flip The Diamond -- [Plus]flipthediamond.php  

Flip The Diamond [Plus] (Deuce Williams 1973):
From a Diamond. Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points Flip In (180°) towards the the nearest Center position. A normal Diamond ends in a Wave. EN: 373

 Flip The Hourglass -- [A2]cutthehourglass.php  

Flip The Hourglass [A2] (Tim Ploch):
From an Hourglass. Outsides flip in (Phantom Run) as Centers Hourglass Circulate. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 379

 Flip Your Neighbor -- [C2]  

Flip Your Neighbor [C2] ("Foggy" Thompson 1973):
From A Wave. 1/2 Flip The Line; Follow Your Neighbor. Ends in an opposite-handed Wave. EN: 732

 Flowing anything -- [C4]  

Flowing anything [C4]:
Do a With The Flow; then Finish the anything call (i.e., Replace the first part of the anything call with a With The Flow). EN: 716

 Fly The Coop -- [C4]  

Fly The Coop [C4] (Vic Ceder):
From Tidal Wave or Line.

  1. Very Centers Grand Cross Run (work toward the far end and cross run around everyone);
  2. Everyone Trade;
  3. Very Centers Grand Cross Run;
  4. Everyone Trade;

4-part call.

Also possible from Wave of 6.

From Point-to-Point Diamonds: 1/2 Fly The Coop EN: 956

 Follow Your Neighbor -- [Plus]followyourneighbor.php  

Follow Your Neighbor [Plus] (Deuce Williams 1968):
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders as one movement 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back as Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave. EN: 431

 Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1]grand14thru.php  

Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru [A1]:
From R-H Columns or other applicable formations. Everyone who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); Everyone who can Left Arm Turn 1/2. Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru is to 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru as Grand Swing Thru is to Swing ThruEN: 91

 Grand Cross Back -- [C2]  

Grand Cross Back [C2]:
From Columns or other applicable formations. Out-Facing Ends U-Turn Back as the others diagonally Pull By using outside hands. Columns end in opposite-handed Columns. EN: 613

 Grand Cross Roll To A Wave -- [C4]  

Grand Cross Roll To A Wave [C4]:
From a Generalized Tidal Line. Center Pairs of dancers Grand Cross Run (like a Grand Slip-Slide) as very End dancers Run. Grand Cross Roll To A Wave is the same as Grand Working As Centers Cross Roll To A WaveEN: 601

 Grand Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1V]  

Grand Cross Your Neighbor [C1V]:
From Parallel Columns of {n}. #1 dancer, as one movement, 1/2 Circulate & U-Turn Back (Roll twice) as the Others Grand Cross Extend (1/2 Circulate and Slide nose-to-nose) and Arm Turn 3/4. Ends in a Line of 2nEN: 17

 Grand Erase -- [C4]  

Grand Erase [C4]:
From applicable formations (usually a Tidal Line). Very Outside 2 dancers Counter Rotate 1/4 as the others U-Turn Back. EN: 451

 Grand Follow Thru -- [C1V]  

Grand Follow Thru [C1V]:
From Columns or other applicable formations. 1/2 Grand Scoot Back. From normal Columns, Grand Follow Thru is a 1/2 Circulate; Center 6 Arm Turn 1/4. EN: 518

 Grand Follow Your Neighbor -- [A1]grandfyn.php  

Grand Follow Your Neighbor [A1]:
From Columns or other applicable formations. Out-Facing Ends 1/2 Split Circulate & U-Turn Back as the others 1/2 Circulate & Arm Turn 3/4. Columns end in a Tidal Wave. EN: 6

 Grand Left 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1]  

Grand Left 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru [A1]:
Those who can Left Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); those who meet and can Right Arm Turn 1/2. EN: 124

 Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) -- [Plus]  

Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) [Plus]:
From a Wave of more than 4 dancers, Facing Lines of 3 or more, or from other applicable formations. Those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who can Right Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a Wave of more than 4 dancers. EN: 722

 Grand Pass & Roll -- [C4]  

Grand Pass & Roll [C4]:
From a Grand Single Eight Chain Thru (e.g., from a Tidal Line after 1/4 In), or from other applicable formations. Pass Thru; Center pairs of dancers Turn Thru as Very Outsides U-Turn Back; all Pass Thru; Center pairs of dancers Pass thru and all Right Roll To A Wave. Ends in R-H Columns. EN: 542

 Grand Pass & Roll Your Neighbor -- [C4]  

Grand Pass & Roll Your Neighbor [C4]:
From a Grand Single Eight Chain Thru (e.g., from a Tidal Line after 1/4 In), or from other applicable formations. Pass Thru; Center pairs of dancers Turn Thru as Very Outsides U-Turn Back; all Pass Thru; Center pairs of dancers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as Very Outsides individually turn 3/4 to the Right. Ends in L-H Tidal Wave. EN: 543

 Grand Remake -- [A2]  

Grand Remake [A2]:
From applicable formations consisting of more than 4 dancers. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4; those who meet and can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who meet and can Right Arm Turn 3/4. EN: 401

 Grand Scoot & Dodge -- [NOL]  

Grand Scoot & Dodge [NOL]:
From Mini-Wave Columns. #1 dancers Dodge, as the Others Grand Scoot Back (Grand Extend, Trade, and Grand Extend). Ends in Columns with the Ends are facing out. EN: 11

 Grand Split Square Chain Thru -- [C4]  

Grand Split Square Chain Thru [C4]:
From an applicable T-Bone setup (e.g., from Facing Lines after the left-side Couple does a 1/4 In). Those facing (or those in a R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By and individually turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Grand Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. EN: 429

 Grand Square Chain Thru -- [C4]  

Grand Square Chain Thru [C4]:
From Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Grand Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Lines. EN: 77

 Grand Step & Fold -- [C1V]  

Grand Step & Fold [C1V]:
From an applicable Line of 6 or 8 or other applicable formations. Very Ends Fold as the others Step Ahead. A Tidal Wave ends in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines. EN: 535

 Grand Swap Around -- [NOL]  

Grand Swap Around [NOL]:
From appropriate Columns of 3 or 4 (e.g., a L-H 1/4 Box). Belles Circulate as Beaus Run. EN: 546

 Grand Switch (The Line | Wave) -- [C4]grandswitch.php  

Grand Switch (The Line | Wave) [C4] (Lee Kopman):
From a general 1 x {n} Line. The #2 dancers (those adjacent to the Very Ends) Run as the others Grand Working As Ends Cross Run. Ends in a 1 x {n} Line. Cheat: As one movement, Swing-Grand Slither. EN: 599

 Grand Switch To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Grand Switch To A Diamond [C4]:
From a Generalized Tidal Line. The #2 dancers (adjacent to the Very Ends) Run as the others Grand (Working As Ends) Diamond Circulate. EN: 600

 Half Sashay -- [Basic]halfsashay.php  

Half Sashay [Basic]:
From a Couple. Without changing your facing direction, exchange places by having the Belle sidestep in front of the Beau as the Beau sidestep behind the Belle. Ends in a Couple. From a Mini-Wave, do your part (i.e., from a L-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding back-to-back; from a R-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding nose-to-nose). EN: 80

 Here Comes The Judge -- [C2]herecomesthejudge.php  

Here Comes The Judge [C2] (Ralph Pavlik 1968):
From a Line (usually of 4) in which both Ends are facing the same direction. The End Belle (Right-most End) do your part Ends Trade, as the Others Run one position towards the original End Belle's position. Ends in a Line. Here Comes The Judge is the same as Prefer the End Belle for an Out Roll Circulate. EN: 367

 Hinge The Lock -- [C3A]hingethelock.php  

Hinge The Lock [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From an applicable non T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Lockit. Ends in a Wave. EN: 103

 Hocus Pocus -- [C2]hocuspocus.php  

Hocus Pocus [C2] (Norm Poisson 1979):
From applicable formations including all 2 x 4 setups, Twin Diamonds, 1/4 Tag, etc. Outside 4 dancers do two Phantom "O" Circulates as Center 4 Trade. EN: 396

 Horseshoe Turn -- [A1]horseshoeturn.php  

Horseshoe Turn [A1] (Doug Johnston 1965):
From Columns with the Ends Facing Out, or from other applicable formations. Ends Cloverleaf as Centers Partner Tag. Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru. EN: 93

 Hourglass Circulate -- [A2]hourglass.php  

Hourglass Circulate [A2]:
From an Hourglass. The Circulate path of an Hourglass consists of 8 spots. Move forward to the next position in the Hourglass, moving from a Diamond position to a Box position or vice-versa. Change your facing direction (by 90°) if and only if you are moving to or from the Point of the Center Diamond. If the Circulate does not involve dancers ending on the same spot, then Hourglass Circulate ends in an Hourglass. EN: 377

 In Roll Circulate -- [A2]inrollcirculate.php  

In Roll Circulate [A2]:
From Parallel Lines in which the Ends all have their right-shoulder toward the center, or all have their left-shoulder toward the center. In-Facing Ends Circulate as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 366

 In Roll To A Diamond -- [C4]  

In Roll To A Diamond [C4]:
From Parallel Lines in which the Ends all have their right-shoulder toward the center, or all have their left-shoulder toward the center. In-Facing Ends and adjacent Centers do your part of In Roll Circulate as the Others slide sideways toward the Center (to become Centers) and Hinge. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 374

 In Roll To A Wave -- [C4]  

In Roll To A Wave [C4]:
From Twin Diamonds or Parallel Lines in which the Ends all have their right-shoulder toward the center, or all have their left-shoulder toward the center. Ends do your part of In Roll Circulate as the Centers move toward the vacated End position (without changing their facing direction) and Hinge. Twin Diamonds end in Parallel Lines; Parallel Lines end in a C1 Phantom position. EN: 375

 Inner Code -- [obsolete]  

Inner Code [obsolete]:
From any formation in which there is a Center 2 x 2. Center 4 Face In (Inner Code 1); Pass Thru (Inner Code 2); Face In (Inner Code 3); etc. EN: 862

 Interlocked Little -- [C3A]interlockedlittle.php  

Interlocked Little [C3A]:
From a 3/4 Line or other applicable formations. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold as Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). EN: 299

