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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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 "Z" Concept -- [C3B]z.php  

"Z" Concept [C3B]:
A "Z" is a 2 x 2 that is offset by one position (e.g., the formation obtained from a Mini-Wave Box after 1/2 Press Ahead). Work in the Offset 2 x 2 and maintain the footprints. EN: 826

 anyone Cross Kick By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Cross Kick By {n} [C4]:
From a Tidal Line in which the anyone dancers are the Very Centers. The Very Centers work toward the far End to Kick By n, not counting the other Very Center position. EN: 886

 anyone Run By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Run By {n} [C4]:
From a Line of 3 or more. Designated dancers Run past n dancers, who individually move one position toward the designated dancer's original starting position. EN: 885

 anyone Tow Truck -- [C4]towtruck.php  

anyone Tow Truck [C4] (Lee Kopman):
From an applicable 2-dancer formation. Designated dancer Truck as the adjacent dancer moves into designated dancer's vacated position without changing their facing direction. The result is as if the designated dancer did a Truck while dragging the adjacent dancer. EN: 496

 anything 'Em Up -- [C3BV]lockemup.php  

anything 'Em Up [C3BV]:
Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. I.e., do the last 3/4 of a Lock 'Em Up. EN: 816

 anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]  

anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction [C3B]:
Do the anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full (Cross) Nuclear Reaction. The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. EN: 789

 anything (Cross) Reactivate -- [C3B]  

anything (Cross) Reactivate [C3B]:
Do the anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full (Cross) Reactivate. The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. EN: 759

 anything O-Late -- [obsolete]  

anything O-Late [obsolete]:
Do the anything call; Centers Spread as Ends U-Turn Back and Crossover Circulate. EN: 751

 anything Stimulate -- [C3BV]  

anything Stimulate [C3BV]:
Do the anything call; 1/2 Circulate; Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Press Ahead as Others Hinge & Grand Fan The Top (Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides move up). The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 797

 anything The Key -- [C3B]  

anything The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
Do the anything call; Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge. The anything call replaces the Trade. EN: 802

 n Step(s) At A Time -- [C3B]stepsatatime.php  

n Step(s) At A Time [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1978):
From Columns. The First n dancers Peel Off to end in a Line of n, Step Ahead as necessary to form a Concentric Line of 2n and Bend The Line of 2n as the other dancers Extend (using Circulates) to form a compact formation, Trade, and Roll. n Step(s) At A Time can be fractionalized into thirds. EN: 817

 Boxsome CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Boxsome CONCEPT [C4]:
A 2 x 2 Matrix of dancers and phantoms work as a 4-some. This concept is used from a 2n x 2m Matrix (usually 2 x 8 or 4 x 4), and is typically called as 'In Your 4 x 4 Matrix: work Boxsome...' EN: 808

 By Golly -- [C4]bygolly.php  

By Golly [C4] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From Facing Couples. This call must be preceded by a call which can be followed by a Sweep 1/4. Those closest to the flow direction Sweep 1/4 as the others Dodge and Any Shoulder Wheel Thru. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 747

 Central Concept -- [C3A]central.php  

Central Concept [C3A] (Bill Heimann):
Do the Centers part of the anything call. If the starting formation is a 2 x 4 and if the Centers part of the anything call can be done from either a 1 x 4 or a 2 x 2 (e.g., Counter or Detour), then work in the 2 x 2. For this case, the caller should specify in which setup the dancers are to do the call (e.g., Each Wave do a Central Counter). EN: 795

 Change Lanes -- [C3B]changelanes.php  

Change Lanes [C3B] (Kip Garvey):
From Parallel Lines with the Centers in a Mini-Wave Box or from other applicable formations. Centers Any Hand Remake & Spread as Ends Circulate & Crossover Circulate. Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines. EN: 744

 Change The Centers | Wave -- [C3B]changethewave.php  

Change The Centers | Wave [C3B] (Dot Butler a Jerry Salisbury 1968):
From a Wave or Facing Couples.
Change The Centers: Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; Slip.
Change The Wave: Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; Swing.
Both calls end in a Wave and are 4-part calls.
 EN: 770

