Definitions Main Page | FAQ | Ceder Chest Definition Books | Multilingual | administrator |
Index --> All Levels | Basic and Mainstream | Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | Def2 |
Definitions (Text Only) --> Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | Old Calls | Experimentals |
Dancing and Studying Hints | Tagging Calls | Calls with Parts | Shape Changing | Types of Distortions |
"L" FORMATION -- [C4] |
"X" CONCEPT -- [C4] |
"Z" Axle -- [C3B] | zaxle.php |
"Z" Concept -- [C3B] | z.php |
#{n} Zing {m} -- [C4] |
1 By 2 Checkover -- [C2V] | nbym_c2.php |
1 By 3 Transfer The Column -- [NOL] |
1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1] | 14thru.php |
1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea -- [C3A] | 14wheeltheocean.php |
1/4 In -- [A1] | quarterinout.php |
1/4 In | Out -- [A1] | quarterinout.php |
1/4 Right | Left -- [NOL] |
1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top -- [A1] | 123top.php |
3 By 1 Checkmate -- [C2] | nbym_c2.php |
3 By 1 Transfer The Column -- [C2] | nbym_c2.php |
3 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [C1] | 3by2aceydeucey.php |
3/4 In | Out -- [NOL] |
6 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [A1] | 6by2aceydeucey.php |
any Tagging call & Scatter -- [C3B] | atcandscatter.php |
any Tagging call Back & Dodge -- [C4] |
any Tagging call Chain Thru -- [C3A] | atcchainthru.php |
any Tagging call Your Criss Cross Neighbor -- [C2V] |
any Tagging call Your Cross Neighbor -- [C2V] |
any Tagging Call Your Neighbor -- [C2] | atcyourneighbor.php |
anyone 1 By n Shove Off -- [C4] |
anyone 1 By n Tow Truck -- [C4] |
anyone Cross Kick By {n} -- [C4] |
anyone Finish The Stack -- [C4] |
anyone Kick By {n} -- [C4] | kickby.php |
anyone Run By {n} -- [C4] |
anyone Scoot others Dodge -- [A1V] |
anyone Tow Train Leave The Caboose -- [obsolete] |
anyone Tow Truck -- [C4] | towtruck.php |
anything Chain Thru -- [C1] | anythingchainthru.php |
anything Coordinate -- [C2] | anythinganything.php |
anything Like A Shazam -- [C2V] |
anything Like A Squeeze -- [C4] |
anything Motivate -- [C2] | anythinganything.php |
anything Percolate -- [C2] |
anything Perk Up -- [C2] | anythinganything.php |
anything Single The Wave -- [C4] |
anything The Action -- [C4] |
anything The Axle But Cast fraction -- [C1V] |
anything The Boat -- [C4] |
anything The Wave -- [C4] | thewave.php |
anything The Windmill -- [C1] | thewindmill.php |
anything(ers) Cover Up -- [C4] |
direction Anchor fraction -- [C4] | anchor.php |
fraction Cast & Relay -- [C3B] | castandrelay.php |
n Step(s) At A Time -- [C3B] | stepsatatime.php |
Acey Deucey -- [Plus] | aceydeucey.php |
All 8 Cycle & Wheel -- [C1V] |
All 8 Recycle -- [C1] | all8recycle.php |
All 8 Swing & Mix -- [A2] |
All 8 Swing Thru -- [A2] |
All Eight Spin The Top -- [Plus] | all8spinthetop.php |
Along -- [C2] |
An Anchor But anything -- [C4] |
Anchor The anyone For anything -- [C4] |
Any Hand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1] | anyhand.php |
Any Hand Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1] |
Any Hand Remake -- [A2] | anyhand.php |
Any Shoulder anything -- [NOL] |
Any Shoulder Turn & Deal -- [NOL] |
As Couples CONCEPT -- [A1] | ascouples.php |
Bail Out But anything -- [C4] |