 Interlocked Plenty -- [C3A]interlockedplenty.php  

Interlocked Plenty [C3A]:
From a Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. Do an Interlocked Little [C3A] (Centers Step & Cross Fold as Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4); Split Circulate twice; Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as the Center four Concentric 1/2 Zoom. Usually ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 222

 Interlocked Rally -- [C3B]interlockedrally.php  

Interlocked Rally [C3B]:
From a Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. Outsides Rally as the Centers Step And Cross Fold (Interlocked Little) and Peel & Trail. A Generalized 1/4 Line ends in a Tidal Line. This is a 2-part call for the Centers. EN: 777

 Interlocked Ramble -- [C3B]interlockedramble.php  

Interlocked Ramble [C3B]:
From a 3/4 Line or other applicable formations. Outsides Cast Back as Centers Once Removed Fold to face (danced as an Any Shoulder Turn & Deal); all Slide Thru. EN: 554

 Invert Your Neighbor -- [C2]  

Invert Your Neighbor [C2]:
From Parallel Columns. 1/2 Invert The Column; Follow Your Neighbor. EN: 733

 Isolate -- [C4]  

Isolate [C4]:
Counter Rotate 1/4 with respect to the center of your Line or Diamond. EN: 448

 Jay Concept -- [C3A]jay.php  

Jay Concept [C3A]:
From a general 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Work in a Distorted Box with the dancers with whom you would normally JaywalkEN: 332

 Keep Busy -- [C3A]keepbusy.php  

Keep Busy [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Leaders Couples Circulate With The Flow (Ends Walk, Centers Dodge) as Trailers 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Step & Fold (Centers Step Ahead as Ends Fold). Ends in Parallel Waves. This is a 4-part call for the Trailers. EN: 256

 Kick The Habit -- [C4]  

Kick The Habit [C4] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From applicable formations. Center 4 do your part Leads Kick Off as Others Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 690

 Latch On (fraction) -- [C3A]latchon.php  

Latch On (fraction) [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Generalized Tandem. Right Roll to a Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (or the designated fraction). Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 101

 Leader | Trailer -- [MSV]  

Leader | Trailer [MSV]:
From a generalized Tandem (a 1x2), a 2x2, or other applicable formation. The Leader is the out-facing dancer and the Trailer is the in-facing dancer. EN: 15

 Left 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1]  

Left 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru [A1]:
Start with the left hand instead of the right hand. That is, Those who can Left Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); those who meet and can Right Arm Turn 1/2. EN: 90

 Left 3/4 Tag -- [PLV]  

Left 3/4 Tag [PLV]:
From a Line of 4. Turn 1/4 toward the center of the Line, step forward passing left-shoulders to a Left-Handed Single 3/4 Tag formation. EN: 479

 Left Split Square Thru (n) -- [A1]  

Left Split Square Thru (n) [A1]:
Start with the left hand. EN: 85

 Left Square Chain Thru -- [A1]  

Left Square Chain Thru [A1]:
Start with the Left hand (i.e., Left Pull By and 1/4 In; (Right) Swing Thru; Turn Thru). EN: 74

 Left Touch -- [NOL]  

Left Touch [NOL]:
From Facing Dancers. Step forward and to the Right to end side-by-side with Left-hands joined. EN: 159

 Left Track 2 -- [NOL]  

Left Track 2 [NOL]:
Do the Mirror Image of a Track 2. That is, Beaus go inside as Belles go outside, passing left-shoulders, to end in Parallel L-H Waves. EN: 360

 Left Turn Thru -- [Mainstream]turnthru.php  

Left Turn Thru [Mainstream] (Wayne Moyers 1964):
From Facing Dancers or a L-H Mini-Wave. Left Arm Turn 1/2 then (drop hands) and Step Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers. EN: 73

 Lickety Split -- [C3B]licketysplit.php  

Lickety Split [C3B] (Lee Kopman):
From an applicable 2 x 4. Ends Split Circulate as Centers Split Counter Rotate 1/4. Ends in a 2 x 4. EN: 444

 Lift Off -- [C3B]liftoff.php  

Lift Off [C3B] (Ron SchneiderLee Kopman 1976):
From a Static Set with two opposite couples Facing Out or from the 2 x 4 formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru. Leaders As Couples 1/4 Right as others Left Dodge; Belles Distorted Box Circulate; As Couples Extend; Couples Circulate. Ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 765

 Like A anything -- [C4]  

Like A anything [C4]:
Do the last part of the anything call. EN: 571

 Line Of n Turn & Deal -- [NOL]  

Line Of n Turn & Deal [NOL]:
From a Line of n (n is an even number, usually 6 or 8). Do a 1/2 Tag in the Line of n, then turn 1/4 in place toward your initial turning direction. Ends in Parallel Lines of n/2. EN: 41

 Linear (fraction) Tag -- [C4]  

Linear (fraction) Tag [C4]:
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge; Leaders Fold; Extend to the given fractional Tag position. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 590

 Linear Action -- [C1]linearaction.php  

Linear Action [C1] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Centers Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; those who meet (Center 4) Cast Off 3/4 as the Others move up (as in Chain Reaction). Ends in Parallel Waves, Parallel 3 & 1 Lines, or a Parallelogram (if outside dancers end on the same spot). EN: 560

 Linear Action But anything -- [C1V]  

Linear Action But anything [C1V]:
Do a Linear Action but replace the Centers Cast Off 3/4 with the Centers doing the anything call. EN: 563

 Linear Action But Cross It -- [C4]  

Linear Action But Cross It [C4]:
Do a Linear Action but after the Centers Box Circulate 1 & 1/2, do a Very Centers Slither and then complete the call. EN: 562

 Linear Cycle -- [Plus]linearcycle.php  

Linear Cycle [Plus] (Dave HodsonLee Kopman 1979):
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge; Leaders Fold behind Trailers (who do not adjust); Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; Peel Off in direction of Shoulder Pass to end in Facing Couples. This is a 4-part call. From a Wave, Linear Cycle is similar to Recycle And Sweep 1/4EN: 561

 Linear Flow -- [C4]  

Linear Flow [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or applicable Lines. Linear 1/2 Tag (Hinge; Leaders Fold, Extend to Parallel Waves); Split Circulate Twice; Centers Trade. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 589

 Lock The Hinge -- [C3A]hingethelock.php  

Lock The Hinge [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a Wave or a Two-Faced Line. Lockit; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 104

 Locker's Choice -- [C3A]lockerschoice.php  

Locker's Choice [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1981):
From Parallel Waves. Lockit; Center Wave Lockit as Others Trade; Center Wave Hinge as Others Step & Fold (Centers Step Ahead as Ends Fold). Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves. This is a 3-part call. EN: 105

 Loop & (fraction) Tag -- [C3B]loopandtag.php  

Loop & (fraction) Tag [C3B] (Emanuel Duming 1972):
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Peel The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 820

 Magic Diamond Concept -- [C4]magicdiamond.php  

Magic Diamond Concept [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Twin Diamonds. A Magic Diamond is a Distorted Diamond in which the Centers of one Diamond work with the points of the other Diamond. EN: 776

 Magic File To A Line -- [C2V]  

Magic File To A Line [C2V]:
Ends Spread apart as Centers do two Phantom Column Magic Column Circulates; all adjust to end in adjacent Lines. EN: 711

 Magic Hocus Pocus -- [C2V]  

Magic Hocus Pocus [C2V]:
Outsides do two Phantom "O" Magic Column Circulates as Centers Trade. EN: 846

 Magic Line | Wave Concept -- [C4]magicline.php  

Magic Line | Wave Concept [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Parallel Lines | Waves. A Magic Line | Wave is a Distorted Line | Wave in which the Ends of one Line work with the Centers of the other Line. EN: 800

 Magic Walk Out To A Wave -- [C2V]  

Magic Walk Out To A Wave [C2V]:
From Columns. First 2 Magic Trail Off and new Ends Run as #3 Circulate, Dodge (toward Center of Set), and U-Turn Back (by turning toward Center of Set) as #4 Magic Column Circulate, Column Circulate, Dodge (toward Center of Set) and Veer Out to become Ends of a Wave. Magic Columns end in Parallel Waves. The idea is that everyone follows the #1 dancer within their Magic Column as that dancer does a normal Walk Out To A WaveEN: 895

 Mini-"O" FORMATION -- [C1V]  

A Mini-"O" is a 6-dancer "O" with 2 Centers and 4 Ends. EN: 641

 Mini-Butterfly -- [C1V]  

Mini-Butterfly [C1V]:
A Mini-Butterfly is a 6-dancer Butterfly. E.g., from an Hourglass Ignore the points of the Center Diamond. EN: 578

 Mirror Circle (fraction) To A Wave -- [C3B]mirror.php  

Mirror Circle (fraction) To A Wave [C3B]:
From Facing Couples. Circle Right 1/4 (or the given fraction); Belles Walk as Beaus Dodge. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box. This call has historically been known as Reverse Circle (fraction) To A WaveEN: 595

 Mirror Concept -- [C3B]mirror.php  

Mirror Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
The Mirror CONCEPT is accomplished by executing the definition of the given call and replacing: Right with Left and vice-versa; and Beau with Belle and vice-versa. EN: 781

 Mirror Star Thru -- [NOL]  

Mirror Star Thru [NOL]:
Do the mirror image of a Star Thru. That is... From Opposite-Sex Facing Dancers. Boys use Left-hand palm forward as Girls use Right-hand palm forward. Touch hands palm-to-palm, walk forward into the other dancer's starting position, Girls turning under the arch 1/4 to the Right, as Boys turn 1/4 to the Left. Ends in a Couple. EN: 51

 Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]nuclearreaction.php  

Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are directly facing an outside dancer. Very Centers and directly-facing outside dancers Pass Thru; Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread to become Ends of Lines as the Others Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; all Counter Rotate 1/4. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 787

 Oddly | Evenly Concept -- [C3B]random.php  

Oddly | Evenly Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Oddly: Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the odd-numbered parts working any Concept and the even-numbered parts normally.
Evenly: Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the even-numbered parts working any Concept and the odd-numbered parts normally.
 EN: 811