 Change Your Image -- [C3B]changeyourimage.php  

Change Your Image [C3B] (Dave Hodson a Lee Kopman 1979):
From a 2 x 4. Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as the Ends Split Circulate twice. Parallel Lines or Columns end in Columns; T-Bones end in various formations. Change Your Image is a 2-part call and can be fractionalized into quarters. EN: 785

 Contour The Line -- [C4]  

Contour The Line [C4]:
From a Generalized Line. Hinge; Box Circulate twice; Hinge. Ends in a Wave or Inverted Line. This is a 4-part call. EN: 780

 Cross Lock 'Em Up -- [C3BV]  

Cross Lock 'Em Up [C3BV]:
Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. EN: 815

 Cross Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]nuclearreaction.php  

Cross Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
Same as Nuclear Reaction except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with the diagonally-facing outside dancers. EN: 788

 Cross Reactivate -- [C3B]  

Cross Reactivate [C3B]:
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Same as Reactivate, except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with the diagonally-facing Outside dancers. Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines. EN: 758

 Cross Reset -- [C4]  

Cross Reset [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box. 1/2 Cross Zoom (Leaders Trail Off as Trailers 1/2 Circulate); Hinge; 1/2 Cross Zoom; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 805

 Curli-Pass -- [C4]  

Curli-Pass [C4] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From applicable formations. Those designated (or those facing) Curlique; those facing Pass Thru. This is a 2-part call. The Pass Thru usually involves an inactive dancer(s). EN: 878

 Curlique -- [C4]curlique.php  

Curlique [C4] (Clarence Watson 1961):
From Facing dancers of opposite sex (or a R-H Mini-Wave). Using Right hands, the lady places the back of her hand into the man's raised palm: Touch; man does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as lady Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the man's original starting position. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. EN: 877

 Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything -- [C3B]dividetheocean.php  

Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From a Generalized Tidal Line. Outside 4 Cast Off 3/4 and Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag (if Ocean) or Cross Concentric Vertical Left 1/2 Tag (if Sea) as the others Hinge, Partner Tag, Press Ahead, and individually turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the anything call. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 760

 Fan Concept -- [C3B]fan.php  

Fan Concept [C3B]:
The Fan CONCEPT is used on calls which begin with an Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing) followed by a Centers Cast Off 3/4. Omit the initial Arm Turn 1/2 and do the given call. EN: 784

 Fly The Coop -- [C4]  

Fly The Coop [C4] (Vic Ceder):
From Tidal Wave or Line.

  1. Very Centers Grand Cross Run (work toward the far end and cross run around everyone);
  2. Everyone Trade;
  3. Very Centers Grand Cross Run;
  4. Everyone Trade;

4-part call.

Also possible from Wave of 6.

From Point-to-Point Diamonds: 1/2 Fly The Coop EN: 956

 Gruesome Twosome CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Gruesome Twosome CONCEPT [C4]:
Usually from a 2 x 8. Same as Phantom Couples Twosome working in Parallel Waves. Also known as Couples Twosome Phantom Waves. EN: 807

 Interlocked Rally -- [C3B]interlockedrally.php  

Interlocked Rally [C3B]:
From a Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. Outsides Rally as the Centers Step And Cross Fold (Interlocked Little) and Peel & Trail. A Generalized 1/4 Line ends in a Tidal Line. This is a 2-part call for the Centers. EN: 777

 Lift Off -- [C3B]liftoff.php  

Lift Off [C3B] (Ron Schneider a Lee Kopman 1976):
From a Static Set with two opposite couples Facing Out or from the 2 x 4 formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru. Leaders As Couples 1/4 Right as others Left Dodge; Belles Distorted Box Circulate; As Couples Extend; Couples Circulate. Ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 765

 Lift Off But anything -- [C3BV]  