Big Block CONCEPT -- [C3A] | bigblock.php |
Box Counter Rotate fraction -- [A2] | splitcounterrotate.php |
Box Transfer -- [A2] | boxtransfer.php |
Brace Yourself -- [C4] |
By Golly -- [C4] | bygolly.php |
Cast A Shadow -- [A1] | castashadow.php |
Catch anything {n} -- [C3A] | catchanything.php |
Central Concept -- [C3A] | central.php |
Chain Reaction -- [A1] | chain_reaction_a1.php |
Chain Reaction But anything -- [NOL] |
Change Lanes -- [C3B] | changelanes.php |
Change The Centers | Wave -- [C3B] | changethewave.php |
Change Your Image -- [C3B] | changeyourimage.php |
Chase Your Neighbor -- [C1] | chaseyourneighbor.php |
Checkover -- [C1] | checkover.php |
Checkover But Hold The Two-Faced Line -- [C1V] | toawave.php |
Chisel Thru -- [C2] | chiselthru.php |
Circle (fraction) To A Two-Faced Line -- [C4] | circletoa2fl.php |
Circle (fraction) To A Wave -- [C2] | circletoawave.php |
Circle The (fraction) Tag -- [C4] |
Continue To Invert Another fraction -- [C4] |
Coordinate To A Diamond -- [C4] |
Counter Point -- [C4] |
Counter Rotate fraction -- [C1] | counterrotate.php |
Counter Shake -- [C4] |
Couple Of 3 -- [NOL] |
Couples Hinge -- [Mainstream] | coupleshinge.php |
Couples Hinge & Trade -- [C4] |
Cover Up But anything -- [C4] |
Crazy Concept -- [C2] | crazy.php |
Criss Cross Clover And anything -- [NOL] |
Criss Cross Shadow The Column -- [C4] |
Criss Cross The Deucey -- [C3B] | crisscrossthedeucey.php |
Criss Cross The Shadow -- [C2] | crisscrosstheshadow.php |
Cross Back -- [C2] | crossback.php |
Cross Breed Thru -- [C4] |
Cross By -- [C1] | crossby.php |
Cross Chuck-A-Luck -- [C3B] | chuckaluck.php |
Cross Counter -- [C3A] | crosscounter.php |
Cross Cycle -- [C3B] | crosscycle.php |
Cross Drop direction -- [C4] |
Cross Extend -- [C1] | crossextend.php |
Cross Flip The Line (fraction) -- [C3B] | crossfliptheline.php |
Cross Follow Thru -- [C4] |
Cross Horseshoe Turn -- [C4] | crosshorseshoeturn.php |
Cross Lockit -- [C3B] | crosslockit.php |
Cross Roll To A Wave | Line -- [C1] | crossroll.php |
Cross Roll To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond -- [C4] |
Cross Scoot & Weave -- [C4] |
Cross Scoot Back -- [C4] |
Cross Scoot Chain Thru -- [C4] |
Cross The "K" -- [C2] | crossthek.php |
Cross To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond -- [C4] |
Cross Trail -- [obsolete] |
Cross Trail Thru -- [A1] | crosstrailthru.php |
Cross Trail Thru To The Corner -- [A1V] |
Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1] | crossyourneighbor.php |
Curli-Cross -- [C4] |
Curli-Pass -- [C4] |
Curlique -- [C4] | curlique.php |
Curve direction -- [C4] |
Cut The Diamond -- [Plus] | cutthediamond.php |
Cut The Hourglass -- [A2] | cutthehourglass.php |
Cy-Kick -- [C4] |
Cycle And anything -- [C4] |
Delete (or Skip) CONCEPT -- [C1V] |
Diamond Chain And Anything -- [C4] |
Diamond Chain Thru -- [A2] | diamondchainthru.php |
Diamond Circulate -- [Plus] | diamondcirc.php |
Diamond Inlet -- [C4] |
Divide & Pair -- [C4] |
Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything -- [C3B] | dividetheocean.php |
Dixie Hourglass -- [C1V] |
Dixie Interlocked Diamond -- [C1V] |
Double Cross -- [A2V] |
Double Pass Back -- [C1V] |
Double Pass Your Neighbor -- [C2] |
Double Star Thru -- [A1] | doublestarthru.php |