 Open Up But anything -- [C3A]openupthecolumn.php  

Open Up But anything [C3A]:
From Columns. #1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate, Peel Off & Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate and do the anything call. EN: 414

 Open Up The Column -- [C3A]openupthecolumn.php  

Open Up The Column [C3A] (Lee Kopman):
From Columns. #1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate, Peel Off & Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 60

 Out Roll Circulate -- [A2]outrollcirculate.php  

Out Roll Circulate [A2]:
From Parallel Lines in which the Ends of each Line are facing opposite directions. Out-Facing Ends Circulate as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 362

 Out Roll To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Out Roll To A Diamond [C4]:
From Parallel Lines in which the Ends of each Line are facing opposite directions. Out-Facing Ends and adjacent Centers do your part of Out Roll Circulate as the Others slide sideways toward the Center (to become Centers) and Hinge. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 370

 Out Roll To A Wave -- [C4]  

Out Roll To A Wave [C4]:
From Twin Diamonds or Parallel Lines in which the Ends of each Diamond or Line are facing opposite directions. Ends do your part of Out Roll Circulate as Centers move toward the vacated End position (without changing your facing direction) and Hinge. Twin Diamonds end in Parallel Lines; Parallel Lines end in a C1 Phantom position. EN: 371

 Outer Code -- [obsolete]  

Outer Code [obsolete]:
From applicable formations. Outsides 1/4 In (Outer Code 1) and continue as in Zip Code. EN: 861

 Partner Hinge -- [A1]partnerhinge.php  

Partner Hinge [A1]:
From a Mini-Wave or Couple. Do 1/2 of a Trade. Ends in a Mini-Wave. From a Mini-Wave, Partner Hinge is an Arm Turn 1/4; from a Couple, Partner Hinge is 1/2 of a Partner Trade (as one movement, Face each other and Step to a Right-hand Mini-Wave). The word 'Partner' is optional: the word 'Hinge' is sufficient to describe this movement. Usually, however, the caller uses the term 'Partner Hinge' from a Couple, and 'Single Hinge' from a Mini-Wave. EN: 98

 Partner Tag -- [A1]partnertag.php  

Partner Tag [A1] (Willard Orlich 1970):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Turn 1/4 in place to face the adjacent dancer (1/4 In); Pass Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers. EN: 94

 Partner Trade -- [Basic]trade.php  

Partner Trade [Basic]:
From a Mini-Wave or Couple. Walk forward, while turning 180°, to exchange places with the adjacent dancer. When starting from a Couple, pass right-shoulders as you go. A Mini-Wave ends in a Mini-Wave, a Couple ends in a Couple. EN: 97

 Pass & Roll -- [A2]passandroll.php  

Pass & Roll [A2] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or a R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Pass Thru and all Right Roll To A Wave. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 410

 Pass & Roll Your Neighbor -- [A2]passandrollyourneighbor.php  

Pass & Roll Your Neighbor [A2]:
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or a R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends individually turn 3/4 to the Right. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 411

 Pass & Roll The Axle -- [C4]  

Pass & Roll The Axle [C4] (Ross Howell):
From Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; all Pass The Axle. Ends in Facing Lines. This call must be memorized as a separate call since it is not a Pass & Roll [A2] followed by The Axle [C1]. We believe callers should avoid using this call. EN: 484

 Pass & Roll Your Criss Cross Neighbor -- [C2V]  

Pass & Roll Your Criss Cross Neighbor [C2V]:
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or a R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Left Arm Turn 3/4 and Spread as Ends 1/4 Right & Cross Run to the far Center, making a wide arc so as to move around the Centers. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 433

 Pass & Roll Your Cross Neighbor -- [C1V]  

Pass & Roll Your Cross Neighbor [C1V]:
Same as Pass & Roll Your Neighbor except that the Right Arm Turn 3/4 becomes a Left Arm Turn 3/4. Ends in a L-H Two-Faced Line. EN: 432

 Pass Right | Left -- [NOL]  

Pass Right | Left [NOL]:
From Facing Dancers or a R-H Mini-Wave. Pass Thru; Face Right | Left (individually turn 1/4 in place to the Right | Left). Ends in a R-H | L-H Mini-Wave. EN: 109

 Pass The Ocean -- [Mainstream]passtheocean.php  

Pass The Ocean [Mainstream] (Holman Hudspeth 1965):
From Facing Couples. Pass Thru; 1/4 In; Touch (Step To A R-H Wave). Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 157

 Peel & Trail -- [A2]peelandtrail.php  

Peel & Trail [A2] (Lee Kopman 1966):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". Leaders Peel Off as Trailers Trail Off. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Wave; Tandem Couples end in a One-Faced Line. EN: 346

 Peel & Trail The Wave -- [C4]  

Peel & Trail The Wave [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. Complete The Tag (Extend Twice); Peel & Trail. Ends in Facing Lines. EN: 351

 Peel And anything -- [NOL]  

Peel And anything [NOL]:
From an applicable 2x2 or "Z". Leaders Peel Off as Trailers step forward if necessary and do the anything call. EN: 350

 Peel Off -- [Plus]peeloff.php  

Peel Off [Plus] (Howard Liffick 1962):
From an applicable 2 x 2 (usually a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples) or a "Z". As one movement, Leaders flip away (180°) from the center of the 4-dancer formation and step forward if necessary as the Trailers step forward if necessary and U-Turn Back by turning away from the center of the 4-dancer formation. A Non-T-Bone starting formation always ends in a Line. EN: 347

 Peel The Deal -- [C4]  

Peel The Deal [C4] (Vic Andrews 1963):
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". As one movement, Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (i.e., Step Ahead, Peel Off, & Roll). Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag) formation. Cheat: Tandem 3/4 Out. EN: 725

 Peel The Top -- [Plus]peelthetop.php  

Peel The Top [Plus] (Melvin Roberts 1973):
From an applicable 2x2 or "Z". Leaders Peel Off as Trailers Step Forward if necessary; all Fan The Top. A Non-T-Bone starting formation ends in a Wave. EN: 538

 Peel To A Diamond -- [C2]peeltoadiamond.php  

Peel To A Diamond [C2] (Bill Trench 1973):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". Leaders Peel Off as Trailers Extend if necessary and Hinge. Ends in a Diamond. EN: 723

 Percolate But anything -- [C1V]  

Percolate But anything [C1V]:
Circulate 1 & 1/2; those in the Center Line do the anything call as the others Any Hand Turn Thru. EN: 597

 Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept -- [C3B]phantomclw.php  

Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept [C3B] (Keith Gulley 1977):
From a 4 x 4 Matrix, visualized as 4 adjacent Columns | Lines | Waves. Inside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a 2 x 4 Matrix as the Outside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a (Disconnected) 2 x 4 Matrix. EN: 803

 Pitch direction | anything -- [C4]pitch.php  

Pitch direction | anything [C4] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From a Generalized Tandem. Leaders, as one movement, 1/4 Right and Run as Trailers Circulate (Press Ahead) and 1/4 toward the given direction or do the anything call. EN: 549

 Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B]quadruple.php  

Quadruple formation Concept [C3B]:
Quadruple formations consist of four adjacent formations some of which have positions occupied by phantoms. Typically, the given formation is a 4-dancer formation such as a Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave. EN: 836

 Reactivate -- [C3B]reactivate.php  

Reactivate [C3B]:
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Very Centers and directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 around the outside; Center 6 Trade; Very Outsides and the Very Centers Phantom Hourglass Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines (if dancers come to the same spot). EN: 757

 Reciprocate -- [C4]  

Reciprocate [C4] (Hank Drumm 1974):
From applicable formations such as a Generalized 1/4 Tag or Generalized Columns in which the centers are facing. Centers Spin The Windmill as Ends Divide and Touch 3/4. Usually ends in Columns. EN: 459

 Recycle -- [Mainstream]recycle_ms.php  

Recycle [Mainstream] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a Wave. Centers Fold behind Ends and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box; Box Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. Ends in Facing Couples. EN: 440

 Recycle [from Facing Couples] -- [A2]recycle_a2.php  

Recycle [from Facing Couples] [A2] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From Facing Couples. Beaus 1/2 Box Circulate and Right-face U-Turn Back as Belles Left Dodge and Veer Left. Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 437

 Relay The Shadow -- [C1]relaytheshadow.php  

Relay The Shadow [C1] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 as Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; resulting Center Wave Arm Turn 1/4 & Spread (to become Ends of Parallel Waves) as Others do the Centers part of Cast A Shadow (Leaders Cloverleaf as Trailers Extend; Arm Turn 1/4; Extend). Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 150

 Relay The Shadow anyone Criss Cross -- [C2V]  

Relay The Shadow anyone Criss Cross [C2V]:
From Facing Lines or a Tidal Wave. Do a Relay The Shadow, but those doing the Center's part of Cast A Shadow (the anyone dancers) do the Center's part of Criss Cross The Shadow [C2] instead. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 530

 Release The Column -- [obsolete]  

Release The Column [obsolete]:
From Mini-Wave Columns. #2 and #4 Press Out; all Finish Ferris Wheel. Ends in Starting Double Pass Thru. This was the original 'Release' call. EN: 238

 Relocate (The formation) -- [C2]relocate.php  

Relocate (The formation) [C2]:
From an Hourglass, "H", Mini-Butterfly, Point-to-Point Diamonds, Tidal Line, or other applicable formations. Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Others Counter Rotate 1/4. Symmetric setups end in the starting formation rotated by 90°. EN: 911

 Relocate The Hourglass -- [C2]relocate.php  

Relocate The Hourglass [C2] (Tim Ploch):
From an Hourglass. Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Others Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 383

 Remake -- [A2]remake.php  

Remake [A2] (Vince Di Caudo 1972):
From a R-H Mini-Wave Box, a Facing Diamond with the Centers in a R-H Mini-Wave, or from other applicable 3- or 4-dancer formations. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4; those who meet and can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who meet and can Right Arm Turn 3/4. Usually ends in the same formation as the starting formation. Remake is a 1/4 Thru followed by a Right Arm Turn 3/4. EN: 29

