Definitions Main Page | FAQ | Ceder Chest Definition Books | Multilingual | administrator |
Index --> All Levels | Basic and Mainstream | Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | Def2 |
Definitions (Text Only) --> Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | Old Calls | Experimentals |
Dancing and Studying Hints | Tagging Calls | Calls with Parts | Shape Changing | Types of Distortions |
"Z" Concept -- [C3B] | z.php |
anyone Cross Kick By {n} -- [C4] |
anyone Run By {n} -- [C4] |
anyone Tow Truck -- [C4] | towtruck.php |
anything 'Em Up -- [C3BV] | lockemup.php |
anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B] |
anything (Cross) Reactivate -- [C3B] |
anything O-Late -- [obsolete] |
anything Stimulate -- [C3BV] |
anything The Key -- [C3B] |
n Step(s) At A Time -- [C3B] | stepsatatime.php |
Boxsome CONCEPT -- [C4] |
By Golly -- [C4] | bygolly.php |
Central Concept -- [C3A] | central.php |
Change Lanes -- [C3B] | changelanes.php |
Change The Centers | Wave -- [C3B] | changethewave.php |
Change Your Image -- [C3B] | changeyourimage.php |
Contour The Line -- [C4] |
Cross Lock 'Em Up -- [C3BV] |
Cross Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B] | nuclearreaction.php |
Cross Reactivate -- [C3B] |
Cross Reset -- [C4] |
Curli-Pass -- [C4] |
Curlique -- [C4] | curlique.php |
Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything -- [C3B] | dividetheocean.php |
Fan Concept -- [C3B] | fan.php |
Fly The Coop -- [C4] |
Gruesome Twosome CONCEPT -- [C4] |
Interlocked Rally -- [C3B] | interlockedrally.php |
Lift Off -- [C3B] | liftoff.php |
Lift Off But anything -- [C3BV] |
Loop & (fraction) Tag -- [C3B] | loopandtag.php |
Magic Diamond Concept -- [C4] | magicdiamond.php |
Magic Line | Wave Concept -- [C4] | magicline.php |
Mirror Concept -- [C3B] | mirror.php |
Mirror Recycle -- [C3B] |
Mystic CONCEPT -- [C4] |
Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B] | nuclearreaction.php |
Oddly | Evenly Concept -- [C3B] | random.php |
Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept -- [C3B] | phantomclw.php |
Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B] | quadruple.php |
Reactivate -- [C3B] | reactivate.php |
Reset -- [C3B] | reset.php |
Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B] | reverseorder.php |
Reverse Stack The Line -- [C4] |
Reverse The Pass -- [C3B] | reversethepass.php |
Reverse The Top -- [C3B] | reversethetop.php |
Revolve To A Wave -- [C3B] | revolvetoawave.php |
Rip Off -- [C3B] | ripoff.php |
Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) -- [C4] | rollingripple.php |
Rotary Circulate -- [C4] | rotarycirc.php |
Short Cycle -- [C4] |
Single Shake & Rattle -- [C3BV] |
Single Shuffle -- [C4] |
Single Sidetrack -- [C3B] |
Single Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B] |
Skewsome CONCEPT -- [C4] |
Slim Down -- [C4] |
Split Phantom formations CONCEPT -- [C4] |
Split Phantom Boxes Concept -- [C3B] | splitphantomboxes.php |
Split Sidetrack -- [C3B] |
Split Split Sidetrack -- [NOL] |
Split Turn The Key -- [C3B] |
Stimulate (The Column) -- [C3B] | stimulate.php |
Stimulate But anything -- [C3BV] |
Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B] | strut.php |
Swing-O-Late -- [C3B] | swingolate.php |
Take {n} -- [C3B] | take.php |
Trade The Diamond -- [C3B] | tradethediamond.php |
Trapezoid Formation -- [C3B] | trapezoid.php |
Turn The Key -- [C3B] | turnthekey.php |
Turnstyle -- [C3B] | turnstyle.php |
Walk Out To A Column -- [C4] |
Wave The anyone -- [C3B] | wavetheanyone.php |
With Confidence -- [C3B] | withconfidence.php |