Drop direction -- [C2] | drop.php |
Eight By anything -- [C3A] | eightby.php |
Exchange The Box -- [C3A] | exchangethebox.php |
Exchange The Triangle -- [C3A] | exchtriangle.php |
Explode And anything -- [Plus,A1] | explode.php |
Explode The Diamond -- [C3B] | explodethediamond.php |
Explode The Line -- [A1] | explodetheline.php |
Explode The Top -- [C3A] | explodethetop.php |
Explode The Wave -- [Plus] | explodethewave.php |
Face In | Out -- [MSV] |
Fan Concept -- [C3B] | fan.php |
Fan The Top -- [Plus] | fanthetop.php |
Fan Thru -- [C4] |
Fascinating anything -- [C2] |
Flip Back -- [C1] |
Flip The Diamond -- [Plus] | flipthediamond.php |
Flip The Hourglass -- [A2] | cutthehourglass.php |
Flip Your Neighbor -- [C2] |
Flowing anything -- [C4] |
Fly The Coop -- [C4] |
Follow Your Neighbor -- [Plus] | followyourneighbor.php |
Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1] | grand14thru.php |
Grand Cross Back -- [C2] |
Grand Cross Roll To A Wave -- [C4] |
Grand Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1V] |
Grand Erase -- [C4] |
Grand Follow Thru -- [C1V] |
Grand Follow Your Neighbor -- [A1] | grandfyn.php |
Grand Left 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1] |
Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) -- [Plus] |
Grand Pass & Roll -- [C4] |
Grand Pass & Roll Your Neighbor -- [C4] |
Grand Remake -- [A2] |
Grand Scoot & Dodge -- [NOL] |
Grand Split Square Chain Thru -- [C4] |
Grand Square Chain Thru -- [C4] |
Grand Step & Fold -- [C1V] |
Grand Swap Around -- [NOL] |
Grand Switch (The Line | Wave) -- [C4] | grandswitch.php |
Grand Switch To A Diamond -- [C4] |
Half Sashay -- [Basic] | halfsashay.php |
Here Comes The Judge -- [C2] | herecomesthejudge.php |
Hinge The Lock -- [C3A] | hingethelock.php |
Hocus Pocus -- [C2] | hocuspocus.php |
Horseshoe Turn -- [A1] | horseshoeturn.php |
Hourglass Circulate -- [A2] | hourglass.php |
In Roll Circulate -- [A2] | inrollcirculate.php |
In Roll To A Diamond -- [C4] |
In Roll To A Wave -- [C4] |
Inner Code -- [obsolete] |
Interlocked Little -- [C3A] | interlockedlittle.php |
Interlocked Plenty -- [C3A] | interlockedplenty.php |
Interlocked Rally -- [C3B] | interlockedrally.php |
Interlocked Ramble -- [C3B] | interlockedramble.php |
Invert Your Neighbor -- [C2] |
Isolate -- [C4] |
Jay Concept -- [C3A] | jay.php |
Keep Busy -- [C3A] | keepbusy.php |
Kick The Habit -- [C4] |
Latch On (fraction) -- [C3A] | latchon.php |
Leader | Trailer -- [MSV] |
Left 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru -- [A1] |
Left 3/4 Tag -- [PLV] |
Left Split Square Thru (n) -- [A1] |
Left Square Chain Thru -- [A1] |
Left Touch -- [NOL] |
Left Track 2 -- [NOL] |
Left Turn Thru -- [Mainstream] | turnthru.php |
Lickety Split -- [C3B] | licketysplit.php |
Lift Off -- [C3B] | liftoff.php |
Like A anything -- [C4] |
Line Of n Turn & Deal -- [NOL] |
Linear (fraction) Tag -- [C4] |
Linear Action -- [C1] | linearaction.php |
Linear Action But anything -- [C1V] |
Linear Action But Cross It -- [C4] |
Linear Cycle -- [Plus] | linearcycle.php |
Linear Flow -- [C4] |
Lock The Hinge -- [C3A] | hingethelock.php |
Locker's Choice -- [C3A] | lockerschoice.php |
Loop & (fraction) Tag -- [C3B] | loopandtag.php |
Magic Diamond Concept -- [C4] | magicdiamond.php |
Magic File To A Line -- [C2V] |