 Remake The Thar -- [A2]remakethethar.php  

Remake The Thar [A2] (Oscar Hilding 1971):
From a Thar. Arm Turn 1/4 (to an Alamo Ring); alternating hands, Arm Turn 1/2; alternating hands, Arm Turn 3/4. Ends in a Thar. EN: 403

 Reset -- [C3B]reset.php  

Reset [C3B] (Keith GulleyRuss McGowan):
From a Mini-Wave Box (or other applicable 2 x 2 if fractionalized). 1/2 Zoom; Hinge; 1/2 Zoom; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Reset is a 4-part call. EN: 804

 Reverse Checkpoint anything By anything -- [C3B]reversecheckpoint.php  

Reverse Checkpoint anything By anything [C3B] (Vic Ceder 1985):
From applicable formations. Center 4 do the first anything call and the resulting Ends (of that Center 4) move away from the Center of the Set without changing their facing direction (i.e., Stable). The Others (original Outsides) work around the Very Centers to do the second anything call, ending as close as possible to the positions vacated by the resulting Ends of the Center 4. EN: 755

 Reverse Crazy CONCEPT -- [C2]reversecrazy.php  

Reverse Crazy CONCEPT [C2]:
Centers do the given call; each side do the given call; Centers do the given call; each side do the given call. This is a 4-part concept. EN: 830

 Reverse Cut The formation -- [C4]  

Reverse Cut The formation [C4]:
From the given formation. Those with handholds Trade and Spread as others formation Circulate. Formation can be "O", Butterfly, (Wave-Based) Triangle, 3 By 1 Triangle, Short Six, Tall Six, "Z", etc... EN: 872

 Reverse Cut The Diamond -- [C2]  

Reverse Cut The Diamond [C2]:
From a Diamond. Centers Trade & Spread as Points Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Line. EN: 520

 Reverse Cut The Galaxy -- [C1]reversecutthegalaxy.php  

Reverse Cut The Galaxy [C1]:
From a Galaxy. Centers Trade & Spread as Points Galaxy Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 870

 Reverse Explode [from a Line] -- [C4]  

Reverse Explode [from a Line] [C4]:
From any Line of 4. As one movement, Ends Step Ahead and 1/4 Out as Centers 1/4 Out and Step Ahead. Adjust as necessary to end in Back-to-Back Couples. Reverse Explode [from a Line] was voted off the C1 list several years ago, and is rarely used at any level any more. EN: 131

 Reverse Explode [from a Wave] -- [C1]reverseexplode_c1.php  

Reverse Explode [from a Wave] [C1]:
From a Wave or Inverted Line. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 Out. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 541

 Reverse Flip The formation -- [C4]  

Reverse Flip The formation [C4]:
From the given formation. Those with handholds Phantom Run as others formation Circulate. Formation can be "O", Butterfly, (Wave-Based) Triangle, 3 By 1 Triangle, Short Six, Tall Six, "Z", etc... EN: 873

 Reverse Flip The Diamond -- [C2]reversecutthediamond.php  

Reverse Flip The Diamond [C2]:
From a Diamond. Centers Phantom Run (Flip away from each other) as Points Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Line. EN: 720

 Reverse Flip The Galaxy -- [C1]reversecutthegalaxy.php  

Reverse Flip The Galaxy [C1]:
From a Galaxy. Centers Phantom Run as Points Galaxy Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 871

 Reverse Flip The Hourglass -- [C4]  

Reverse Flip The Hourglass [C4]:
From an Hourglass. Those in the Diamond flip away from the Center of the set as the Others Hourglass Circulate. A normal Hourglass ends with a Center Wave between two Mini-Waves (i.e., like a Thar, but with some dancers further from the Center). EN: 384

 Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B]reverseorder.php  

Reverse Order Concept [C3B]:
Break up the call into its component parts, and do the parts in reverse order. EN: 794

 Reverse Stack The Line -- [C4]  

Reverse Stack The Line [C4]:
From applicable 2 x 2. All 1/4 In; original Trailers move ahead to the dancer in front of them and join R-H as others adjust sideways as necessary to end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 916

 Reverse The Pass -- [C3B]reversethepass.php  

Reverse The Pass [C3B] (Carl Rund 1972):
From Tandem Couples. Leaders Trade; all Pass Thru; Original Trailers Trade. Ends in Tandem Couples. EN: 772

 Reverse The Top -- [C3B]reversethetop.php  

Reverse The Top [C3B] (Holman Hudspeth):
From a Wave, Facing Couples, or other applicable formations. Fan The Top; Swing. Ends in a Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 814

 Revolve To A Wave -- [C3B]revolvetoawave.php  

Revolve To A Wave [C3B] (Jim Davis 1979):
From a non T-Bone 2 x 2. Trailers do their part of a Facing Recycle as the Leaders (as one movement) do their part of a Mini-Chase and Hinge. Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 823

 Right | Left Roll To A Wave -- [A1]rightrolltoawave.php  

Right | Left Roll To A Wave [A1] (Dick Han 1970):
From a Generalized Tandem. As one movement, Leaders Right (or Left)-face U-Turn Back, and all Step To A Right (or Left)-Hand Mini-Wave. EN: 100

 Rip Off -- [C3B]ripoff.php  

Rip Off [C3B] (Kip Garvey 1975):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders do a Beaus Run, Belles Zoom as Trailers do a Beaus Walk, Belles Dodge. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 813

 Ripple (The Line | Wave) | n -- [C2]ripple.php  

Ripple (The Line | Wave) | n [C2] (Royce Waugh 1966):
From a Line or Alamo Ring. Those designated start toward the Center of the Line and successively do a Partner Trade with each dancer until reaching the far end of the Line. Ripple n means to Trade with a total of n dancers. n can include a fraction (e.g., Ripple 2 & 1/2 means to Partner Trade with 2 successive dancers and then 1/2 Partner Trade with the third dancer). EN: 678

 Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) -- [C4]rollingripple.php  

Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) [C4] (Lee Kopman 1984):
From a Line or Alamo Ring. Designated dancer Ripple the first given number; new dancer occupying designated dancer's original starting position Ripple the next given number; repeat part 2 for each additional given number. EN: 677

 Rotary Circulate -- [C4]rotarycirc.php  

Rotary Circulate [C4] (Willard Orlich):
From Parallel Waves. Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate, Circulate twice, and do the last half of a Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Hinge, Box Circulate twice, Hinge, and Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 779

 Rotary Spin The Windmill -- [obsolete]  

Rotary Spin The Windmill [obsolete]:
From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn & Roll as Centers Step To A L-H Wave; all Spin The Windmill Forward (Ends Circulate 2 As You Are). Ends in Parallel R-H Waves. In our opinion, usage of this call should be avoided since dancers could alternatively parse this call as a Rotary Spin followed by The Windmill [C1]. EN: 644

 Round & Cross -- [C4]  

Round & Cross [C4] (Fred Christopher 1968):
Round Off and Half Sashay.

Dancewise, the movement is "blended" - that is, the Half Sashay is done before the Round Off is completed. EN: 635

 Round The Horn -- [C4]  

Round The Horn [C4] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From Parallel Lines. Ends Round Off and Pass Thru as Centers Face Out, Split Counter Rotate 1/4 (2/3 Round Off) and Pass Thru. Ends in a T-Bone 2 x 4. EN: 636

 Run Wild -- [C4]  

Run Wild [C4] (Tim Ploch):
From any Line of 4. Cross Roll To A Line twice. EN: 471

 Scatter Scoot -- [C1]scatterscoot.php  

Scatter Scoot [C1] (Jack Lasry 1970):
From Parallel Waves or applicable T-Bone 2 x 4s. Leaders (all 8) Circulate as Trailers Scoot Back. Parallel Waves end in Parallel Waves. EN: 580

 Scatter Scoot Chain Thru -- [C1]scatterscoot.php  

Scatter Scoot Chain Thru [C1] (Jack Lasry 1971):
From Parallel Waves. Leaders (all 8) Circulate as Trailers Scoot Chain Thru. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 419

 Scoot & Counter -- [C2]  

Scoot & Counter [C2] (Lee Kopman):
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Counter. A R-H 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines or Parallel R-H Waves, depending upon the caller. In our opinion, when Scoot & Counter is called from a L-H 1/4 Tag, callers would be wise to indicate to the outsides which hand to use for the Touch 1/2 since there is a controversy whether it is always the R-H (our belief) or whether the outsides use the same hand as used during the Scoot Back. EN: 887

 Scoot & Cross Ramble -- [C2]  

Scoot & Cross Ramble [C2] (Norm Poisson):
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Cross Ramble. Ends in Generalized Columns. Scoot & Cross Ramble is a 3-part call. EN: 706

 Scoot & Little -- [C1]little.php  

Scoot & Little [C1] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the hand-hold & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold. Ends in Parallel Waves. Note that from a R-H 1/4 Tag, Outsides go Right. From a L-H 1/4 Tag, Outsides go Left. EN: 572

 Scoot & Ramble -- [C1]  

Scoot & Ramble [C1] (Norm Poisson 1973):
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Ramble. Ends in Generalized Columns. EN: 553

 Scoot & Little More -- [C2]  

Scoot & Little More [C2] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the hand-hold & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold; Center 4 Box Circulate. Ends in Parallel Waves. Note that from a R-H 1/4 Tag, Outsides go Right. From a L-H 1/4 Tag, Outsides go Left. EN: 865

 Scoot & Plenty -- [C1]  

Scoot & Plenty [C1] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot & Little; Split Circulate twice; Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as Centers (Concentric) 1/2 Zoom. Ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 639

 Scoot Back -- [Mainstream]scootback.php  

Scoot Back [Mainstream] (Lee Kopman 1969):
  • From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders Box Circulate as Trailers Extend, Arm Turn 1/2, & Extend. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
  • From a Single 1/4 Tag. Extend; Arm Turn 1/2; & Extend. Ends in a Single 3/4 Tag.
 EN: 9

 Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave -- [C1]toawave.php  

Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave [C1]:
Do a Scoot Chain Thru omitting the final Extend. Outsides (if any) slide together to end as a Couple. A 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel Waves; Parallel Waves end in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 418

 Scoot Reaction -- [C3A]anythingreaction.php  

Scoot Reaction [C3A]:
From Parallel Waves. Scoot Back but the Centers hold on after the Arm Turn 1/2 as the Outsides slide together to form a Couple; all Chain Reaction. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 146