Lift Off But anything [C3BV]:
Replace Couples Circulate with the anything call. EN: 768

 Loop & (fraction) Tag -- [C3B]loopandtag.php  

Loop & (fraction) Tag [C3B] (Emanuel Duming 1972):
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Peel The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 820

 Magic Diamond Concept -- [C4]magicdiamond.php  

Magic Diamond Concept [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Twin Diamonds. A Magic Diamond is a Distorted Diamond in which the Centers of one Diamond work with the points of the other Diamond. EN: 776

 Magic Line | Wave Concept -- [C4]magicline.php  

Magic Line | Wave Concept [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Parallel Lines | Waves. A Magic Line | Wave is a Distorted Line | Wave in which the Ends of one Line work with the Centers of the other Line. EN: 800

 Mirror Concept -- [C3B]mirror.php  

Mirror Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
The Mirror CONCEPT is accomplished by executing the definition of the given call and replacing: Right with Left and vice-versa; and Beau with Belle and vice-versa. EN: 781

 Mirror Recycle -- [C3B]  

Mirror Recycle [C3B]:
From Facing Couples. Belles Extend and Left-Face U-Turn Back as Beaus Dodge into the Belle's original starting position and Veer Right. Ends in a L-H Wave. Historically known as Reverse RecycleEN: 782

 Mystic CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Mystic CONCEPT [C4]:
Center 4 work Mirror as the Outer 4 work normal, and all do the given call. If the call involves the Centers eventually working with the original Outsides, then the completion of the call procedes in a normal manner (i.e., the original Centers no longer work Mirror). In this case, it would be better if the caller said Initially MysticEN: 783

 Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]nuclearreaction.php  

Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are directly facing an outside dancer. Very Centers and directly-facing outside dancers Pass Thru; Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread to become Ends of Lines as the Others Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; all Counter Rotate 1/4. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 787

 Oddly | Evenly Concept -- [C3B]random.php  

Oddly | Evenly Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Oddly: Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the odd-numbered parts working any Concept and the even-numbered parts normally.
Evenly: Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the even-numbered parts working any Concept and the odd-numbered parts normally.
 EN: 811

 Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept -- [C3B]phantomclw.php  

Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept [C3B] (Keith Gulley 1977):
From a 4 x 4 Matrix, visualized as 4 adjacent Columns | Lines | Waves. Inside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a 2 x 4 Matrix as the Outside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a (Disconnected) 2 x 4 Matrix. EN: 803

 Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B]quadruple.php  

Quadruple formation Concept [C3B]:
Quadruple formations consist of four adjacent formations some of which have positions occupied by phantoms. Typically, the given formation is a 4-dancer formation such as a Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave. EN: 836

 Reactivate -- [C3B]reactivate.php  

Reactivate [C3B]:
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Very Centers and directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 around the outside; Center 6 Trade; Very Outsides and the Very Centers Phantom Hourglass Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines (if dancers come to the same spot). EN: 757

 Reset -- [C3B]reset.php  

Reset [C3B] (Keith Gulley a Russ McGowan):
From a Mini-Wave Box (or other applicable 2 x 2 if fractionalized). 1/2 Zoom; Hinge; 1/2 Zoom; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Reset is a 4-part call. EN: 804

 Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B]reverseorder.php  

Reverse Order Concept [C3B]:
Break up the call into its component parts, and do the parts in reverse order. EN: 794

 Reverse Stack The Line -- [C4]  

Reverse Stack The Line [C4]:
From applicable 2 x 2. All 1/4 In; original Trailers move ahead to the dancer in front of them and join R-H as others adjust sideways as necessary to end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 916

 Reverse The Pass -- [C3B]reversethepass.php  

Reverse The Pass [C3B] (Carl Rund 1972):
From Tandem Couples. Leaders Trade; all Pass Thru; Original Trailers Trade. Ends in Tandem Couples. EN: 772

 Reverse The Top -- [C3B]reversethetop.php  

Reverse The Top [C3B] (Holman Hudspeth):
From a Wave, Facing Couples, or other applicable formations. Fan The Top; Swing. Ends in a Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 814