Magic Hocus Pocus -- [C2V] |
Magic Line | Wave Concept -- [C4] | magicline.php |
Magic Walk Out To A Wave -- [C2V] |
Mini-"O" FORMATION -- [C1V] |
Mini-Butterfly -- [C1V] |
Mirror Circle (fraction) To A Wave -- [C3B] | mirror.php |
Mirror Concept -- [C3B] | mirror.php |
Mirror Star Thru -- [NOL] |
Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B] | nuclearreaction.php |
Oddly | Evenly Concept -- [C3B] | random.php |
Open Up But anything -- [C3A] | openupthecolumn.php |
Open Up The Column -- [C3A] | openupthecolumn.php |
Out Roll Circulate -- [A2] | outrollcirculate.php |
Out Roll To A Diamond -- [C4] |
Out Roll To A Wave -- [C4] |
Outer Code -- [obsolete] |
Partner Hinge -- [A1] | partnerhinge.php |
Partner Tag -- [A1] | partnertag.php |
Partner Trade -- [Basic] | trade.php |
Pass & Roll -- [A2] | passandroll.php |
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor -- [A2] | passandrollyourneighbor.php |
Pass & Roll The Axle -- [C4] |
Pass & Roll Your Criss Cross Neighbor -- [C2V] |
Pass & Roll Your Cross Neighbor -- [C1V] |
Pass Right | Left -- [NOL] |
Pass The Ocean -- [Mainstream] | passtheocean.php |
Peel & Trail -- [A2] | peelandtrail.php |
Peel & Trail The Wave -- [C4] |
Peel And anything -- [NOL] |
Peel Off -- [Plus] | peeloff.php |
Peel The Deal -- [C4] |
Peel The Top -- [Plus] | peelthetop.php |
Peel To A Diamond -- [C2] | peeltoadiamond.php |
Percolate But anything -- [C1V] |
Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept -- [C3B] | phantomclw.php |
Pitch direction | anything -- [C4] | pitch.php |
Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B] | quadruple.php |
Reactivate -- [C3B] | reactivate.php |
Reciprocate -- [C4] |
Recycle -- [Mainstream] | recycle_ms.php |
Recycle [from Facing Couples] -- [A2] | recycle_a2.php |
Relay The Shadow -- [C1] | relaytheshadow.php |
Relay The Shadow anyone Criss Cross -- [C2V] |
Release The Column -- [obsolete] |
Relocate (The formation) -- [C2] | relocate.php |
Relocate The Hourglass -- [C2] | relocate.php |
Remake -- [A2] | remake.php |
Remake The Thar -- [A2] | remakethethar.php |
Reset -- [C3B] | reset.php |
Reverse Checkpoint anything By anything -- [C3B] | reversecheckpoint.php |
Reverse Crazy CONCEPT -- [C2] | reversecrazy.php |
Reverse Cut The formation -- [C4] |
Reverse Cut The Diamond -- [C2] |
Reverse Cut The Galaxy -- [C1] | reversecutthegalaxy.php |
Reverse Explode [from a Line] -- [C4] |
Reverse Explode [from a Wave] -- [C1] | reverseexplode_c1.php |
Reverse Flip The formation -- [C4] |
Reverse Flip The Diamond -- [C2] | reversecutthediamond.php |
Reverse Flip The Galaxy -- [C1] | reversecutthegalaxy.php |
Reverse Flip The Hourglass -- [C4] |
Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B] | reverseorder.php |
Reverse Stack The Line -- [C4] |
Reverse The Pass -- [C3B] | reversethepass.php |
Reverse The Top -- [C3B] | reversethetop.php |
Revolve To A Wave -- [C3B] | revolvetoawave.php |
Right | Left Roll To A Wave -- [A1] | rightrolltoawave.php |
Rip Off -- [C3B] | ripoff.php |
Ripple (The Line | Wave) | n -- [C2] | ripple.php |
Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) -- [C4] | rollingripple.php |
Rotary Circulate -- [C4] | rotarycirc.php |
Rotary Spin The Windmill -- [obsolete] |
Round & Cross -- [C4] |