 Scramble -- [C3B]scramble.php  

Scramble [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971):
From Back-to-Back Lines or other applicable formations. Outsides do an Ends Bend and Turn Thru as Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru. Back-to-Back Lines end in Back-to-Back Lines. EN: 137

 Sets In Motion Plus n -- [C4]  

Sets In Motion Plus n [C4]:
From Parallel Lines and other applicable formations. Sets In Motion but the Trailing n (1 or 2) dancers complete the 'Grand' Pass Thru, first Peel Left, next Peel Right to end between the original dancers who Peeled Off. Sets In Motion Plus 1 ends with two Lines of 3. Sets In Motion Plus 2 ends in Facing Lines. EN: 687

 Shadow formation anything -- [C4]  

Shadow formation anything [C4]:
From applicable Parallel Lines, applicable Twin Diamonds, or other applicable formations. Outsides Cast A Shadow But Don't Spread (1/2 Zoom, Cast Off 3/4) as Centers do the anything call. Formation is the name of the center formation. For example, from Twin Diamonds, a Shadow Wave Spin The Top has the Ends Cast A Shadow But Don't Spread as the Center Wave does a Spin The Top. EN: 153

 Shadow The Column -- [C4]  

Shadow The Column [C4] (Jack Lasry):
From Columns. #1 and #3 dancers act as Ends while #2 and #4 dancers act as Centers of Parallel Two-Faced Lines, and all Cast A ShadowEN: 151

 Shadow To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Shadow To A Diamond [C4]:
From applicable Parallel Lines. Ends Cast A Shadow as Lead Centers Run & Extend (making a wide arc as in Cast A Shadow) as Trailing Centers 1/2 Circulate & Trade. Ends in Twin Diamonds. The Centers' part of Shadow To A Diamond is an exaggerated Peel & TrailEN: 152

 Shake & Rattle -- [C3B]shakeandrattle.php  

Shake & Rattle [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1978):
From any 2 x 2. Leaders Shakedown as Trailers Reverse Split Swap. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 515

 Siamese CONCEPT -- [C1]siamese.php  

Siamese CONCEPT [C1] (Bill Davis 1979):
Siamese means 'As Couples or In Tandem'. That is, the Couple dancers work As Couples, and the others work In Tandem to do the given call. EN: 33

 Sidetrack -- [C3B]sidetrack.php  

Sidetrack [C3B] (Tim Scholl 1976):
From applicable formations. Zig-Zag; Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. This is a 3-part call. EN: 428

 Single Bounce anyone -- [C2]  

Single Bounce anyone [C2]:
From a Mini-Wave. Single Veer Back-to-Back (Step Thru); designated dancers U-Turn Back toward the direction of the Veer. EN: 955

 Single Checkmate -- [C3A]singlecheckmate.php  

Single Checkmate [C3A]:
From a 2 x 2. Leaders Box Circulate twice and 1/4 In (Box Transfer) as Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In, and Box Circulate. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 294

 Single Circle By fraction By fraction | anything -- [obsolete]  

Single Circle By fraction By fraction | anything [obsolete]:
Single Circle the first given fraction and Step To A R-H Mini-Wave; Arm Turn the second given fraction or do the anything call. Single Circle By was voted off the C1 list several years ago. EN: 475

 Single Concentric Concept -- [C4]  

Single Concentric Concept [C4]:
From a 1 x 4 or other applicable 4-dancer formations. Centers work with each other to do the given call as Ends work around the Centers to do the given call. EN: 525

 Single Concept -- [C3A,C3B,C4]single.php  

Single Concept [C3A,C3B,C4]:
In the Single version of a call, each dancer executes the movement that would normally be done by a set of two dancers within the normal version of the call. For a call to have a Single version, it must be possible to group all dancers into sets of two, in which the dancers in each set are always facing the same direction thoughout the given call. The dancers in each set are usually dancing their portion of the call As Couples, In Tandem, Once Removed, or Twosome (or some combination of these concepts). You can think of Single as replacing each set of two dancers with a single dancer located exactly half-way between the two dancers. This single dancer then executes the given call always staying on a path located exactly half-way between where the two dancers would be in the normal version of the call. EN: 36

 Single Cross Chain & Roll -- [C4]  

Single Cross Chain & Roll [C4]:
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or R-H Mini-Wave Box). Right Pull By; Centers Single L-H Star 1/2 (Left Touch 1/4) as Ends Single Courtesy Turn (Left-face U-Turn Back) & Roll. EN: 659

 Single Hinge & Trade -- [C4]  

Single Hinge & Trade [C4]:
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Centers Trade; all Roll. Ends in a 1 x 4 Column. EN: 686
Single Hinge & Trade [C4] (Ron Schneider 1969):
From a Non-T-Bone 2x2. Hinge; Centers Trade; all Roll. EN: 465

 Single Peel Off -- [C4]  

Single Peel Off [C4]:
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. U-Turn Back by turning away from your partner. EN: 724

 Single Ping Pong Circulate -- [C4]  

Single Ping Pong Circulate [C4]:
From a Single 1/4 Tag. As one movement, Extend twice and the new Ends U-Turn Back. Ends in a Single 1/4 Tag. The direction toward which to do the U-Turn Back is undefined, hence it is inappropriate to follow this movement with a RollEN: 583

 Single Shuffle -- [C4]  

Single Shuffle [C4] (Willard Orlich):
From a Couple. 1/2 of a Half Sashay. I.e., the Beau sidesteps behind the Belle as the Belle sidesteps in front of the Beau. Ends in Tandem dancers. EN: 923

 Single Stretch CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Single Stretch CONCEPT [C4]:
From 4-dancer formations. Do the given 2-dancer call with the resulting Centers (of the 4-dancer formation) ending in the far center. EN: 630

 Slide -- [A2]slipslideswingslither.php  

Slide [A2] (Lee Kopman 1966):
From a Wave or other applicable 4-dancer formation. Ends and adjacent Centers slide nose-to-nose past one another to exchange places. EN: 904

 Slide Thru -- [Mainstream]slidethru.php  

Slide Thru [Mainstream] (Harlan Moody 1965):
From Facing Dancers or a R-H Mini-Wave. Pass Thru; Girls Face Left as Boys Face Right. Opposite sex dancers end as a Couple; Two Boys end in a R-H Mini-Wave; Two Girls end in a L-H Mini-Wave. Slide Thru is a sex-dependent call. EN: 113

 Slim Down -- [C4]  

Slim Down [C4]:
From any 2 x 4 or other applicable formation. Without turning, Centers move one position toward the nearest unoccupied outside position as Outsides move one position toward the center. Everyone does either a sidestep right, sidestep left, step forward, or step backward. From Parallel Lines with the Centers facing out, Slim Down is the same as Step & SlideEN: 71
Slim Down [C4]:
From any 2 x 4 or other applicable formation. Without turning, Centers move one position toward the nearest unoccupied outside position as Outsides move one position toward the center. Everyone does either a sidestep right, sidestep left, step forward, or step backward. From Columns, Slim Down is the same as SpreadEN: 905

 Slip -- [A2]slipslideswingslither.php  

Slip [A2] (Lee Kopman 1966):
From a Wave or other applicable 4-dancer formation. Centers Arm Turn 1/2. EN: 417

 Sock It To Me -- [C2]herecomesthejudge.php  

Sock It To Me [C2] (Holman Hudspeth 1968):
From an applicable Line. Prefer the End Beau for an Out Roll Circulate. EN: 368

 Solid CONCEPT -- [C2]solid.php  

Solid CONCEPT [C2]:
Designated dancers or dancers within a designated formation work as a unit (similar to As Couples or Tandem) to perform the given call. EN: 34

 Spin Back -- [C4]  

Spin Back [C4] (Norm Wilcox 1972):
From Facing Couples or a Wave. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back. Ends in a Diamond. EN: 727

 Spin Chain And Anything -- [C4]  

Spin Chain And Anything [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 1/4 as others U-Turn Back. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 606

 Spin Chain And Circulate The Gears -- [C4]  

Spin Chain And Circulate The Gears [C4]:
Same as Spin Chain The Gears except that after each U-Turn Back, those doing the U-Turn Back do a Circulate around the outside. EN: 623

 Spin Chain The Gears -- [Plus]spinchainthegears.php  

Spin Chain The Gears [Plus] (Whit WhitcombJay King 1971):
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves). Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides U-Turn Back; Very Centers Trade; all Star 3/4; Very Centers Trade; Center Wave Cast Off 3/4 as Others U-Turn Back by turning away from the center of the set. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 622

 Spin Chain The Line But anything -- [C3AV]  

Spin Chain The Line But anything [C3AV]:
Resulting Centers replace the final Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. EN: 206

 Spin The Top -- [Mainstream]spinthetop.php  

Spin The Top [Mainstream] (Holman Hudspeth 1964):
From a Wave or Facing Couples. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends move up 1/4 around the center of the 4-dancer formation. Ends in a Wave EN: 356

 Spin The Windmill direction -- [A2]spinthewindmill.php  

Spin The Windmill direction [A2] (Holman Hudspeth 1968):
From applicable formations. Centers (Step To A Wave, if necessary) Swing, Slip, & Cast Off 3/4 as the Outsides 1/4 toward the given direction & Circulate twice. Generalized Columns or Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 458

 Split & Cross -- [C4]  

Split & Cross [C4]:
From an applicable 2 x 2. Box Circulate & Cross. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 119

 Split Catch n -- [C2]  

Split Catch n [C2]:
Split Square Thru on the n-th hand (Step To A Wave); Centers Trade; all Step & Fold. Note that {n} must be greater than or equal to 2. EN: 664

 Split Counter Rotate fraction -- [A2]splitcounterrotate.php  

Split Counter Rotate fraction [A2]:
Split the formation into 2 equal sub-formations by drawing an imaginary line bisecting the long axis. Dancers in each sub-formation walk forward in an arc for a total of fraction of a circle, around the flagpole center of the sub-formation, keeping the same distance from the center of their sub-formation. From Parallel Lines or Columns work in each Box; from Diamonds work in each Diamond; from a 1 x 8 Line work in each Line. EN: 632

