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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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13 item(s)

 anyone Cross Kick By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Cross Kick By {n} [C4]:
From a Tidal Line in which the anyone dancers are the Very Centers. The Very Centers work toward the far End to Kick By n, not counting the other Very Center position. EN: 886

 anyone Run By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Run By {n} [C4]:
From a Line of 3 or more. Designated dancers Run past n dancers, who individually move one position toward the designated dancer's original starting position. EN: 885

 Curli-Pass -- [C4]  

Curli-Pass [C4] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From applicable formations. Those designated (or those facing) Curlique; those facing Pass Thru. This is a 2-part call. The Pass Thru usually involves an inactive dancer(s). EN: 878

 Curlique -- [C4]curlique.php  

Curlique [C4] (Clarence Watson 1961):
From Facing dancers of opposite sex (or a R-H Mini-Wave). Using Right hands, the lady places the back of her hand into the man's raised palm: Touch; man does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as lady Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the man's original starting position. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. EN: 877

 Diamond Inlet -- [C4]  

Diamond Inlet [C4]:
From Parallel Waves, 3 By 1 Lines, or other applicable formations. In-Facing Ends and adjacent do an Inlet, as Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers do a 2/3 Recycle. Ends in Twin Diamonds. Same as Outeractives (Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers) go 2/3, all Inlet. EN: 853

 Evenly CONCEPT -- [C3B]random.php  

Evenly CONCEPT [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the even-numbered parts applying any CONCEPT and the odd-numbered parts normally. EN: 838

 Fly The Coop -- [C4]  

Fly The Coop [C4] (Vic Ceder):
From Tidal Wave or Line.

  1. Very Centers Grand Cross Run (work toward the far end and cross run around everyone);
  2. Everyone Trade;
  3. Very Centers Grand Cross Run;
  4. Everyone Trade;

4-part call.

Also possible from Wave of 6.

From Point-to-Point Diamonds: 1/2 Fly The Coop EN: 956

 Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) -- [Plus]  

Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) [Plus]:
From a Wave of more than 4 dancers, Facing Lines of 3 or more, or from other applicable formations. Those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who can Right Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a Wave of more than 4 dancers. EN: 722

 Initially Concept -- [C3A]initially.php  

Initially Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the first part of the anything call applying the given CONCEPT; then do the remainder of the anything call without the given CONCEPTEN: 327

 Initially | Secondly | etc Use A(n) anything1 For A(n) anything2 -- [C4]  

Initially | Secondly | etc Use A(n) anything1 For A(n) anything2 [C4]:
Replace the given part of the anything2 call with the anything1 call. E.g., from R-H Columns: Thirdly Use An Ah So for a Swing The Fractions: all Right Arm Turn 1/4; those who can left Arm Turn 1/2; everybody Ah So; those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; all Right Arm Turn 1/4. EN: 839

 Oddly Concept -- [C3B]random.php  

Oddly Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the odd-numbered parts applying any CONCEPT and the even-numbered parts normally. EN: 837

 Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B]quadruple.php  

Quadruple formation Concept [C3B]:
Quadruple formations consist of four adjacent formations some of which have positions occupied by phantoms. Typically, the given formation is a 4-dancer formation such as a Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave. EN: 836

 Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B]reverseorder.php  

Reverse Order Concept [C3B]:
Break up the call into its component parts, and do the parts in reverse order. EN: 794
20-December-2024 11:15:27
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