Dancewise, the movement is "blended" - that is, the Half Sashay is done before the Round Off is completed. EN: 635
Round The Horn -- [C4] |
Run Wild -- [C4] |
Scatter Scoot -- [C1] | scatterscoot.php |
Scatter Scoot Chain Thru -- [C1] | scatterscoot.php |
Scoot & Counter -- [C2] |
Scoot & Cross Ramble -- [C2] |
Scoot & Little -- [C1] | little.php |
Scoot & Ramble -- [C1] |
Scoot & Little More -- [C2] |
Scoot & Plenty -- [C1] |
Scoot Back -- [Mainstream] | scootback.php |
Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave -- [C1] | toawave.php |
Scoot Reaction -- [C3A] | anythingreaction.php |
Scramble -- [C3B] | scramble.php |
Sets In Motion Plus n -- [C4] |
Shadow formation anything -- [C4] |
Shadow The Column -- [C4] |
Shadow To A Diamond -- [C4] |
Shake & Rattle -- [C3B] | shakeandrattle.php |
Siamese CONCEPT -- [C1] | siamese.php |
Sidetrack -- [C3B] | sidetrack.php |
Single Bounce anyone -- [C2] |
Single Checkmate -- [C3A] | singlecheckmate.php |
Single Circle By fraction By fraction | anything -- [obsolete] |
Single Concentric Concept -- [C4] |
Single Concept -- [C3A,C3B,C4] | single.php |
Single Cross Chain & Roll -- [C4] |
Single Hinge & Trade -- [C4] |
Single Peel Off -- [C4] |
Single Ping Pong Circulate -- [C4] |
Single Shuffle -- [C4] |
Single Stretch CONCEPT -- [C4] |
Slide -- [A2] | slipslideswingslither.php |
Slide Thru -- [Mainstream] | slidethru.php |
Slim Down -- [C4] |
Slip -- [A2] | slipslideswingslither.php |
Sock It To Me -- [C2] | herecomesthejudge.php |
Solid CONCEPT -- [C2] | solid.php |
Spin Back -- [C4] |
Spin Chain And Anything -- [C4] |
Spin Chain And Circulate The Gears -- [C4] |
Spin Chain The Gears -- [Plus] | spinchainthegears.php |
Spin Chain The Line But anything -- [C3AV] |
Spin The Top -- [Mainstream] | spinthetop.php |
Spin The Windmill direction -- [A2] | spinthewindmill.php |
Split & Cross -- [C4] |
Split Catch n -- [C2] |
Split Counter Rotate fraction -- [A2] | splitcounterrotate.php |
Split Dixie Diamond -- [C1] | splitsquarethruconcept.php |
Split Dixie Grand -- [C1V] |
Split Dixie Sashay -- [C1] |
Split Dixie Spin -- [C4] | splitsquarethruconcept.php |
Split Dixie Style To A Wave -- [C1] |
Split Grand Chain Eight -- [C2] |
Split Pass In -- [NOL] |
Split Pass In | Out -- [NOL] |
Split Phantom Boxes Concept -- [C3B] | splitphantomboxes.php |
Split Recycle -- [C1] | boxrecycle.php |
Split Square Chain The Top -- [C1] |
Split Square Chain Thru -- [A2] | splitsquarechainthru.php |
Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave -- [C1] | toawave.php |
Split Square Thru (n) -- [A1] | splitsquarethru.php |
Split Square Thru (n) To A Wave -- [C1] | toawave.php |
Split Stagger -- [C2V] |
Split Swap (Around) -- [C2] | splitswap.php |
Split [Square Thru] Concept -- [C1] | splitsquarethruconcept.php |
Square Chain Cross The Top -- [C4] |
Square Chain The Top -- [C1] | squarechainthetop.php |
Square Chain The Top To A Wave -- [C1] |
Square Chain Thru -- [A1] | squarechainthru.php |
Square Chain Thru To A Wave -- [C1] | toawave.php |
Square The Bases But anything -- [C1] |
Square The Bases Plus 2 -- [C4] |
Square Thru (n) -- [Basic] | squarethru.php |
Squeeze The "O" -- [C1] |
Squeeze The Butterfly -- [C1] |
Squeeze The Galaxy -- [C1] |
Squeeze The Hourglass -- [C1] | squeeze.php |