 Split Dixie Diamond -- [C1]splitsquarethruconcept.php  

Split Dixie Diamond [C1]:
From applicable T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Hinge as the Ends U-Turn Back. Usually ends in R-H Twin Diamonds. EN: 487

 Split Dixie Grand -- [C1V]  

Split Dixie Grand [C1V]:
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Left Pull By; all Right Pull By. As this call progresses, the formation evolves into a Circle ("O") formation. EN: 587

 Split Dixie Sashay -- [C1]  

Split Dixie Sashay [C1]:
From applicable T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Slither. EN: 661

 Split Dixie Spin -- [C4]splitsquarethruconcept.php  

Split Dixie Spin [C4]:
From applicable T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Fan The Top. Ends in a L-H Tidal Wave. EN: 503

 Split Dixie Style To A Wave -- [C1]  

Split Dixie Style To A Wave [C1]:
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Left Touch 1/4. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 663

 Split Grand Chain Eight -- [C2]  

Split Grand Chain Eight [C2]:
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Step to a L-H Wave; Centers Courtesy Turn the Ends 1/4 to end in facing Couples (danced as Centers Left-face U-Turn Back to place R-H on adjacent End's back and Bend The Line). EN: 665

 Split Pass In -- [NOL]  

Split Pass In [NOL]:
From Facing Couples or other applicable formations. Pass Thru; 1/4 In (i.e., working in your 4-dancer setup do a Pass In). EN: 828

 Split Pass In | Out -- [NOL]  

Split Pass In | Out [NOL]:
From Facing Couples or other applicable formations. Pass Thru; 1/4 In | Out (i.e., in your 4-dancer setup do a Pass In | Out). EN: 112

 Split Phantom Boxes Concept -- [C3B]splitphantomboxes.php  

Split Phantom Boxes Concept [C3B]:
From a 2 x 8 Matrix. Split the 2 x 8 Matrix into two 2 x 4 Matrices. Work in the 2 x 4 on each side. EN: 774

 Split Recycle -- [C1]boxrecycle.php  

Split Recycle [C1]:
From applicable formations. Each 2 x 2 do a Box RecycleEN: 438

 Split Square Chain The Top -- [C1]  

Split Square Chain The Top [C1] (Johnny Walter 1973):
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Step To A L-H Wave; Spin The Top; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 648

 Split Square Chain Thru -- [A2]splitsquarechainthru.php  

Split Square Chain Thru [A2]:
From an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Pull By and turn to face the inactives; all Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 75

 Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave -- [C1]toawave.php  

Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave [C1]:
Split Square Chain Thru, but replace the final Left Turn Thru with a Left Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 430

 Split Square Thru (n) -- [A1]splitsquarethru.php  

Split Square Thru (n) [A1] (Clarence Watson 1968):
From an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives (1/4 In); all Finish a Square Thru n (i.e., Left Square Thru n - 1). Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 84

 Split Square Thru (n) To A Wave -- [C1]toawave.php  

Split Square Thru (n) To A Wave [C1]:
Split Square Thru but on the last hand Step To A Wave. Ends in a Wave. If n is odd, the Wave is Right-handed; if n is even, the wave is Left-handed. EN: 86

 Split Stagger -- [C2V]  

Split Stagger [C2V]:
Same as Stagger working Split. For example, a Split Stagger Counter Rotate 1/4 is the same as Stagger Split Counter Rotate 1/4. Sometimes the caller will say Split Stagger in order to emphasize that the call is to be done on a Split basis, when just Stagger would have sufficed, as in Split Stagger Walk & Dodge (since Walk & Dodge is a 4-dancer call it is always done on a Split basis when called from Columns). We believe callers should avoid using the term Split Stagger. EN: 703

 Split Swap (Around) -- [C2]splitswap.php  

Split Swap (Around) [C2] ("Skinny" Hall 1968):
From Facing Couples or from a T-Bone 2 x 2 in which everyone is a Trailer. As one movement, Belles Box Circulate & 1/4 Right as Beaus 1/4 Right & Box Circulate. Facing Couples end in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 62

 Split [Square Thru] Concept -- [C1]splitsquarethruconcept.php  

Split [Square Thru] Concept [C1]:
From a T-Bone setup. Those facing (or those in a R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Finish the given call. For example, Split Dixie Style To A Wave: those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Left Touch 1/4. EN: 89

 Square Chain Cross The Top -- [C4]  

Square Chain Cross The Top [C4]:
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave). Right Pull By & 1/4 In; Step To A L-H Wave; (Left) Spin The Top & Spread; Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 650

 Square Chain The Top -- [C1]squarechainthetop.php  

Square Chain The Top [C1] (Al Appleton 1972):
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Spin The Top; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 76

 Square Chain The Top To A Wave -- [C1]  

Square Chain The Top To A Wave [C1]:
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave). Square Chain The Top but replace the (Left) Turn Thru with a (Left) Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 649

 Square Chain Thru -- [A1]squarechainthru.php  

Square Chain Thru [A1] (Buford Evans 1965):
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 72

 Square Chain Thru To A Wave -- [C1]toawave.php  

Square Chain Thru To A Wave [C1]:
From Facing Couples (or R-H Wave). Square Thru but on the 2nd hand Left Swing Thru 1 & 1/2. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 78

 Square The Bases But anything -- [C1]  

Square The Bases But anything [C1]:
Do a Square The Bases but replace the Split Square Thru 2 and the Trade By with the anything call. Be aware that there are some callers who may expect you to do a Trade By after the anything call. In this case, the caller should be more explicit by saying Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anythingEN: 532

 Square The Bases Plus 2 -- [C4]  

Square The Bases Plus 2 [C4]:
Do a Square The Bases but replace the Split Square Thru 2 with a Split Square Thru 4. EN: 533

 Square Thru (n) -- [Basic]squarethru.php  

Square Thru (n) [Basic] (Bill Hansen 1957):
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Pull By and 1/4 In; Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Pull By. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. If a number is given (e.g., Square Thru 2; Square Thru 3/4; where 1/2 = 2 hands, and 3/4 = 3 hands), then pull by that many hands, but do not 1/4 In after the last hand. EN: 88

 Squeeze The "O" -- [C1]  

Squeeze The "O" [C1] (Norm Poisson):
From an "O". All Squeeze. Ends in a Butterfly. EN: 656

 Squeeze The Butterfly -- [C1]  

Squeeze The Butterfly [C1]:
From a Butterfly. All Squeeze. Ends in an "O". EN: 657

 Squeeze The Galaxy -- [C1]  

Squeeze The Galaxy [C1] (Dave Hodson 1976):
From a Galaxy. Everyone except the Apex of the Wave-Based Triangle Squeeze. Ends in an Hourglass. EN: 655

 Squeeze The Hourglass -- [C1]squeeze.php  

Squeeze The Hourglass [C1] (Dave Hodson 1976):
From an Hourglass. Points slide together and Trade as Very Centers Trade and slide apart. The Point of the Center Diamond does not move. Ends in a Galaxy. EN: 380

 Stagger anything To A Line | Wave | normal setup -- [C2V]  

Stagger anything To A Line | Wave | normal setup [C2V]:
Start the given call Stagger but end in a normal setup (i.e., remove the distortion). For example, a Stagger Coordinate To A Line starts from a distorted setup but ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 702

 Star Thru -- [Basic]starthru.php  

Star Thru [Basic] (Ed Michl 1960):
From Opposite-Sex Facing Dancers. Boys use Right-hand palm forward as Girls use Left-hand palm forward. Touch hands palm-to-palm, walk forward into the other dancer's starting position, Girls turning under the arch 1/4 to the Left, as Boys turn 1/4 to the Right. Ends in a Couple. EN: 50

 Step & Flip -- [C1]stepandflip.php  

Step & Flip [C1]:
From a Line or other applicable 4-dancer formation. Centers Step Ahead as Ends Flip (180 °) into the adjacent Center position. Ends in either a Box (2 x 2) or a "Z" (4 spots within a 2 x 3 Matrix). EN: 68

 Step & Fold -- [C1]stepandfold.php  

Step & Fold [C1] (Ron Schneider 1970):
From a Wave, Inverted Line or other applicable formations. Centers Step Ahead (1/2 Press Ahead) as Ends Fold. A Wave ends in a Mini-Wave Box; an Inverted Line ends in Tandem Couples. EN: 69

 Step & Slide -- [A1]stepandslide.php  

Step & Slide [A1] (Ed Fraidenburg 1967):
From any Line of 4 or other applicable formations. Centers Step Ahead as Ends Slide together. A Line of 4 ends in a 2 x 2 or a "Z". EN: 67

 Step & Cross Fold -- [C4]  

Step & Cross Fold [C4]:
From a Two-Faced Line or other applicable formations. Centers Step Ahead (Press Ahead) as Ends Cross Fold. A Two-Faced Line ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 536

 Step And anything -- [C2]stepand.php  

Step And anything [C2]:
From various formations. Centers Step Ahead (usually a Press Ahead); Ends do the anything call. EN: 70

 Stimulate (The Column) -- [C3B]stimulate.php  

Stimulate (The Column) [C3B] (1976):
From Columns. Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Press Ahead as Others Hinge & Grand Fan The Top (Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides move up). Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 796

 Straight Fire -- [C4]  

Straight Fire [C4]:
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines, Facing Twin Diamonds, or other applicable formations. Centers Trade & Step Forward as Out-Facing Ends Cross Fold as In-Facing Ends Veer Inward. Parallel Two-Faced Lines end in Columns. EN: 681

 Stretched Diamond | Triangle CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Stretched Diamond | Triangle CONCEPT [C4]:
From Twin Diamonds | Triangles. Start the call Interlocked Diamond | Triangle but end on each side. EN: 700

 Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B]strut.php  

Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From a Double Pass Thru or a R-H 1/4 Tag. Centers Pass Thru, Right | Left Turn To A Line and Spread to become #1 (Very End) and #3 in a Tidal Line as others Step Ahead and Veer Right | Left to become #2 and #4 in a Tidal Line. EN: 824

 Substitute -- [C1]  