 Revolve To A Wave -- [C3B]revolvetoawave.php  

Revolve To A Wave [C3B] (Jim Davis 1979):
From a non T-Bone 2 x 2. Trailers do their part of a Facing Recycle as the Leaders (as one movement) do their part of a Mini-Chase and Hinge. Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 823

 Rip Off -- [C3B]ripoff.php  

Rip Off [C3B] (Kip Garvey 1975):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders do a Beaus Run, Belles Zoom as Trailers do a Beaus Walk, Belles Dodge. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 813

 Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) -- [C4]rollingripple.php  

Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) [C4] (Lee Kopman 1984):
From a Line or Alamo Ring. Designated dancer Ripple the first given number; new dancer occupying designated dancer's original starting position Ripple the next given number; repeat part 2 for each additional given number. EN: 677

 Rotary Circulate -- [C4]rotarycirc.php  

Rotary Circulate [C4] (Willard Orlich):
From Parallel Waves. Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate, Circulate twice, and do the last half of a Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Hinge, Box Circulate twice, Hinge, and Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 779

 Short Cycle -- [C4]  

Short Cycle [C4] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From a Wave. As one movement, Centers U-Turn Back by turning away from the Center of the Wave; Couples Hinge. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 822

 Single Shake & Rattle -- [C3BV]  

Single Shake & Rattle [C3BV]:
From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers. Leaders Single Shakedown (Right Roll To A Wave and Roll) as Trailers Single Reverse Split Swap (Touch and 1/4 Out). EN: 743

 Single Shuffle -- [C4]  

Single Shuffle [C4] (Willard Orlich):
From a Couple. 1/2 of a Half Sashay. I.e., the Beau sidesteps behind the Belle as the Belle sidesteps in front of the Beau. Ends in Tandem dancers. EN: 923

 Single Sidetrack -- [C3B]  

Single Sidetrack [C3B]:
From a 1 x 4 Column. Zig-Zag; Lockit (i.e., Counter Rotate with respect to the 1 x 4); Roll. Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru. EN: 791

 Single Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B]  

Single Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From a Single Double Pass Thru, a Single R-H 1/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. Centers Pass Thru, Single Right|Left Turn To A Line and Spread as the others Step Ahead and Single Veer Right|Left. Usually ends in a Wave or Line. EN: 825

 Skewsome CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Skewsome CONCEPT [C4] (Vic Ceder 1989):
Diagonal dancers work as a Twosome. EN: 809

 Slim Down -- [C4]  

Slim Down [C4]:
From any 2 x 4 or other applicable formation. Without turning, Centers move one position toward the nearest unoccupied outside position as Outsides move one position toward the center. Everyone does either a sidestep right, sidestep left, step forward, or step backward. From Columns, Slim Down is the same as SpreadEN: 905

 Split Phantom formations CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Split Phantom formations CONCEPT [C4]:
From a Phantom Formation consisting of 16 spots. Divide the 16-spot formation into four sub-formations of 4 spots each. Do this by drawing an imaginary circle around each sub-formation. The circles should not intersect, and the orientation of the 4 circles should be in a straight line, such as ABCD where A, B, C, and D each represent a group of four spots. EN: 775

 Split Phantom Boxes Concept -- [C3B]splitphantomboxes.php  

Split Phantom Boxes Concept [C3B]:
From a 2 x 8 Matrix. Split the 2 x 8 Matrix into two 2 x 4 Matrices. Work in the 2 x 4 on each side. EN: 774

 Split Sidetrack -- [C3B]  

Split Sidetrack [C3B]:
From a 2 x 4 or 1 x 8 Column. Zig-Zag; Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. EN: 790

 Split Split Sidetrack -- [NOL]  

Split Split Sidetrack [NOL]:
From appropriate formations. Split the setup twice to work with one other dancer (who must be in your Generalized Tandem position). Zig-Zag; Hinge (i.e., Counter Rotate with respect to the 1 x 2); Roll. EN: 792