Stagger anything To A Line | Wave | normal setup -- [C2V] |
Star Thru -- [Basic] | starthru.php |
Step & Flip -- [C1] | stepandflip.php |
Step & Fold -- [C1] | stepandfold.php |
Step & Slide -- [A1] | stepandslide.php |
Step & Cross Fold -- [C4] |
Step And anything -- [C2] | stepand.php |
Stimulate (The Column) -- [C3B] | stimulate.php |
Straight Fire -- [C4] |
Stretched Diamond | Triangle CONCEPT -- [C4] |
Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B] | strut.php |
Substitute -- [C1] |
Swap The Top -- [C3A,C3B] | swapthetop.php |
Swap The Wave -- [C2] | swapthewave.php |
Swap The Windmill -- [C4] |
Swing -- [A2] | slipslideswingslither.php |
Swing The Fractions -- [C1] | swingthefractions.php |
Swing-O-Late -- [C3B] | swingolate.php |
Switch The Line -- [C1] | switchtheline.php |
Switch The Wave -- [A2] | switchthewave.php |
Switch To A Diamond -- [A2] | switchtoa.php |
Switch To An Hourglass -- [A2] | switchtoa.php |
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond -- [C1] | switchtoanild.php |
Switcheroo -- [C4] |
Tag Back (To A Wave) -- [C1] |
Tag The Line -- [Mainstream] | tagtheline.php |
Tag Your Neighbor -- [C2] |
Take {n} -- [C3B] | take.php |
Tally-Ho But anything -- [NOL] |
Tandem CONCEPT -- [C1] | tandem.php |
Tickle -- [C4] |
Tip Toe -- [C4] |
Touch -- [NOL] |
Track 2 -- [Plus] | track2.php |
Trade -- [Basic] | trade.php |
Trade Circulate -- [A2] | tradecirculate.php |
Trade Counter Rotate -- [C4] |
Trade The Deucey -- [C3A] | tradethedeucey.php |
Trade The Diamond -- [C3B] | tradethediamond.php |
Trail & Peel -- [C4] |
Trail Off -- [A2] | trailoff.php |
Trail The Deal -- [C4] |
Trail The Top -- [C4] |
Trail The Wave -- [C4] |
Trail To A Diamond -- [C2] | peeltoadiamond.php |
Trans-anything -- [C4] |
Transaction -- [C4] | transaction.php |
Transfer And anything -- [A2] | transferandanything.php |
Transfer The Column -- [A1] | transferthecolumn.php |
Trapezoid Formation -- [C3B] | trapezoid.php |
Triple Cross -- [A1] | triplecross.php |
Triple Diamond Concept -- [C3A] | triplediamond.php |
Triple Play -- [C3A] | tripleplay.php |
Triple Play Reaction -- [C3A] | anythingreaction.php |
Triple Star Thru -- [A1] | triplestarthru.php |
Triple Turn -- [C4] |
Turn & Deal -- [A1] | turnanddeal.php |
Turn & Weave -- [C4] |
Turn Over -- [C4] |
Turn The Key -- [C3B] | turnthekey.php |
Turn To A Line -- [C2] | turntoaline.php |
Turnstyle -- [C3B] | turnstyle.php |
Two-Faced CONCEPT -- [C3B] | twofaced.php |
Unwrap The Hourglass -- [C2] | unwrap.php |
Vertical Left (fraction) Tag (The Line) -- [C1V] |
Vertical Tag Back (To A Wave) -- [C1] |
Vertical Tag Your Neighbor -- [C2] |
Vertical Turn & Deal -- [C4] |
Walk & Dodge -- [Mainstream] | walkanddodge.php |
Walk Out To A Column -- [C4] |
Wave The anyone -- [C3B] | wavetheanyone.php |
Weave -- [C1] | weave.php |
Wheel And anything -- [C1] | wheeland.php |
Wheel Around -- [Basic] |
Wheel Fan & Cross Thru -- [C4] | wheelfanandcrossthru.php |
Wheel Fan Thru -- [C1] | wheelfanthru.php |
Wheel Thru -- [A1] | wheelthru.php |
With Confidence -- [C3B] | withconfidence.php |
Wrap To A formation -- [C3A] | wrap.php |
You All -- [C4] |
Zig-Zag -- [A2] | zigzag.php |
Zing Roll Circulate -- [obsolete] |
Zing-A-Ling -- [obsolete] |
Zoom Roll Circulate -- [C4] |
{i - j - k} Alter & Circulate -- [C4] |