Substitute [C1]:
From Generalized Columns. Centers raise joined hands to make an arch and (moving toward the nearest Outsides) move forward or backward as the Outsides move into the Center. The traffic pattern has the Centers moving around the Outsides. Substitute exchanges the Centers with the Outsides. Nobody changes their facing direction during this call, and, in practice, dancers rarely make the arch. From Tandem Couples, Lead Couple arch & back up as Trailing Couple Steps Ahead (Circulate). EN: 925

 Swap The Top -- [C3A,C3B]swapthetop.php  

Swap The Top [C3A,C3B] (Bob Norton 1970):
From Facing Couples. Belles Extend (L-H) and Cast Off 3/4 as Beaus Run once and a half. Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 64

 Swap The Wave -- [C2]swapthewave.php  

Swap The Wave [C2] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a Wave. As one movement, Step Thru; resulting Beaus 1/4 Right & Wheel Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. The end result of Swap The Wave is as if everyone took a step backward (to form Facing Couples) and then did a Swap Around. EN: 63

 Swap The Windmill -- [C4]  

Swap The Windmill [C4] (Keith Gulley 1970):
From an applicable 2 x 4 such as Facing Lines or an Eight Chain Thru. 1/2 Swap Around; adjust as necessary to make normal (Center-to-Center) Diamonds; Spin The Windmill, Ends Circulate 2 (as you are). Ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 65

 Swing -- [A2]slipslideswingslither.php  

Swing [A2] (Lee Kopman 1966):
From a Wave or other applicable 4-dancer formation. Ends and adjacent Centers Arm Turn 1/2. EN: 416

 Swing The Fractions -- [C1]swingthefractions.php  

Swing The Fractions [C1] (Lester Keddy):
From Parallel Waves, Facing Diamonds, Thar, Alamo Ring, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4; those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who can Right Arm Turn 3/4; those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4. Swing The Fractions is a 5-part call. EN: 363

 Swing-O-Late -- [C3B]swingolate.php  

Swing-O-Late [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971):
From Parallel Waves, Eight Chain Thru, or a Thar. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Trade and Spread as Ends U-Turn Back and Crossover Circulate. Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 750

 Switch The Line -- [C1]switchtheline.php  

Switch The Line [C1] (Roger Chapman 1969):
From any Line of 4. Centers Run as Ends Cross Run. A Wave ends in a Two-Faced Line and vice-versa. EN: 472

 Switch The Wave -- [A2]switchthewave.php  

Switch The Wave [A2] (Roger Chapman 1969):
From a Wave. Centers Run as Ends Cross Run. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 398

 Switch To A Diamond -- [A2]switchtoa.php  

Switch To A Diamond [A2] (Ron Schneider 1973):
From a Wave (or any other Line of 4). Centers Run as Ends do your part Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Diamond. EN: 399

 Switch To An Hourglass -- [A2]switchtoa.php  

Switch To An Hourglass [A2] (Sandy Knowles 1975):
From Parallel Waves (or applicable Parallel Lines). Centers Run as Ends do your part Hourglass Circulate (Lead Ends 1/2 Circulate as Trailing Ends Veer Inward to end in a Mini-Wave with their opposite). Ends in an Hourglass. EN: 382

 Switch To An Interlocked Diamond -- [C1]switchtoanild.php  

Switch To An Interlocked Diamond [C1] (Sandy Knowles 1976):
From Parallel Lines|Waves. Centers Run as Ends (do your part) Interlocked Diamond Circulate. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 397

 Switcheroo -- [C4]  

Switcheroo [C4] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From Parallel Waves (or applicable Parallel Lines). Switch To A Diamond; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends Circulate. Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 405

 Tag Back (To A Wave) -- [C1]  

Tag Back (To A Wave) [C1] (Lee Kopman 1973):
From any Line of 4. 1/2 Tag; Scoot Back. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 626

 Tag The Line -- [Mainstream]tagtheline.php  

Tag The Line [Mainstream] (Willard Orlich 1969):
From any Line of 4. Turn 1/4 in place toward the center of the line; Double Pass Thru. Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru formation. EN: 96

 Tag Your Neighbor -- [C2]  

Tag Your Neighbor [C2] (Jack Sickles 1970):
From a Line. 1/2 Tag; Follow Your Neighbor. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 730

 Take {n} -- [C3B]take.php  

Take {n} [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From Back-to-Back Lines. The n dancers on the right-hand side of each Line do a 'Shakedown ' movement (1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, and Roll) and adjust to end in Concentric Facing Lines of n as the others 1/4 Right and Step Ahead to join hands creating a compact symmetric formation. EN: 767

 Tally-Ho But anything -- [NOL]  

Tally-Ho But anything [NOL]:
Do a Tally-Ho but replace the Centers Cast Off 3/4 with the Centers doing the anything call. EN: 522

 Tandem CONCEPT -- [C1]tandem.php  

Tandem CONCEPT [C1]:
A Tandem unit consists of one dancer immediately behind another. Both dancers must be facing the same direction. The two dancers work together as if they were a single dancer to do the given call. Tandem is similar to As Couples, but instead of being side-by-side, the dancers are front-to-back. EN: 32

 Tickle -- [C4]  

Tickle [C4]:
From applicable formations. Hinge; Split Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 445

 Tip Toe -- [C4]  

Tip Toe [C4] (Lee Kopman 1980):
Designated dancers Press Ahead while holding onto the dancer in their partner's position, dragging that dancer with them. EN: 647

 Touch -- [NOL]  

Touch [NOL]:
From Facing Dancers. Step forward and to the Left to end side-by-side with Right-hands joined. A Touch 1/4 [Basic] is a Touch followed by Arm Turn 1/4. EN: 158

 Track 2 -- [Plus]track2.php  

Track 2 [Plus] (Dick Bayer 1976):
From completed Double Pass Thru. Tandem Partner Trade; Extend twice. Ends in Parallel R-H Waves. EN: 359

 Track n -- [C3B]track.php  

Track n [C3B] (Dick BayerGus Greene 1976):
From a Completed Double Pass Thru. Tandem Partner Trade; Extend n times. EN: 361

 Trade -- [Basic]trade.php  

Trade [Basic] (Lloyd Litman 1965):
From a Couple, Mini-Wave or other applicable formation (that is, two dancers on the same plane with shoulders toward each other). Walk forward in an arc, changing your facing direction by 180° to exchange places, so that each dancer ends in the other dancer's starting spot. If both dancers start facing the same direction, pass Right-shoulders as you meet. EN: 48

 Trade Circulate -- [A2]tradecirculate.php  

Trade Circulate [A2] (Holman Hudspeth):
From applicable Parallel Lines (usually Waves or Two-Faced Lines). Leaders Trade (with each other) as Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. EN: 81

 Trade Counter Rotate -- [C4]  

Trade Counter Rotate [C4] (Jack Lasry 1973):
From applicable formations. As one movement, Counter Rotate 1/4 & Spread. EN: 631

 Trade The Deucey -- [C3A]tradethedeucey.php  

Trade The Deucey [C3A] (Lee Kopman):
From Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, a Generalized Thar, or other applicable formations. Centers Trade and Spread as the Ends Crossover CirculateEN: 201

 Trade The Diamond -- [C3B]tradethediamond.php  

Trade The Diamond [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From Parallel Lines or a Generalized Thar. Trade The Deucey; Centers Hinge; Diamond Circulate; Centers Hinge. Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines. Trade The Diamond is a 4-part call. EN: 753

 Trail & Peel -- [C4]  

Trail & Peel [C4] (Lee Kopman 1966):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". Leaders Trail Off as Trailers Peel Off. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Wave; Tandem Couples end in a One-Faced Line. EN: 349

 Trail Off -- [A2]trailoff.php  

Trail Off [A2] (Jim Gammalo 1962):
From an applicable 2 x 2 (usually a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples) or "Z". As one movement, Leaders step forward if necessary, run (180° toward the center of the 4-dancer formation) & veer out as the Trailers step forward if necessary and Trade (passing left-shoulders if facing the same direction). A Non-T-Bone starting formation always ends in a Line. In particular, a Mini-Wave Box ends in a Two-Faced Line, and Tandem Couples end in a One-Faced Line. Trail Off is a Cross Peel Off. EN: 348

 Trail The Deal -- [C4]  

Trail The Deal [C4] (Vic Andrews 1963):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". As one movement, Leaders Trail Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem. Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag) formation. Cheat: Tandem Trade & Roll, passing left-shoulders if starting from Tandem Couples. EN: 425

 Trail The Top -- [C4]  

Trail The Top [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box, applicable "Z", or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders Trail Off as Trailers step ahead (to join inside hands with each other); Fan The Top. Trail The Top is the same as Peel The Top except that the Leaders Trail Off instead of Peel Off. EN: 539

 Trail The Wave -- [C4]  

Trail The Wave [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. Complete The Tag (Extend Twice); Trail Off. Ends in Facing Lines. EN: 426

 Trail To A Diamond -- [C2]peeltoadiamond.php  

Trail To A Diamond [C2] (Bill Trench 1973):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". Leaders Trail Off as Trailers Extend if necessary and Hinge. A non-T-Bone starting formation Ends in a Diamond. EN: 424

 Trans-anything -- [C4]  

Trans-anything [C4]:
From Columns or other applicable formations. Transfer And Cast Off 3/4; all do the anything call. For example, from R-H Columns: Trans-OutletEN: 674

 Transaction -- [C4]transaction.php  

Transaction [C4] (Beryl Main 1975):
Transfer And Cast Off 3/4; Chain Reaction. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 415

 Transfer And anything -- [A2]transferandanything.php  

Transfer And anything [A2] (Deuce Williams 1975):
From Columns or other applicable formations. First two dancers in the Column (#1 and #2) move forward in Single File around the outside of the other Column until parallel with the Center Box and then individually Face In (to end as a Couple) as the Others step forward to form a compact formation ("normalize") and do the anything call. EN: 57

 Transfer The Column -- [A1]transferthecolumn.php  

Transfer The Column [A1] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From Mini-Wave Columns. First Two dancers in the Column (#1 and #2) move forward in Single File around the outside of the other Column until parallel with the Center Box and then individually Face In (to end as a Couple) as the Last Two dancers (#3 and #4) Circulate (to form a Center Box) and Cast Off 3/4; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 56