 Split Turn The Key -- [C3B]  

Split Turn The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
Working Split do a Turn The Key (i.e., Trade; Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge). EN: 801

 Stimulate (The Column) -- [C3B]stimulate.php  

Stimulate (The Column) [C3B] (1976):
From Columns. Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Press Ahead as Others Hinge & Grand Fan The Top (Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides move up). Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 796

 Stimulate But anything -- [C3BV]  

Stimulate But anything [C3BV]:
Centers replace the final Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. EN: 798

 Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B]strut.php  

Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From a Double Pass Thru or a R-H 1/4 Tag. Centers Pass Thru, Right | Left Turn To A Line and Spread to become #1 (Very End) and #3 in a Tidal Line as others Step Ahead and Veer Right | Left to become #2 and #4 in a Tidal Line. EN: 824

 Swing-O-Late -- [C3B]swingolate.php  

Swing-O-Late [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971):
From Parallel Waves, Eight Chain Thru, or a Thar. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Trade and Spread as Ends U-Turn Back and Crossover Circulate. Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 750

 Take {n} -- [C3B]take.php  

Take {n} [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From Back-to-Back Lines. The n dancers on the right-hand side of each Line do a 'Shakedown ' movement (1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, and Roll) and adjust to end in Concentric Facing Lines of n as the others 1/4 Right and Step Ahead to join hands creating a compact symmetric formation. EN: 767

 Trade The Diamond -- [C3B]tradethediamond.php  

Trade The Diamond [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From Parallel Lines or a Generalized Thar. Trade The Deucey; Centers Hinge; Diamond Circulate; Centers Hinge. Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines. Trade The Diamond is a 4-part call. EN: 753

 Trapezoid Formation -- [C3B]trapezoid.php  

Trapezoid Formation [C3B]:
A Trapezoid is a Distorted 2 x 2 that can be formed from a normal 2 x 2 after any two adjacent dancers each move a distance of one matrix position directly away from each other. From a 2 x 4, there are two Trapezoids. The Ends of one side work with the Centers of the other side within a Distorted Box. EN: 749

 Turn The Key -- [C3B]turnthekey.php  

Turn The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
From applicable formations. Trade; Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge. Ends in various formations. Turn The Key is a 3-part call. EN: 799

 Turnstyle -- [C3B]turnstyle.php  

Turnstyle [C3B] (Bill Shymkus 1969):
From applicable 4-dancer (and 8-dancer) formations. Centers (Touch, if necessary, and) Cast Off 3/4 as Ends 1/4 Right. EN: 793

 Walk Out To A Column -- [C4]  

Walk Out To A Column [C4] (Lee Kopman 1987):
(not related to Walk Out To A Wave) From Parallel Waves. Trailing Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as Trailing Ends Circulate & Fold as Leaders do a Disconnected Single Wheel with each other (to end behind the Trailing Center from their Wave) & Press Ahead to become Centers of Columns. EN: 896

 Wave The anyone -- [C3B]wavetheanyone.php  

Wave The anyone [C3B] (Lee Kopman):
From Eight Chain Thru, from the formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru, or from other applicable formations. Press Ahead; Outsides do their part of designated dancer Kick Off as Centers have the designated dancer Walk and the others Dodge. Ends in various formations. Wave The anyone is a 2-part call. EN: 762

 With Confidence -- [C3B]withconfidence.php  

With Confidence [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem, or from other applicable formations. Centers Hinge and the Very Centers Hinge as the Ends 1/2 Circulate; those as a Couple step forward to become Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines as the others have the Centers U-Turn Back (by turning away from each other) and do your part of a Couples Hinge. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 821

 {n}-some (or 1 By {n}-some) -- [C4]  

{n}-some (or 1 By {n}-some) [C4]:
(where n is usually 3 or 4): n dancers, who must be relatively close to each other (having no other dancers between them) and facing toward the same direction, work as a unit following the rules for Twosome. EN: 810
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