 Trapezoid Formation -- [C3B]trapezoid.php  

Trapezoid Formation [C3B]:
A Trapezoid is a Distorted 2 x 2 that can be formed from a normal 2 x 2 after any two adjacent dancers each move a distance of one matrix position directly away from each other. From a 2 x 4, there are two Trapezoids. The Ends of one side work with the Centers of the other side within a Distorted Box. EN: 749

 Triple Cross -- [A1]triplecross.php  

Triple Cross [A1] (Lee KopmanDeuce Williams 1973):
From a 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns, or other applicable formations. The six who can diagonal Pull By using outside hands. A 1/4 Box ends in Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns end in a 3/4 Box. EN: 54

 Triple Diamond Concept -- [C3A]triplediamond.php  

Triple Diamond Concept [C3A]:
Triple Diamonds consist of three adjacent Diamonds, some of which contain phantom positions. EN: 259

 Triple Play -- [C3A]tripleplay.php  

Triple Play [C3A] (Mike Laderoute 1978):
From Mini-Wave Columns. #1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) as Others 1/2 Circulate and Trade; in the new Center Columns #1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) as the others 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 55

 Triple Play Reaction -- [C3A]anythingreaction.php  

Triple Play Reaction [C3A]:
Triple Play, Centers hold the Wave; all Chain ReactionEN: 179

 Triple Star Thru -- [A1]triplestarthru.php  

Triple Star Thru [A1]:
From applicable formations (usually a Starting Double Pass Thru in which the Center Couples are normal and the Outside Couples are Half-Sashayed). Those who can Star Thru; those who can Mirror Star Thru; those who can Star Thru. The aforementioned Starting Double Pass Thru formation ends in Back-to-Back Lines. EN: 49

 Triple Turn -- [C4]  

Triple Turn [C4]:
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Turn To A Line; Turn & Deal; Turn To A Line. Ends in a Line. Triple Turn is a 3-part call. EN: 45

 Turn & Deal -- [A1]turnanddeal.php  

Turn & Deal [A1] (Colin Walton 1963):
From any Line of 4. As one movement, 1/2 Tag then turn 1/4 in place toward your initial turning direction. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 40

 Turn & Weave -- [C4]  

Turn & Weave [C4] (Lee Kopman 1974):
  • From a Single Double Pass Thru or Single 1/4 Tag:
    Centers (if facing, Touch and) Arm Turn 1/2; Extend; Weave.
    Ends in a Wave.
  • From a Single Eight Chain Thru or Mini-Wave Box:
    All (if facing, Touch and) Arm Turn 1/2; Weave.
    Ends in a Wave.
 EN: 354

 Turn Over -- [C4]  

Turn Over [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box. Cast Off 3/4 and Slither. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 388

 Turn The Key -- [C3B]turnthekey.php  

Turn The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
From applicable formations. Trade; Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge. Ends in various formations. Turn The Key is a 3-part call. EN: 799

 Turn To A Line -- [C2]turntoaline.php  

Turn To A Line [C2]:
From an applicable 2 x 2. As one movement, Zig-Zag, Complete The Tag (Tandem Step Thru) and Turn 1/4 in your initial turning direction. A non-T-Bone 2 x 2 ends in a Line. EN: 43

 Turnstyle -- [C3B]turnstyle.php  

Turnstyle [C3B] (Bill Shymkus 1969):
From applicable 4-dancer (and 8-dancer) formations. Centers (Touch, if necessary, and) Cast Off 3/4 as Ends 1/4 Right. EN: 793

 Two-Faced CONCEPT -- [C3B]twofaced.php  

Two-Faced CONCEPT [C3B]:
From various formations. Replace each Arm Turn 1/2 (i.e., Swing or Slip) with a Partner Trade and do the given call. This allows calls such as Spin The Top to be done from a Two-Faced Line. EN: 187

 Unwrap The Hourglass -- [C2]unwrap.php  

Unwrap The Hourglass [C2] (Jim Rager 1976):
From an Hourglass. Trailing points walk straight ahead while moving slightly inward to become #1 in a Column. Other dancers do Hourglass Circulates until reaching the trailing point's starting position and then walk straight ahead to form Columns. EN: 381

 Vertical Left (fraction) Tag (The Line) -- [C1V]  

Vertical Left (fraction) Tag (The Line) [C1V]:
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Vertical; then passing Left shoulders, Extend to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 608

 Vertical Tag Back (To A Wave) -- [C1]  

Vertical Tag Back (To A Wave) [C1]:
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Vertical 1/2 Tag; Scoot Back. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 609

 Vertical Tag Your Neighbor -- [C2]  

Vertical Tag Your Neighbor [C2]:
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Vertical 1/2 Tag; Follow Your Neighbor. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 610

 Vertical Turn & Deal -- [C4]  

Vertical Turn & Deal [C4]:
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Vertical 1/2 Tag; Original Leaders Turn an extra 1/4 in place toward their initial turning direction. Hint: Think about doing a Vertical 1/2 Tag & RollEN: 44

 Walk & Dodge -- [Mainstream]walkanddodge.php  

Walk & Dodge [Mainstream] (Holman Hudspeth 1967):
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders sidestep into the adjacent position as Trailers walk forward into the next position (i.e., Circulate). A Mini-Wave Box ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 10

 Walk Out To A Column -- [C4]  

Walk Out To A Column [C4] (Lee Kopman 1987):
(not related to Walk Out To A Wave) From Parallel Waves. Trailing Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as Trailing Ends Circulate & Fold as Leaders do a Disconnected Single Wheel with each other (to end behind the Trailing Center from their Wave) & Press Ahead to become Centers of Columns. EN: 896

 Wave The anyone -- [C3B]wavetheanyone.php  

Wave The anyone [C3B] (Lee Kopman):
From Eight Chain Thru, from the formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru, or from other applicable formations. Press Ahead; Outsides do their part of designated dancer Kick Off as Centers have the designated dancer Walk and the others Dodge. Ends in various formations. Wave The anyone is a 2-part call. EN: 762

 Weave -- [C1]weave.php  

Weave [C1] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a Mini-Wave Box (or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2) or a Single Eight Chain Thru. Pass Thru or Step Thru; Ends turn 1/4 in place toward the shoulder just passed as Centers, using the opposite hand as the shoulder just passed, do an Arm Turn 1/4. Ends in a Wave. EN: 353

 Wheel And anything -- [C1]wheeland.php  

Wheel And anything [C1] (Herb Lamster):
From applicable formations with one or more Out-Facing Couples not directly looking at any other dancers. Out-Facing Couples (Step Ahead if necessary, and) Promenade 1/4 on the outside (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4; As Couples 1/4 In). The Others (move in to the center if necessary, and) do the anything call. EN: 144

 Wheel Around -- [Basic]  

Wheel Around [Basic]:
From a Couple. Left Cast 1/2. (Be sure to always Cast to the Left.) EN: 927

 Wheel Fan & Cross Thru -- [C4]wheelfanandcrossthru.php  

Wheel Fan & Cross Thru [C4]:
From Facing Couples. Wheel Fan Thru; Half Sashay (with the dancer who does the 1/4 Out sidestepping in front of the dancer who does the Arm Turn 3/4). Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 39

 Wheel Fan Thru -- [C1]wheelfanthru.php  

Wheel Fan Thru [C1]:
From Facing Couples. Beaus Extend (to join R-H with each other), Arm Turn 3/4 and Extend as Belles 1/4 Right. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 38

 Wheel Thru -- [A1]wheelthru.php  

Wheel Thru [A1] (Paul Moore 1962):
From Facing Couples. Belles 1/4 Right as the Beaus, as one movement and without using hands, Extend, Arm Turn 1/4, and Extend. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 37

 With Confidence -- [C3B]withconfidence.php  

With Confidence [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem, or from other applicable formations. Centers Hinge and the Very Centers Hinge as the Ends 1/2 Circulate; those as a Couple step forward to become Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines as the others have the Centers U-Turn Back (by turning away from each other) and do your part of a Couples Hinge. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 821

 Wrap To A formation -- [C3A]wrap.php  

Wrap To A formation [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From Columns. #1 dancer 1/2 Split Circulate and Phantom formation Circulate 2 as the #2 dancer Circulate, 1/2 Split Circulate and Phantom formation Circulate as the #3 dancer Circulate 2 & 1/2 as the #4 dancer Circulate 3; all adjust as necessary to end in the given formationEN: 196

 You All -- [C4]  

You All [C4] (Norm Poisson 1976):
Centers Hinge as Ends U-Turn Back. Hence, a Dixie Diamond is a Dixie Style To A Wave You All. EN: 490

 Zig-Zag -- [A2]zigzag.php  

Zig-Zag [A2] (Bill ShymkusJack Lasry 1968):
From a Generalized Tandem or other applicable formations. Leaders 1/4 Right as Trailers 1/4 Left. A Generalized Tandem ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. EN: 928

 Zing Roll Circulate -- [obsolete]  

Zing Roll Circulate [obsolete] (Norm Poisson 1982):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem. Out-Facing End Zing as the Others in their Line Flip toward that position (as in In|Out Roll Circulate [A2]). Ends in a T-Bone setup. EN: 551

 Zing-A-Ling -- [obsolete]  

Zing-A-Ling [obsolete] (Lee Kopman 1981):
From an applicable 2 x 2. Leaders Zing as Trailers Run & Roll. A Mini-Wave Box ends in Facing Couples. EN: 550

 Zoom Roll Circulate -- [C4]  

Zoom Roll Circulate [C4]:
From Parallel Lines in which the Ends all have their right-shoulder toward the center, or all have their left-shoulder toward the center. Out-Facing Ends Zoom as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 369

 {i - j - k} Alter & Circulate -- [C4]  

{i - j - k} Alter & Circulate [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru: Alter & Circulate replace the Arm Turn 1/2 with an Arm Turn i/4; replace the Centers Cast Off 3/4 with a Cast Off j/4; and replace the Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 with a Diamond Counter Rotate k/4. Ends in Parallel Waves or a Tidal Wave. EN: 729
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